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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2020

Foundation lies shattered, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Foundation lies shattered,
The building is bound to collapse,
Yet in fiction the building,
Still, as a castle stands.

See the tottered fences,
See the broken walls,
See the domes have given way,
See the arches are stalled.

You were the builder,
What happened today?
Who has undone your castle?
Who has robbed you today?

You are the creator of the world,
Your handworks in ruins now lay,
O Lord thou knowest my situation,
Oh, lord to thee I cry.

Once again heal the wounded
Forget our folly oh Lord,
Lord thy castle is devastated,
Oh, Lord in repentance I mourn.

Fruitless is the waking of the night watch,
Till the time Lord ye protect
Build the castle once again.
Lord ye have to protect.

Mourning to seek forgiveness,
Mourning as I repent,
Seeking for the life-giving word,
I from my deeds regret.

Note this poem was it in 1998 and the poet is addressing to his life as a fallen castle and seeks lord's intervention in rebuilding it.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Sympathy lip sympathy, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Sympathy lip sympathy,
Touching my very heart,
Tongue is spinning silk,
Crushing my very heart.

Silk on thy tongue,
Sword in the hand,
This thy policy,
I can't ever understand.

Stop spinning the silk,
Stop spinning silk I pray,
If sword you use,
Why spin silk anyway.

Your sword knows it's business,
Why wrap every piece,
Severed need just nothing,
Nothing, nothing I plead

Unhappy, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Happiness shouldn't ever come to me,
It always leaves me alas,
Why should the transient,
Rob me at last.

Sadness is perpetual;
It always stands,
Next to me holding my hand,
As my guard, it stands.

Loyal strong always sure,
Guarding its victim,
From shore to shore,
I have no power for sure.

No need to guard me,
I can't ever escape,
I have lost all hope,
You shall be with me at last

Thursday, July 9, 2020

It will come back to you, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

It will come back to you
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

One day whatever you do,
Will come back to you,
You may oppress as you wish,
It will rob you of your bliss.

He is a mighty God prince of peace,
His is my refuge and strength,
I need no human assurance,
On his love, I stand.

He is all to me He is all to me,
No need of any assurance,
Christ is all to me,
Christ is all to me.

You brat, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

You brat
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Your attitude makes me feel,
You have no respect for me,
You may say you have,
Yet in your actions, I can't see.

Spoiled brat, spoiled brat,
That's exactly what you are,
Why should I tell you,
What you are.

Wishing these days were over,
Wishing these days run fast,
Wishing for libration,
I am sure it shall come at last.

Some people think they are covered, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some people think they are covered

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some people think they are covered,
Yet they are all exposed,
Yet we act as if they are covered,
We too act as if they are not shown.

How diplomatic is this act,
It looks as if it is a bane,
Yet I have no option,
The world is so waning.

Many times we have to act
Act for there is no way out
We know they know
Yet hide everything in the clouds

It is good that we cover
Cover all that is bad
For if the myth is removed
It will cover up all the rest

Note: This poem talks about the nature of humans we sometimes cover bad and it is good. We should always look at the positive qualities of a person as then the positive grows

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sometimes you realize, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Sometimes you realize

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Sometimes, you realize,
You are all alone,
So what, that's how,
It's for sure.

Some, share it,
Others are not so bold,
End of the day, you'll be lonely,
Do not feel, so cold.

Some feelings, are to be hidden,
Some, are meant to be told,
Do justice, to the page every time,
Be to the page, a bit bold.

Note:- Life is not a bed of roses, darkness and shadow are present in light. Expecting love always is not a possibility so relish every moment.

When I look at cactus, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When I look at cactus
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When I look at cactus,
I realize life must be harsh,
Even roses have plenty of thorns,
Plenty of sharp thorns.

When you’re surrounded,
Surrounded by a number of thorns,
Remember they are broken people,
Thorns are covering and that’s all.

The heat of the desert turns,
Turns the leaves to thorns,
Be a bit more forgiving,
Whenever pricked by thorns.

Thorns should not be repaid,
Repaid back by thorns,
Wounded should not be wounded,
Why make them mourn.

Give them love in the desert,
For desert is their life,
Add joy to the bleeding,
For you have life.

Only those who have the comforter with them can practise this fact. Do not attempt to practise this poem if you are not sure that you have the presence of the comforter that is the holy spirit.

I burnt my house, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I burnt my house
a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

I burnt my house,
To kill a rat,
When I look back,
I only have regrets.

Was it wise,
Was it otherwise,
A sudden fit of anger,
Can it ever be wise?

Before taking action,
Before taking a step,
Think and pray about it,
Lest ye may later regret.

Can the dead be brought back,
Back to life again,
With all human endeavours,
I consider it would be vain.

Only Jesus can do that wonder,
Only He can bring back to life,
Dry bones will join together,
He alone can bring back life.

R. A. Jacob © 4/4/2018

Values are just in trace , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Values are just in trace
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

People with place value,
Lack of genuine friends,
Their place inspires opportunists,
You will one day understand.

People with a face value,
Are adored by one and all,
Yet they too lack true friends,
And that's all.

