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Showing posts with label Valentine's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's day. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Love is in the air

 Love is in the air,

The world calls it Valentine's day,

What a beautiful reminder,

To all, for all, you can say.

Today Valentine laid down his life,

Upholding God's  command,

Solemnizeing the institution called marriage,

Then following the king's command.

True love my dear is this,

When you hold on till the last,

I find its perfection,

In the love of the Lord

Love is patient,

Love is kind,

Love is forgiving,

Love always does bind.

Love is not self-seeking,

Love is not proud,

Love does not boast,

It does not flout.

It does not dishonour,

Anger fails at its shores,

No record of wrong

Does it ever holds

Truth is its foundation,

Love is its, core,

It comes from the Lord,

Who has plenty in store?

True love is in sacrifice,

I find it in thee, my Christ,

To save us all,

My Lord didst die.

Note:- Yes dear friends let us learn to love from the Lord. He loves you and me. His love is all that we need.

Drsudarsan Prasad Magnificent poem with exquisite and profound passages fully soaked in the spirit of St. Valentine. Very few people appreciate him and understand his true spirit. Thanks, Ajay for this offering and wish you and your loved ones a very happy Valentines' day. Good day

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