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Showing posts with label India People and Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India People and Economy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

India - People and Economy class XII Question Bank

Chapter 3 India Human Development Class12

*Chapter 3 (With Page Number)*

One mark questions 

1. Name the state of India with highest literary rate as 2011 census.Delhi 2016 (P-29)
2. Which state of India has its highest tank in human development index HDI value?All India 2014 (P-29)
3. Which state of India has the lowest females literacy rate? DELHI 2013 (Rajasthan according to the table given on P-27)
4. Define the term ‘poverty’ Delhi 2013 (P-26)
5. Which state of India has the lowest
literacy rate? Mention its literacy rate also.Delhi 2008 (P-28)
6. Name the 2 states of India which have less than 5% of the population below poverty line.DELHI 2009 (According to our latest edition, there is no state in India which has less than 5% of the population below poverty line. However Goa ranks best with least poverty of 5.09%) P-26
7. What is the rank of India in human development index among the countries of the world in 2005? DELHI 2008 (P-25)
   5 mark questions 
8. ‘Development is general and human development in particular is a complex concept used in social science’ justify the statement with suitable arguments Hots delhi 2015 (P-30)
9. Define the term ‘ human development ‘ . Why is it necessary? Explain any 4 reasons. DELHI 2011 (P-24)
10. What is human development? Explain with examples 2 major factor which have casual spatial variations in the levels of human development among the major states of India.Delhi 2010 (P-24 & 29)

Friday, December 16, 2022

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS INDIA Chapter 4 (with page no.)

 Chapter 4  (with page no.)

1 mark questions 

1. How is the level of urbanisation measured in india. Delhi 2015 pg-35

2. What 2 factors mostly helped in development of ancient towns in india? Delhi 2015 pg-34

3. Give any 2 examples of ancient towns of india. Delhi 2014 pg-34

4. Give any examples or ancient historical towns in bihar. All india 2014 pg-34

5. Give any 2 examples of mining towns in india. Delhi 2013 pg-36

6. Give any meaning of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2013 pg-33

7. Name any 2 metropolitan cities of andhra pradesh. Delhi 2012 pg-35

8. Give the meaning of human settlement pg-32

9. Name thé metropolitan city of Karnataka state as per 2001 census. Delhi 2011 pg-37

10. Which class of cities has the highest percentage of urban population in india? Delhi 2010 pg-36

11. Which class of cities has the largest number of towns and cities in india? All india 2010 pg-36

12. Name the largest metropolitan city of uttar pradesh. Write its population according to census 2001. Delhi 2009 pg-37

13. Name the largest metropolitan city of madhya pradhesh. What was its population according to censes 2001. All india 2009 pg-37

14. What is the meaning of rural settlement . All india 2008 pg-32

   3 mark questions 

15. Many of the modern towns in india were developed during the period of British. Explain in brief. Delhi 2016 pg-34

16. Differentiate between ‘hamleted’ and ‘dispersal’ rural settlement of india. Delhi 2016 pg-33

17. What makes rural settlement different from urban settlement in india. Explain. Delhi 2015 pg-32

18. Explain any 3 physical factor responsible for different types of rural settlement in india. Delhi 2015 pg-33

19. What are metropolitan cities and mega cities? Give 2 examples of each of metropolitan cities and mega cities from india. Delhi 2015 pg-35, 36

20. Explain any 3 characteristics of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2015 pg-33

21. Explain any 3 features if semi clustered rural settlements of india. All india 2015 pg-33

22. Give the meaning of ‘dispersed settlement’. Explain any two reasons for the development of such settlement in india. Delhi 2014 pg-33

23. What are ancient towns. ? Give four examples if ancient towns of india. Delhi 2012 pg-34

24. Explain the evolution of town in India in 3 points. All india 2012 pg-34

25. Explain any 4 factors that determine the type of rural settlements in india . Delhi 2011 pg-33

26. Name any 3 factors that determine the clustered or compact rural settlement in india. All india 2011 pg-33

27. Distinguished between clustered and dispersed rural settlement of india by stating 3 points of distinctions of each . All india 2008 pg-33

Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Chapter 8 (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Name thé 2 rivers that provide water to tata iron and steel company. (Delhi 2013) Pg-87

