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Showing posts with label sad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sad. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2023

With whom should I share my sorrow? a poem by R.A. Jacob

With whom should I share my sorrow?
They will hit me hard, 
If I bury it in my heart,
It will turn into a graveyard.

From heart to graveyard,

I am witnessing the change,

The world has fallen apart.

Once I too had a heart.

Dwellers of the unmarked grave

Why do seek love,
Love is long dead in that grave,
You remember that unmarked grave,
Grave where your parents lie,

One day you will be with them,

However hard you may try,

Oh, dwellers of the unmarked grave,

My life is almost gone.

You may be resting in your grave,

I am almost gone,

Only a grave is missing,

The rest is all just gone.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Another idol broke


a poem by R.A. Jacob

Another idol broke,

Another ideal died,

I thought it was solid,

Until I had tried

Why did I Try,

I should have known it for sure,

Phoney is the trend of the age,

Gold is always just a trace.

In this world, beauty is skin deep,

Heavyweights are featherweights,

So-called light don’t even have a trace,

Yet all of us have a face.

We face each other,

We look for worth,

Yet we find it rarely,

For it’s in dearth.

You look at me, 

I look at you,

You see yourself,

I see myself

We hide our feelings,

We hide all trash,

If ever it is opened,

We are all bound to crash.

In life many a time it so happens that people whom we adore fall short and fall from their position in our hearts and it hurts us beyond our expectations. 

IT’S a fact dead decay very fast

IT’S a fact dead decay very fast

a poem by R.A. Jacob

 IT’S a fact dead decay very fast,
Three days will make things foul,
Thirty days without burial,
Ravens will me devour.

Don’t make me a pickle,
I am a human, who breathes,
You may call it management, 
Yet under your decisions, I reel.

For the betterment of the institution,
A human should die,
The temple of learning, 
Requires a priest to be sacrificed.

I have learnt in this temple,
The fundamental rule of life, 
Do not be over-concerned, 
Or you will pay with your life.

If students are wrong, 
Just close your eyes,
They are your ultimate employers,
If they complain it means, demise.

I wrote this poem when I was in Prabhu Dayal Public School.I was told to leave the job and was given one month's notice and in this one month period I had to continue to teach the students 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Paris I weep with you

 God has got so many followers,

God must be wondering for sure,

Why do they kill in my name,

All my sons for sure.

I made each one of you,

Why can't they understand,

Who are you to judge,

When will they understand?

You kill people in God's name,

Who authorised you to kill my sons,

I am God who controls all,

Your deeds I will judge.

Judge not lest you be judged,

He is Lord of all,

You just mend your ways,

He is all in all.

Your parting shadow looms so large

 Your parting shadow looms so large,

No light on it can prevail,

Ye shattered my sentiments in pieces,

Ye have darkened all my domain.

I brought choice flowers to adore thee,

Ye choose to crush the same,

I employed all my talents to adore thee,

Ye consider it to be a shame.

I Lament the fact I adored thee,

I lament I gave you my heart,

Sweet were the smiles deception,

Hard thy heart sweetheart.

A sweet poison, sweet venom,

Ye paralyzed all my life,

Ye ate away my happiness,

Penalizing me for life.

We're those sweet smiles deception,

Maybe that is your style,

I fell prey to thy  bullets,

That is a part of thy smile.

Maybe to you, it was a frolic,

A fact to boost, another  prey,

Yet thy wounded remains wounded,

Even unto this day.

William Willis Hi there Reginold, seems like a bit of sorcery going on here and not for the betterment of yourself. I wince at "I brought choice flowers to adore thee, Ye choose to crush the same, I employed all my talents to adore thee, Ye consider it to be a shame." Strong put down dear sir. I will forever pray for a better day for you and hopefully, she will see the love and not resentment in your eyes.

They are making fun of my grief

 They are making fun of my grief,

Saying you appear so tense,

They know the reality,

They are the ones who pretend,

My condition is that of a lizard,

Half dead and half alive,

People like ants are biting,

As I am being robbed of my life.

Pain is so much I can't express,

What if these ants also bite, 


Anyway, I am to be robbed of life.

Eat me away, Eat me alive,

Everybody has an appetite,

Anyway, I am of some use,

Whether dead or alive.

Note:- This poem was written way back in 2005. Today I thank God for bringing me out of it all. Yes, dear friends, pain is always unbearable. Yet God gives us the grace to bear it all.

Friday, March 11, 2022

I hide my feelings as people hide gold

 I hide my feelings as people hide gold

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I hide my feelings as people hide gold

I bury my disappointment too deep,

Yet my buried disappointments,

From myself, I cannot conceive.

I know the place where I stand,

I know my wounds do stink,

Yet to the world a smile,

Yet to the world, I am pink.

I wear my smile as I wear my tie,

As I undress, I am just the same,

Smile millennium  away from me,

Sorrow my perpetual domain.

You stand as an edifice of my sorrow,

The stone that crushed my heart,

I need no sympathy from inanimate,

Stones are meant to be hard.

It was a blunder that I loved you,

I expecting blood out of stone,

See my hope is shattered,

My heart in pieces is blown.

Don't it show me the sea,

When does it is my life,

Don't show me the water,

See my tongue is dry.

In my life water is fiction,

Found in dreams nowhere on earth,

Thirsty tongue for a droplet,

Red hot my heart as a hearth.

