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Showing posts with label human geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human geography. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2024

World population distribution density & growth ch-2



 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth

1. Name the country which has the highest growth rate of population?1 Pg. 8

2. What was the population of the world at the beginning of the 21st century? Pg. 8 

3. Name the third most densely populated country of the world. 1 Pg. 8

4. What is the real wealth of the country?Pg-8

5. Name the country with 

  • highest population
  • second highest population

6. Explain the four geographical factors that influence population growth distribution?Pg-9

8. What are the three components of population change? Pg-9 3

9. What do you understand  by the term Growth of Population and how is it different from Natural growth of Population

10. Explain the three economic factors that influence Population. Pg-

12. What is actual growth rate of population? Pg-11

13. Define Crude birth rate. Pg-11

15. Explain the theory given by Malthus. What are the two types of checks as per Malthus? Explain which is better why?Pg-15

16. What do you understand by DEMOGRAPHIC CYCLE? Pg-15

17. Discuss the three stages of transformation of an agrarian economy into urban  industrial one?Give one country as a  representative sample as per your book?PG-15

18. Explain about the demographic transaction theory.CH-2 3x1=3 

19. What do you understand by family planning? Explain steps taken to prevent population growth/


2. Define the term population distribution. 2015 pg-8

3. Give the meaning of crude birth rate.  2013 pg-11

4. Define population growth.2012 pg-10

5. Define the term positive growth of population. 2011 pg-10

6. Explain any  push and any pull factors that influence the migrations of the population in the world.  2016 pg-12

7.How is the mortality rate of a region affected? explain  push factors responsible for migration. 2015 pg-12

8. Describe any 3 factors in the first stage of demographic transition theory.   2014 pg-14

9. Describe 3 characteristics of the last stage of demographic transition theory.  2014 pg-14

10. Explain with examples any 3 geographical factors which influence the distribution of population in the world.   2008 pg-9

11."90% of the world population lives in about 10% of its total land areas, whereas the remaining 10% population resides in the 90% of its land area." support the statement with example.    2017 pg-8

12. What is the meaning of density of population? Examine the 4 geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world with examples.  2017 pg-9 

13. What is a demographic cycle? Describe 3 stages of demographic transition theory?   2016 pg-14

14. When does positive population growth takes place? Explain the geographical factors that influence the distribution of population in the world.   2015 pg-10

16. Explain 3 economic and 2 social and cultural factors influencing the distribution of the population in the world.  2015 pg-10

17. Explain 3 components of population change in the world. Analyse the impacts of population change. 2014 pg-11

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Primary Activities(chapter 5) human geography

primary activities(chapter 5) 

  1. What are economic activities?2015 Pg.31 
  2. Who are called red collar workers?2015 Pg. 
  3. What is truck farming?2014 Pg.40 6
  4. Name the 2 activities on which the early human beings were dependent on the environment for their sustenance.2011,2008. Pg.33 7.
  5. What is nomadic herding?2011 Pg.33 
  6. Name any 2 areas of high latitudes in the world,where gathering economic activities are practised.2010 Pg.32 
  7. Name the country where practically every farmer is a member of cooperative society.2008 Pg.41 10.Explain any 3 features of underground mining methods in different countries of the world.2010 Pg.42 
  8. "Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals in the world." Analyse the statement with examples.2009 Pg.38-39 
  9. Describe the way of life of nomadic herders in the world.2017 Pg.33 
  10. Classify intensive subsistence agriculture into 2 categories practised in the world.How are they different from each other.2017 Pg.36-37 
  11. Diff. B/w nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing , any 5 points of distinction.2016 Pg.33 16.Diff. B/w cooperative farming and collective farming , 5 points.2016 Pg.41 
  12. Define the term commercial livestock rearing.Explain any 4 characteristics.2015 Pg.33 
  13. Define the term mixed farming.Explain any 4 characteristics of mixed farming practised in the world.2014 Pg.38 
  14. Explain any 5 characteristics of extensive commercial grain cultivation practised in the world.2014 Pg.37-38 
  15. Explain any 5 characteristics of dairy farming in the world.2013 Pg.38-39
  16. Describe 5 characteristics of economic activities of hunting and gathering in the world.2012 Pg.31 
  17. Where is intensive subsistence agriculture practised in the world ?
  18. What are its 2 types?Describe 2 points.2012 Pg.36 24.
  19. What is the importance of dairy farming ?
  20. Why is it mainly practised near urban and industrial centres of the world?Explain 2 reasons.2011 Pg.38-39 
  21. What is subsistence agriculture.Mention any 4 points of primitive subsistence agriculture.2011 Pg.34 And pg.36 
  22. "There is low yield per acre but high yield per person in the interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid latitudes in the world".Support this statement with suitable examples.2009 Pg.37-38 
  23. What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture.Describe any 4 characteristics of this type of agriculture in the world.2008 Pg.40

