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Showing posts with label Galvan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galvan. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Dragon is standing on the border, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Dragon is standing on the border

 a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Dragon is standing on the border,
Right inside our land,
Should we unite to fight him,
Or should we play hide and seek.

Gandhiji knew for sure,
How to fight for motherland,
He united all together,
When will we understand?

It time to stand up united,
Dragon is opening wide his mouth,
Closing our eyes won't change it,
With the enemy, such slackness is not allowed.

He has occupied it we are quiet ,
Have we closed our eyes,
Does it change anything,
Blindfolded though we have eyes.

Wake my dear ones wake up,
Galvan has been occupied,
Till when shall ye keep on Celebrating,
Open, please open your eyes.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Has Galvan been sold

Has Galvan been sold?

Has Galvan been sold?

Or has it been occupied?

If aggressors have occupied it,

When will we reply?

The sacrifice of our soldiers,

Will not go waste,

The dragon still has to be,

Put right in the abyss.

An angel would do it,

You just wait and see,

Prophecy is clear for sure,

Dragon will be punished you see.

Revelation 20:2

For other poems follow my poetry page


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