2. Which state of india has the largest number of cotton mills. (Delhi 2011) Ans: Tamil Nadu

3. What was the main reason for establishing the first cotton textile mills in mumbai. 

(Delhi 2010) Pg-91

 4. Name the iron and steel planted located in chattisgarh. (All India 2010) 

ANS: Bhilai Steel plant

3 marks questions

5. Explain the role of power and raw material in the location of heavy industrial in india.

(All India 2017,Delhi 2014) Pg-86

6. Explain the role or market and transport  in the location of industries. (Delhi 2013) Pg-86

7. Explain any 3 locational factors which helped in the development of Gujarat industrial region. (All India 2013) Pg-101

8. Explain the significance of iron and steel industry of india giving 3 points. 

(All India 2012) Pg-87

9. Explain why are the iron and steel plants located near the source of raw materials in india. (All India 2012) Pg-86

10. Explain any 3 major objectives of the new industrial policy of india which was announced in 1991. (Delhi 2011) Pg-96

11. Explain any 3 factors which have helped in the development of Hugli industrial region. 

(All India 2008) Pg-100

12. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Mumbai-Pune industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

13. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Banglore-Chennai industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

  5 marks questions

15. Mention any 4 objectives of the new industrial policy, 1991 of india. Describe the role of globalisation in the achiveing these objectives. (All india 2017) Pg-96

16. Explain with examples any 5 geographical factors that affect location at a particular place in india. 

(All india 2011,2017,Delhi 2008) Pg-86

Migration : Type Causes and Consequences ch2 deleted

 Chapter 2 (With Page Number)

1 mark questions 

1. Why do people’s migrate in large number from rural to urban areas in india? 

All india 2015 (P - 19)

2. Name the ‘ urban agglomeration’ having thé highest share if immigrant population.  All india 2014 (P- 18)

3. Name the process of migration from the plain areas to pastures on mountains during summer and again mountain pastures to main areas during winters . All india 2010 (Book 1 P-33)

4. Which stream of migration id dominated by male migrants in india?

    Delhi 2008 (P-17)

3 mark questions 

5. Explain the causes of migration of unskilled migrants from rural to urban areas in india and their sufferings . All india 2015 (P- 19 & 20)

6. Explain the main reason for the migration of males and females separately in india. All india 2014 (P-20)

7. Explain any 3 push factors which compel the people to migrate from one are to another area in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

8. Why do people migrate? State the four streams of migration in india. All india 2012 (P-17&19)

9. Describe in brief the consequences of migration in india. Delh 2009 (P-20)

  5 mark questions 

10. How is migration a response to the uneven distribution of opportunities over a space? Explain thé economic consequences of migration in india. All india 2017 (P-20)

11. Explain with examples any 3 environmental consequences of migration of people in india. Delhi 2016 (P-21)

12. Examine the economic and social consequences of migration in india . All india 2016 (P-20)

13. Define the term migration. Explain any 2 economic and 2 demographic consequences of migration in india. All india 2015 (P-20)

14. Define the term migration. Explain the social and environment consequences of migration in india. Delhi 2014 (P-20)

15. Explain any 5 push factors that cause migration in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

16. What is migration?  Explain any 4 factors responsible for the migration of people in india. Delhi 2010 (P-19)

17. What is migration? What are the 4 streams of migration in india? Write main features of each. All india 2008 (P-17)

Population: Distribution Density Growth and Composition ch1 class12

CHAPTER 1 (With Page Number)

One mark questions 

1. Name the state of india with largest area. All India 2016 ( Rajasthan)
2. Name the union territory of induan having lowest density of population as per 2011 census . DELHI 2016 (P-3)
3. Define the term ‘population distribution’. DELHI 2015 (Book 1 P-8)
4. How is density of population of a region is calculated ? All india 2015 (Book 1 P-9)
5. Who are the ‘ marginal workers in india’?ALL INDIA 2014 (P-11)
6. Mention any 2 causes of the negative growth rate of population in India during (1911-21)DELHI 2013 (P-7)
7. What is the density of population if india according to 2011 census? DELHI 2013 (P-3)
8. According to census which state if india having the highest density of population and also mention its density. DELHI 2009 (P-3)
9. Which age group of population indicates the largest working population?ALL INDIA 2008 (Book 1 P-18)
 3 mark questions