Note - Written in 1997

Friday, July 10, 2020

Unhappy, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Happiness shouldn't ever come to me,
It always leaves me alas,
Why should the transient,
Rob me at last.

Sadness is perpetual;
It always stands,
Next to me holding my hand,
As my guard, it stands.

Loyal strong always sure,
Guarding its victim,
From shore to shore,
I have no power for sure.

No need to guard me,
I can't ever escape,
I have lost all hope,
You shall be with me at last

I thought, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I thought

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I thought they didn't love me,
Of late did I realize,
All such assumptions were false,
World love's like this all.

It loves the post,
Person's are immaterial as I find,
Don't take all things to heart,
Why should the blind lead the blind?

Love the Lord, oh my soul,
His love is perfect every time,
This world may forsake you one day,
His love is here to stay.

Till the time you bank on human love,
Failure and frustrations will abide,
The day you turn to the Lord,
Your life will turn into wine.

I am the vine you are the branch,
Severed from Me you are nothing apart,
Be fruitful and multiply,
Try my soul, thy Saviour try.

R. A. Jacob

Sunday, October 30, 2016

She asked me

She asked me

a poem by R.A. Jacob

If Tsunami came to my shore,
I told her it came and went away,
She asked what did it take away,
I had no answer anyway .

It has taken away life,
Stones are intact as I found,
Once this land had humans,
Now only carcasses abounds.

It came as an unwarranted act,
It came and went away,
Disaster occurred in one go,
Corpse are here to stay.

It will take time to clean up,
Maybe nearly a month,
Things will be better,
But some won't ever be heard.

Note: This poem was written in 2005 when I lost my job at Prabhu Dayal public school . The person who asked me the same knew what had happened yet I wonder why did she ask that question.
One should learn not to hurt the person who has already been shattered.

Wednesday, July 6, 1994

Yesterday I lost my heart, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Yesterday I lost my heart
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Yesterday I lost my heart,
Today never dawns on me,
Years have passed since that yesterday
Today I can't even see.

Shattered two pieces beyond repair,
I am gathering myself since an age,
Alas, this shattered self,
I surely cannot face.

Don't tread on this land I Pray thee,
See here all fragments lies,
Your steps shall crush them further
One step more and I shall die.

Pass by, pass by, I pray thee,
Don't waste your time I say,
Marble hides filth below it,
Pass by, pass by, pass by, I pray

Tuesday, January 25, 1994

My hands are tied, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My hands are tied

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My hands are tied,
Play the violin on my throat,
I am tied for sacrifice,
As if I am a goat.

Play all melodies,
Play them on my throat,
I am tired due to economics,
I am a helpless goat.

One more prey in the web,
Suck my blood as you like,
I have no power to resist,
Suck me as you like.

Hurt me with strokes of language,
Beat me with discouragement hundred times,
No power in me to resist,
Slice me as you like.

Let me learn from defeat
Let me learn as Man despise,
Even though they consider me worthless,
Yet for me, he paid the price.

Most worthless of humans,
Yes loved by my Lord,
It is sufficient,
In thee, I have all.

Note this poem talks about a situation in which the poet is rejected by all yet he finds his solace in the Lord. This poem was written on the 25th of January 1994

Tuesday, December 7, 1993

Defeat I wear you, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Oh Defeat I wear you

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Oh, Defeat I wear you,
As the earth wears the sky,
I am in thy web,
Though in anguish I cry.

In the world of success,
I am an Unborn child,
I have lost the battle,
Before I could fight.

My strength faileth,
At the time of need,
Before the advent of disaster,
I am on my knees.

I have not seen weakling,
Like me before,
Who has failure and failure,
On all his shores.

Note:- this poem was written by me on the 7th of December 1993. I am very happy now by His grace.

Friday, May 7, 1993

Thy parting shadow looms so large, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The parting shadow looms so large

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The parting shadow looms so large,
No light on it can prevail,
Ye shutter my sentiments in pieces,
Ye have declined all my domain. 

I brought choice flowers to adore thee, 
You chose to crush the same,
I employed all my talent to adore thee,
Yet ye considered it's fruit to be a shame.

I lament the fact I adored thee,
I lament for I gave you my heart, 
Sweet were thy  smiles deception,
Hard thy heart sweetheart.

A sweet poison, sweet venom,
 Ye paralyzed all my life,
Ye ate away all my happiness,
Penalizing me for life.

Maybe for you, it was a frolic,
A fact to boast of another prey, 
Yet the wounded lies wounded forever,
Wounded even to this day.

Monday, November 16, 1992

Ye make these Ashes to burn, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Ye make these ashes to burn my dear,
Ye make this human to yearn
Ye make me strive for a goal,
Which I can't ever earn.

If it was something impossible
I'm sure I would have won it for you,
Yet winning thy hearts castle
My love I can't ever do.

Doors of thy castle are closed on me
I've waited, since an age,
These doors are as good as steep walls,
For they won't ever deviate.

I turn from human to ashes
From plant to dried out bush
This body now remains lifeless
For my heart my love ye took.

Ash and ash is all that I find,
There's no sign of life anywhere
Yet even these ashes will come to life,
If only my love ye care.

Learn the art of forgiveness

Learn the art of forgiveness, Even if it be from your cross, Christ pleaded forgiveness, Right up from the Cross. Live and let live,was to H...