In the world today,
We are left with values,
Values of place and face,
Other values are just in a trace.

Note:- the poet talks of values which in reality do not value, yet you will find them as very valuable in our world today.

Reginald Ajay Jacob ©26th of May 2018

Greed can not be fulfilled, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Greed can not be fulfilled
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Greed can not be fulfilled,
For it reaches all the more high,
You may try to fulfil it
Yet it flies still high.

As in the mountains,
As you stand on a peak,
Ye find still higher,
Higher than the one you seak.

No limits to greed,
Can ever be found,
Why, my soul, why,
In such limitations abound.

Thank God for His goodness,
Thank God for His love,
Neither can metal be taken,
Nor has it any worth.

Food, shelter and clothing,
And the fact that God is love,
No more is ever needed,
Nor do they have any worth.

R. A. Jacob © June/ 20/2018

Talebearers, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Talebearers will tell the tale,
Whether you like it or not,
Tales have fabricated lies,
Whether you distinguish it or not.

Who spreads the glad tidings,
We usually spread lies,
Who cares for good news,
Lies have wings they fly.

Wright brothers invented the plane,
Planes now fly, very fast,
In this world of missile technology,
I think lies cover distance vast.

Faster than the speed of lightning,
They will hit my heart,
In such Hours of distress,
I cling to the lord.

Note: - The poem talks about the fact of how people hide facts but share lies. Glad tidings and good news refer to Christ and His redemptive grace.

R. A. Jacob © July 23rd 2018

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Punching bag, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Punching bag
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I think I am a punching bag,
Punched a million times,
The face on the bag is a smile,
Yet it hits every time.

Do not take the world for granted,
Do not insult every time,
One day even snail will turn,
It's just a matter of time.

Hitting hard with the intention,
To hurt, later washing your hands,
All such hypocrisy is useless,
I know you understand.

Frustration in you is exhibiting,
You may feel the pride,
Yet all can see through,
Naked your, truth as I find.


Monday, July 6, 2020

If you wish to be lost, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

If you wish to be lost
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I thought you were one of us,
I thought we were one in Christ,
I thought, His blood had bridged the gap,
No there are gaps too wide.

Gaps, created by status,
Gaps, so deep, so wide,
Gaps, that none can bridge,
Gaps just, gaps I find.

If you do not look at salvation,
That flows from the Cross,
Oh, what a pity, Oh what a loss,
Cross of Christ won't save you

If you wish to be lost

Note:- This poem is for every person who considers themselves up above the rest

Some threads have been broken (Relations), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some threads have been broken (Relations)

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some threads have been broken,

Some threads have been snapped off,

The fabric has given way,

Let bygones, be bygones.

The fabric of relations, the fabric of love,

Once if snapped off,

It is forever undone,

No mending can over it work.

Some were in the heart,

The truth remains alive,

Wounds grow deeper

With the passage of time.

You may try to hide them,

Yet the pain abides,

You may bandage the wounds,

Yet the mark will abide.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Bamboo Dance, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Bamboo Dance

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

They call it bamboo dance,
I call it life,
An element called human,
Is present on both sides.

Dance, dance, and the dance goes on,
Leave not a movement to change,
Least the bamboos may crush you,
As in dance, you advance.

Humans are the holder of the bamboo
Humans are the ones, who dance,
A perfect resemblance of reality,
We call it bamboo dance.

Web of life is too complicated,
Everyone has bamboo in his hand,
All are dancing to the tune,
Which none can understand?

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Who has been able to write on sand , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Who has been able to write on sand, 
Oh my heart just understand, 
Even if some names abide, 
Where are those people if you can find

Sand is a perfect example of life, 
No trace can ever abide, 
Write or do not write, 
Life can't ever abide. 

Enjoy the life of anonymous, 
Find joy in the eye of the poor, 
Share some peanut with them, 
They will honour and definitely care

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Its my right a poem by R.A.Jacob

Its my right 

a poem by R.A.Jacob

Some people are diehard pessimist,
For God has closed their eyes,
For they look for just negative,
Just negative do they find.

Why does He do that,
For they have closed their eyes,
What they seek for,
That they really find.

If you fail to be thankful,
If you think, everything is your right,
Your positivity will fly out of window,
Just negativity will permanently abide.

God gives positivity to the thankful,
Thankless, just seek for rights,
What you seek for, from your father,
That you will definitely find.

R. A. Jacob

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Concrete jungle

O nature thou art great,
I appreciate,
They say you have powers,
To captivate.

I long for thee,
I search for thee,
But bricks and concrete,
Is all that I see?

I peddle for thee,
For miles in vain,
Just city and its sprawl,
Is all that I can see?

I peddle for thee,
I peddle all the more,
And inhale pollution ,
That city has in store.

Yet I cannot know,
Yet I cannot understand,
Where are the trees,
That in past did stand.

Would I not find a tree?
For I long to see,
In this land of concrete,
Where is she?

Note:- This poem talks about reduction of number of trees in the city ie Delhi. I wrote this poem during my college days.

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...