10. What is the main thrust of the national youth policy of govt of india 2003? ALL INDIA 2016 (P-8) (it’s NYP - 2014 now, as given in our book)
11. ‘The decades 1951-81 are referred to as the period of population explosion in india’ explain the statement by giving 3 reasons .ALL INDIA 2014 (P-7)
12. Explain any 6 causes for the stagnation growth of india’s population from 1901 to 1921. ALL INDIA 2014,11 (P-7)
13. Explain the main aspects of the ‘ national youth policy ‘ of government of india launched in 2003.ALL INDIA 2014 (P-8)
14. Which are the two main components of population growth in india? Describe the main feature of each component.DELHI 2009 (P-5)
15. Explain the specific distribution of population density in india. ALL INDIA 2009 (P-3)
16. Which are the 3 groups or indian population acc to economic status ? Explain the main characteristics or each group.DELHI 2008 (P-11)
     5 mark questions 

17. ‘An uneven distribution of population suggests a close relationship between population and physical and socio economic factors’ support the statement with suitable examples. ALL INDIA 2017 (P-3)
18. What is density of population? Describe the spatial variations of population density in india. DELHI 2015 (P-3)
19. What is the source of population data in india? Explain the distribution of population in india .DELHI 2015 (P-1)
20. Define the term ‘ growth of population’z describe the third phase of growth of population in india.ALL INDIA 2015 (P-5 & 7)
21. What is population doubling time? Explain the characteristics of the growth of population in india in phase 1 and phase 2 .ALL INDIA 2015 (P- 5 & 7)
22. Why has population of india been increasing steadily in period of 1931-51? Explain any 3 reasons.Delhi 2014 ( P- 7)
23. Explain with example the occupational structure of india’s population.DELHI 2011 ( P - 11)

Water Resource Ch6 India People and Economy Q XII

 Chapter 6 (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Mention any 2 sources of water pollution in india. (Delhi 2015) Pg-66

2. Define the watershed management. (All india 2014 ) Pg-67

3. Which is the main sources of waterborne disease in india. (All india 2014,09) Pg-65/66

4. Name any 2 natural sources of water pollution. (Delhi 2012) Pg-65/66

5. Which river basin of india has the highest percentage of replenishable utilisation of groundwater resources. (Delhi 2010) ANS: GANGA

6. Which sector uses most of the surface and groundwater in india. (Delhi 2010) 

ANS: Agriculture

7. Mention any 2 cumulative activities responsible for water pollution in india. 

(Delhi 2009) Pg-66

8. What is the main reason of degradation of the quality of water in india. (Delhi 2008) Pg-65

9. Which are the 2 polluted stretches of river ganga in UP? (All india 2008) Pg-66

  3 marks questions

10. How has rain water harvesting helped in the development of certain areas in india? Explain with examples . (All india 2016) Pg-67,69

11. What is conversation of water resources necessary. Explain any 3 reasons . 

(Delhi 2015) Pg-65 

12. How do industries pollute india’s water bodies? Explain with examples. 

(Delhi 2015) Pg-66

13. Analyse thé economic and social values of rain water harvesting . 

(Hots, delhi 2014) Pg-67

15. Examine any 3 causes for the deterioration of quality of water in india. 

(Delhi 2013) Pg-65

16. Explain watershed management. What is its aim? (Delhi 2012) Pg-67

17. Describe any 3 key features of india’s national water policy, 2002. 

(All india 2012) Pg-70

18.Describe any three major problems related to water in India. (Delhi 2011) Pg-65

19.Why is demand of water for irrigation increasing day by day in India? Explain any three reasons. (HOTS,Delhi 2011) Pg-64

5 mark questions

20. Explain any 3 factors responsible for depletion of water resources. Examine legislative measures for controlling water pollution in india. (Delhi 2013) Pg-65,66

Friday, April 1, 2022

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context Chapter 9 India


One mark questions.

