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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Some people think they are covered, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some people think they are covered

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some people think they are covered,
Yet they are all exposed,
Yet we act as if they are covered,
We too act as if they are not shown.

How diplomatic is this act,
It looks as if it is a bane,
Yet I have no option,
The world is so waning.

Many times we have to act
Act for there is no way out
We know they know
Yet hide everything in the clouds

It is good that we cover
Cover all that is bad
For if the myth is removed
It will cover up all the rest

Note: This poem talks about the nature of humans we sometimes cover bad and it is good. We should always look at the positive qualities of a person as then the positive grows

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