Chapter 4 (with page no.)
1 mark questions
1. How is the level of urbanisation measured in india. Delhi 2015 pg-35
2. What 2 factors mostly helped in development of ancient towns in india? Delhi 2015 pg-34
3. Give any 2 examples of ancient towns of india. Delhi 2014 pg-34
4. Give any examples or ancient historical towns in bihar. All india 2014 pg-34
5. Give any 2 examples of mining towns in india. Delhi 2013 pg-36
6. Give any meaning of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2013 pg-33
7. Name any 2 metropolitan cities of andhra pradesh. Delhi 2012 pg-35
8. Give the meaning of human settlement pg-32
9. Name thé metropolitan city of Karnataka state as per 2001 census. Delhi 2011 pg-37
10. Which class of cities has the highest percentage of urban population in india? Delhi 2010 pg-36
11. Which class of cities has the largest number of towns and cities in india? All india 2010 pg-36
12. Name the largest metropolitan city of uttar pradesh. Write its population according to census 2001. Delhi 2009 pg-37
13. Name the largest metropolitan city of madhya pradhesh. What was its population according to censes 2001. All india 2009 pg-37
14. What is the meaning of rural settlement . All india 2008 pg-32
3 mark questions
15. Many of the modern towns in india were developed during the period of British. Explain in brief. Delhi 2016 pg-34
16. Differentiate between ‘hamleted’ and ‘dispersal’ rural settlement of india. Delhi 2016 pg-33
17. What makes rural settlement different from urban settlement in india. Explain. Delhi 2015 pg-32
18. Explain any 3 physical factor responsible for different types of rural settlement in india. Delhi 2015 pg-33
19. What are metropolitan cities and mega cities? Give 2 examples of each of metropolitan cities and mega cities from india. Delhi 2015 pg-35, 36
20. Explain any 3 characteristics of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2015 pg-33
21. Explain any 3 features if semi clustered rural settlements of india. All india 2015 pg-33
22. Give the meaning of ‘dispersed settlement’. Explain any two reasons for the development of such settlement in india. Delhi 2014 pg-33
23. What are ancient towns. ? Give four examples if ancient towns of india. Delhi 2012 pg-34
24. Explain the evolution of town in India in 3 points. All india 2012 pg-34
25. Explain any 4 factors that determine the type of rural settlements in india . Delhi 2011 pg-33
26. Name any 3 factors that determine the clustered or compact rural settlement in india. All india 2011 pg-33
27. Distinguished between clustered and dispersed rural settlement of india by stating 3 points of distinctions of each . All india 2008 pg-33