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Showing posts with label Nalini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nalini. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I'll say its you.

You who fill colours in my life,

You who make it worth,

You who are my inspiration,

You whom I dearly love.

Yes, it's you throb of my life,

Yes, it's you breath of my life,

Yes, it's you my desire,

Yes, it's you my burning fire.

Let them doubt how can it be,

Let them cry out it cannot be,

Let them think I am mincing words,

Let them know I am in love.

Yet I continue to appreciate,

Yet I love her beyond compare,

Yet I have her by my side,

Yet I love her she is my pride.

Nalini my love for you I write,

Nalini my life for you I write,

Nalini my heart for you I write,

Nalini my throb for you I write,

Note the first four lines are written 

in bold as they are a part of a challenge

 rest is my answer.

Tell me when did you do it

 Tell me when did you do it,

Tell me how did you change,

This heart full of frustrations,

How did you my Saviour change?

I do not know, I can't understand,

Saviour how did you change,

How did this heart of mine,

My Lord My God ye changed.

Merciful Saviour, merciful Lord,

You are wonderful, oh my Lord,

You say and it is done,

This heart through you had won.

You changed my thinking,

In one go,

Oh, what a change,

I couldn't even know,

Keep me in this state,

Of thankfulness and,

Fears, will forever part,

For you imparted a thankful heart.

Note:-  Dear friends God can change your heart too, but the big question is this are we willing to come to Him. Christ proclaims come unto me all ye who labour and I will give you rest. Well, are we willing to come to Him?

You are my love

 How important you are,

Let me tell you,

Ask this poor man,

Who loves you as his soul.

How important you are,

Let me tell you,

Ask my children,

Who, love, you for sure.

How important you are,

Let me tell you,

Ask the lady,

For whom you cooked,

How important you are,

Let me tell you,

Ask the patient,

whom you visited for sure.

You are the pivot,

The strength of my life,

Seek no reassurance,

You are my love, my wife.

Note: Dedicated to my dove whom I love

Friday, April 23, 2021

When the doctors of this world

When the doctors of this world,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

When the doctors of this world

Fail in their struggle to save a life,

When hospital beds fall short,

When the world is falling short of life.

I leave my love in your hands,

Physician heal her completely,

Earth has fallen short to help,

I pass the buck to the divine. 

Holder of the world, giver of life, 

My approach is limited to thee, 

No more human help can I find, 

Only you can guarantee life. 

Note:- This poem was written when due to covid  (my wife's) oxygen level reached 85. We prayed and her oxygen levels reached 94 and she was saved. Christ intervened and a miracle was accomplished. Thanking God for saving my family. 

Westly Shaw Like the title of this well-written poem.

Friday, July 10, 2020

In the midst of million people, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

In the midst of million people
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

In the midst of a million people
I miss you trillion times
If only my love you believe me
You are my heart my life

note:- Written for my wife

Linda Lee How much feeling in four short lines! It lovely little poem. Thanks, Reginold. Friendly greetings, Linda

Jacinta Ramayah A lovely poem for your wife, Reginold. With just 24 words you conveyed a 'trillion' feelings of love. Beautiful! Malaysia 04/22/2012 8:52 AM

Urani U expressed your loyalty & faithfulness towards your sweetheart in this little poem. Thanks, dear, Keep it up. Love France 04/21/2012 5:01 PM

YOU ARE MINE, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India


a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Whatever you are, you are mine,
With all your infirmities, you are mine,
With all your strengths, you are mine,
You are the hope, the strength of life.

You are the rose, the tenderness of life,
You are the dream, my sweet wife,
You just you, Is all that I have got,
A gift of heaven, in you, have I got.


I love you, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I love you
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I love you, I love you, I love you,
You will never know,
It's my failure that you can't understand,
What an imperfect poet, I can’t reach your hand.

I call it shadow below the lamp,
With all my talent I can't reach your hand,
You, my love, won't ever understand,
You, my love, won’t ever understand.

Maybe, the whole world learn about our love,
Yet, you may fail to understand,
What an imperfect poet,
I can’t reach your hand.

Man has reached the moon,
I can’t reach your hand,
Perfection in failure,
You won't understand it.

Yet one day when I cross the river
Maybe you may know, my love,
What will it profit me,
If now I am unheard.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Love You, My life, My wife., a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I Love You, My life, My wife.
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Are my shoulders too week,
That I pass the buck,
No, my dear, I am a solid rock,
Not a splinter shall reach thee at all.

Let the mountains fall,
Let the wave rise,
Fear not, my love shall suffice,
Fear not, my love shall suffice.

I tell you no trouble is too hard,
Too hard for me to bear,
You are my dainty darling,
Cannot drown you in my care.

You are the bird, in whom my soul resides,
You need not doubt any word,
My love for you is like a castle,
Which nothing can ever annul?

You are the pivot of my strength
The best part of my life,
Gods gift so precious as I find,
I love you, my life, my wife.

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...