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Showing posts with label political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Where the mind is free a poem by R.A. Jacob

Naked, horrible, too sad to see,

Justice is being denied,

Words should not be heard,

Nor should pen ever write.

In an undeclared emergency,

Awakes my beautiful world,

Everyone has been muted,

Not even one is being heard.

Article 32 has lost its luster, 

The court is saving its soul, 

And if it continues to happen, 

India will lose its soul. 

Where the mind is free, 

Where is the mind free, 

You will be called a criminal, 

You will be called a traitor I see. 

Note:- In this poem, the poet is trying to express the situation where freedom is being curtailed. You will be able to see how the poet is trying to cover up realities

Monday, May 27, 2024

How do you wash your hands, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

How do you wash your hands

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

How do you wash your hands,
Oh, ye man of strife,
How did your conscious approve it,
Oh, ye men of strife.

Blood of Abel cried out of the land,
Justice was the cry,
You kill people after planning,
Has the earth stopped its cry?

Lord of justice will take revenge,
Every human is his child,
Blame not one another,
Justice will be done in a while

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Truth should not be out, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Truth should not be out

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Never tell the thief, that you are a thief,
Or the thief will be annoyed,
They will throw dirt on you,
Tricks they will employ

Don't speak the truth,
Fabricate every word,
If you fail to do it,
Ugly, truth, shall be heard.

Who wants to hear the truth,
All want to hear, just praise,
Bury the truth, deep enough,
I don't want even a trace.

Note:- This poem talks about how people react to the truth. Look at poor Nassirudeen Shah how everybody is after him as if he has done some crime. FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Feel good factor, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Feel good factor

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Where were the so-called nationalist,
When Congress fought for freedom, of the land,
Now you are borrowing congress leaders,
Well, I can't ever understand.

Was Patel, not a part of Congress,
Well, you should understand,
When you have none other than Godse,
You have to steal leaders, I understand.

Today, India is a land of possibility,
Pause ability, you understand,
Where name change is in-vogue,
I hope you will understand.

Feel good factor is at the top,
The economy is at its base,
Those who speak against it,
Will be forever erased.

Who will show the light, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Who burnt the Reichstag,
Who burnt the train,
Who burnt the busses,
All such soul searching is in vain.

For if you seek the truth,
The truth will be horrible as you find,
Act as if nothing happened,
Act as if you are blind.

Be blind today, and forever,
Close your truth searching eyes,
Today you close them in free will,
Tomorrow you will lose your sight.

Speak up, my soul, speak up,
Still, there is time,
If you remain silent,
Who will show the light?

Playing the game of numbers, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Playing the game of numbers

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Playing the game of numbers,
Playing it perfectly every time,
Vagabond turn into politicians,
Didn't you ever find?

Criminals turn into politicians
You can easily find.
See how the number game works,
See how number game binds.

Politics should be based on issues,
Not on issues that divide,
Issues that builds the nation,
Issues that can bind

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Our nation

Our nation is a fabric,
Like the coat that Joseph wore,
A multicoloured coat so beautiful,
We should treasure it all the more.

Let no one divide my nation,
It's a Bouquet of multicoloured flowers,
Languages add to it's riches,
Religions add to its power.

A hot pot of cultures,
Smelting pot of unity I find,
Caste and creeds are varied,
Though varied yet unity abides.

Stain not the coat of Joseph,
Stain not the coat with blood,
Jacob will have to lament for an age,
Stain not the fabric of love.

Note:- In the Bible we find a man called Joseph. He had a beautiful coat given to him by his father Jacob. Joseph had 11 brothers' all of them hated him so they sold Joseph as a slave. Dipped the multi colour coat of Joseph in blood of an animal and told their father that their brother must have died. Jacob lamented about it till his old age.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Voice of freedom

Why are you after them,
Live and let them live,
Curtailing freedom is dangerous,
Let freedom live.

Death of freedom,
Is the death of Life,
Roots of democracy,
In the health of opposition lies.

If you curtail the voice of freedom,
Your nationalism is just fake,
Where the head is held high,
In such freedom may my country awake.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Political Vendetta

Buried bones shall be taken out,
Bones shall be exhumed,
If you raise your voice,
Life will be consumed.

Law is, every action,
Has an equal and opposite reaction,
New law is this, every action,
Has millions of reactions.

Every dictator has this type of life,
To crush all who raise their voice,
Be it Russia,be it Belarus,
Be it China, you are free to choose.

What do they gain,
Extreme power that corrupts,
Few years of power,
After that dust returns to earth.

R. A . Jacob

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Article 370

There is difference between silence,
There is a difference between peace,
Do you understand that,
Can you ever conceive.

Celebrating the silence,
Thinking it is peace,
What words should I use,
I seek for peace.

Silence is the beginning of the storm,
I can see that we are in the eye,
I hope the storm passes,
Saved be every Life.

R. A. Jacob

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Freedom needs lot of care

I call them traitor,
Those who install one party rule,
Those who rob their country of freedom,
Freedom, freedom to choose.

Jawahar you were true son of India,
You are our country's pride,
I can vouch for that,
For you stood for democracy so fine.

In the world were people,
Call Gandhi names,
I ask, what did you do, for your land,
If nothing, then at least, don't defame my land.

For I live in free country,
I breathe free air,
I wish, we all should, protect it,
For freedom, needs, lot's of care

R.A. Jacob © December /27/2018

Learn the art of forgiveness

Learn the art of forgiveness, Even if it be from your cross, Christ pleaded forgiveness, Right up from the Cross. Live and let live,was to H...