1. Examine the twin environmental problem that emerged in the Indra Gandhi canal command areas. All India 2017

2. What is sectoral planning. Delhi 2013

3. How has the gaddi tribal community of the Bharmaur region maintained a distinct identity. All India 2013

4. What is the main objective to implement the fourth five-year plan for the people in drought-prone areas. Delhi 2009

5. In which 5-year plan of India were hill area development programs initiated. All India 2009

 3 mark questions 

6. Explain the main aims of the Bharmaur tribal area development plan.Delhi 2014

7. How has the introduction of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation in the drylands of Rajasthan influenced the environmental conditions of the region positively? Explain any three points.HOTs, All India 2012

8. Write in brief the physical activity of the Bharmaur region. Delhi 2008

5 mark questions

9. Development is a multi-dimensional concept and signifies the positive, irreversible transformation of the economy, society, and environment. Support the statement with suitable arguments from India. Hots, Delhi 2010

10.” Hill area development programs in India were drawn keeping in view their topographical ecological, social and economic conditions.”Support this statement with a suitable explanation. Hots, All India 2010

11. Explain any five measures necessary for the promotion of sustainable development in ‘The Indira Gandhi Canal command area’.All India 2009

12. Describe five main points of the integrated tribal development project implemented in the Bharmaur region. All India 2008

13. Give a brief account of two stages of the Indira Gandhi Canal project. All India 2008

14. How would you define ecological, Social, and economic sustainabilities? Explain in brief. All India 2008

15. Suppose you have been given the power to modify the planning process. How would you use this power wisely and what would be your plan? Explain with reasons. Hota, All India 2008

16. Explain in brief the meaning and purpose of the target area program with suitable examples from India. All India 2008


  •  Chapter 7  (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Classify minerals on the basis of chemical and physical properties (All India 2017) Pg-72

2. Explain one reason for the importance of petroleum and its product in large quality in India. (All India 2016) Pg-80

3. Name any 2 ferrous minerals other than iron ore. (All India 2011)

                    ANS: Manganese, Nickel

4. Name the place of Maharashtra where an atomic power station is located. 

(All india 2010) ANS: Tarapur

5. Name the river valley where Gondwana coals fields of India are located. 

  • (All india 2008) ANS: Damodar river valley

6. Which are the 2 types of iron ore found in India. (All India 2008) Pg-74

  •  hematite and
  • magnetite

3 mark questions

7. "The promotion of the use of non-conventional sources of energy in India is the need of the hour"-- Support thé statement. (HOTS, Delhi 2016) Pg-80

8. Explain the significance of bioenergy to humankind in India. (All India 2016) Pg-83

9. Explain the 3 main characteristics of minerals resources in India. (Delhi 2014) Pg-73

10. Give 2 advantages of copper. Mention 4 mining areas of copper in India. 

(Delhi 2013) Pg-76

11. Give 2 advantages of manganese. Mention 4 mining areas of manganese in India. (Delhi 2013) Pg-75,77

12. Give 2 advantages of wind energy. Mention 4 states of India having favourable conditions for the development of it. (Delhi 2013) Pg-82,83

  • Pollution-free
  • Inexhaustible
  • Maharashtra
  • Rajasthan
  • Tamilnadu
  • Gujrat

13. Describe the uneven distribution of minerals and energy resources in India by giving 2 suitable examples. (Hots, Delhi 2012) Pg-73,76

  • Chotanagpur plateau
  • Rajasthan Nonmetallic minerals

14. Describe the broad belts of minerals in India. (All India 2012) Pg-73

15. ‘’Conversation of minerals is more important than other resources’, explain by giving 3 arguments. (Hots, All India 2012) Pg-83

16. What is the use of manganese? Describe the statewide distribution of manganese in India. (Delhi 2008) Pg-75,77

*_5 mark questions_*

17. Classify minerals Into two groups on the basis of chemical and physical properties and give one example of minerals of each group. Mention any two features of the three minerals belts of India. (Delhi 2009) Pg-72,73

18. What is the use of manganese? Describe the State-wise distribution of manganese in India. (All India 2009) Pg-75,77

Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems Chapter 12

 Chapter 12

One mark questions

1. What is the criteria for the classification of pollution? Delhi 2016

2. Mention any two sources of water pollutants created by humans. Delhi 2015

3. Mention any two diseases caused by contaminated water. All India 2014

4. Mention any two sources of land pollution in India. All India 2013

5. Name any natural sources of water pollution. Delhi 2012

6. Name any diseases that are caused by air pollution. All India 2012

7. Mention the root cause of acid rains. Delhi 2011

8. Name metropolitan cities that are the main polluters of river Ganga before it reaches Varanasi. Delhi 2011

9. Which city is the main polluter of the river Yamuna? Delhi 2010

10. Is the main source of environmental pollution in India? All India 2010

11. Mention any two cultural activities responsible for water pollution in India. Delhi 2009

12. Which is the main source of water-borne diseases in India? Name anyone waterborne disease. All India 2009

Three mark questions

13. Examine the success of the watershed management programme implemented in the Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. Hot is, all India 2016

14. Define the term air pollution. Explain any two harmful effects of air pollution. Delhi 2015

15. How is environmental pollution caused? Mention four types of pollution responsible for environmental degradation. Delhi 2015

16. How do industries pollute India’s water bodies? Explain with examples. Delhi 2015

17. What is noise pollution? Explain any sources of noise. All India 2015

18. Explain any three consequences of air pollution. All India 2015

19. Why is urban waste disposal a serious problem in India? Explain any three reasons. Delhi 2014

20. Describe any three major problems of slums in India? All India, Delhi 2014

21. How is the degradation of cultivable land one of the serious problems in India? Explain any three points. Delhi 2010

22. State any two major sources of air pollution in India. How is air pollution harmful to human health? Explain. Hots, Delhi 2008

13.” Indiscriminate use of water by increasing population and industrial expansion has led to the degradation of water quality considerably in India.”Play in the values that can help maintain the quality of water. Hots, all India 2017


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Land Resources and Agriculture | Chapter 5 |class 12

 Land Resources and Agriculture

Chapter 5 (with page no.)

1 mark questions 

1. What is the contribution of India to the production of rice in the world.  Delhi 2011 21.2%

2. What is the meaning of common resources property’. Delhi 2011 pg-43

3. How is cropping intensity calculated in India. Delhi 2009 pg-44

4. How is productive irrigation able to achieve high productivity in India. All India 2009 pg-45

    3 mark questions

5. Explain the importance of irrigation for agriculture in India. Delhi 2016 pg-55

6. How are the land resources more crucial to the livelihood of the people depending on agriculture ‘ support the statement with any 3 suitable arguments. Delhi 2015,12,10 pg-43

7. Differentiate between protective irrigation and productive irrigation. Delhi 2015 pg-45

8. State any 2 characteristics of each of the 3 distinct cropping seasons of India. Delhi 2014 pg-44

9. Explain 3 features of dryland farming in India. Delhi 2013 pg-45

10. Describe any 3 characteristics of wetland farming in India. Delhi 2013 pg-45

11. Mention any 6 land use categories in India. Delhi 2012 pg-41, 42

12. How is the degradation of cultivable land one of thé serious problems in India. Explain in 3 points. Delhi 2011 pg-58

13. Classify Indian farming into 2 groups on the basis of the main source of moisture for crops. Write 2 features of each. All India 2010 pg-44, 45

14. Explain the 3 types of changes that have affected land use in India. Delhi 2010 pg-41

15. ‘ land degradation caused by human-made processes are more harmful than natural processes in India Analyse the statement with 3 suitable examples. Delhi 2010 pg-

5 mark questions

16. ‘ Erratic monsoon ‘ and ‘indebtedness’ are the major problems of Indian agriculture. Suggest and explain the suggestion to overcome these problems. Delhi 2009 pg-56

17. ‘Low productivity and fragmentation of landholding are the major problems of Indian agriculture’ suggest and explain measures to overcome these problems. Hots,  Delhi 2016 pg-57

18. Explain thé importance of food grains in the Indian agriculture economy. Describe any 3 characteristics of rice cultivation. Hots, Delhi 2016 pg-45

19. Analyse any 5 major problems of Indian agriculture. Hots, all India 2016 pg-56 to 58

20. Explain the term cropping intensity. Describe the 3 cropping season of India. All India 2017 pg- 44

22. How is the small size of landholdings and degradation of cultivable land are the 2 major problems of Indian agriculture. Explain both these problems with examples. Delhi 2009/All India 2015 pg-57 and 58

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...