World Human Development important questions

1.Leading a long and healthy life is an important aspect of human development.Give an argument to support this statement. (Hots delhi 2016)pg.25 
2.Define the concept of human development. 2016 Pg.23 
3.Which country has proclaimed gross national happiness as the measure of a country's progress. 2014 Pg.27 
4.Name the country which has the highest rank in human development index. 2014 Pg.27 
5. Which state of india has the highest rank in development index value? 2014 Pg.27 
6.Mention any 2 key areas of measuring human development.2013 Pg.26 
7.Which is the most significant aspect of human development?2012 Pg. 
8.Explain any 3 human values which are required to empower socially and economically disadvantaged people. Hots 2013 pg.25 
9.Development is a qualitative change,which is always value positive. Support this statement with 3 arguments. 2012 Hots pg.22
10 Explain the key areas of human development.2012 Pg.25 
11. Differentiate between growth & development with eg 2012 pg.22 
12. Explain any 3 features of welfare approach of human development.2012 Pg.26 
13.Explain the concept of equity and sustainability as the pillars of human development. 2011 Pg.25 
14. Explain the basic needs approach to human development in the world. 201O pg.26 
15.The size of a territory & per capita income are not directly related to human development.Support this statement with egs. 2017 
16 . What is human development ?Analyse the four pillars of human development 2017 pg.23 And pg.25

Human Development important tables





What is the difference between growth and development?

growth is quantitative and value-neutral

qualitative change which is always value positive

Value-neutral-  It may have a positive or a negative sign

value positive- positive

Question what is ……..

growth without development and

 growth with development.

Development occurs when positive growth takes place

growth without development if facilities like housing, provision of basic services, and other characteristics remain the same, then this growth has not been accompanied by development.

The works of two South Asian economists, 

  1. Mahbub-ul-Haq and 

  2. Amartya Sen are important in this regard.Nobel Laureate Prof Amartya Sen saw an increase in freedom 


  1. access to resources, 

  2. health and 

  3. Education

Key areas in human development.

Access to resources



is measured in terms of purchasing power (in U.S. dollars)

the life expectancy at birth

The adult literacy rate and the gross

enrolment ratio represents access to knowledge.

 are the key areas in human development






means continuity in the availability of opportunities.

Equity refers to making equal access to opportunities available to everybody

means having the power to make choices

here means human labour productivity or productivity in terms of human work. 

What are the Approaches to Human Development

Income Approach

Welfare Approach

Basic Needs Approach

Capability Approach

This is one of the oldest approaches to human development.

this approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development activities.

This approach was initially proposed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Six basic needs i.e.: 

health, education, 


water supply, sanitation, and housing

This approach is associated with Prof. Amartya Sen


Monday, April 11, 2022

Population Composition Ch-3 Human Geography XII deleted

                                        chapter 3

1. Why is the age structure considered an important indicator of population composition? give one reason. 2016 pg-18

2. Why is the sex ratio in some European countries recorded favourable to females? give one reason.2015 pg-18

3. Name the country where the sex ratio is most unfavourable to women in the world. 2016 pg-18

4. What is the average sex ratio in the world? 2016 pg-18

5. Give the meaning of age structure. 2013 pg-18

6. How is the sex ratio calculated in different countries of the world? 2013 pg-17

7. Give the meaning of the age-sex structure of the population.2013 pg-18

8. Define the term sex ratio. 2012 pg-17

9. Name the country having the highest sex ratio in the world.  2012,2010 pg-18

10. Country having the lowest sex ratio? 2011, pg-18

11. Which age group of the population indicates the largest working population? 2008 pg-18

12. Divide the population of the world into 2 groups on the basis of residence. how do they differ from each other? explain any 2 points of difference  2011 pg-18

13. What do you understand by occupational structure? name the specific economic activities or occupational categories as identified by United Nations? 2011 pg-19

14. Why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in the world? explain any 3 reasons 2011 pg-19

15. What is the sex ratio? explain the world pattern of the sex ratio with suitable egs. 2015 pg-17, 18

16.  What is the sex ratio? why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in some countries of the world? explain any 4 reasons. 2010 pg-17

17. Describe rural & urban population composition of the world with examples. 2009 pg-19

Human Geography Nature and Scope Ch-1


                  The video above is for revision only you will get an explanation as I teach you in the class. Don't get confused                               

1. Which are the three core points of the human geography given by Ellen semple?         (Delhi 2009)  page 2                                      1 mark

2."The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated." Justifying the statement.           (Delhi 2016) page 2                         3mark


"Nature and humans are inseparable elements". justify the statement with examples.              (Delhi 2017) page2

3." The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop the technology." support this statement with examples. Page 2                   (All India 2015)   3mark           


4. How is knowledge of nature important to developing technology? explain with egs.       (Delhi 2010)Page 2

5. What is the subject matter of the study of geography? Explain any 3 facts.  (Delhi 2015) page 2 definition

6. Explain with egs how nature gets humanised.   (Delhi 2014) page 2

7. "There is mutual interaction between the elements of physical geography and human geography." supports the statement with.        (Delhi 2014)

8. Explain the concept of 'possibilism' with 3 suitable examples. Page 3

9. define "human geography" in your own words. mention any 4 fields of human geography.      (all India 2013)Page 6 

10. Define 'human geography and give 4 examples of elements of material culture created by humans, using the resources provided by nature. Page 2

11. Explain the concept of 'determinism' with suitable examples.    (Delhi 2011,09)pg-2

12. Explain the concept of neo determinism with suitable examples.pg-4


What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography? describe the concept with examples. (All India 2008)Pg-4

13. How does technology loosen the shackles of examples. on humans? explain with examples. (All India 2010)pg-2

14. State 6 approaches of human geography? (2008)Pg-5

15. State 6 different fields of human geography. (2008) pg-7

16. State any six subfields of social geography. (2008) pg-7

17. Six subfields of economic geography? (2008) pg-7


18." The knowledge and understanding of the laws are extremely valuable to humankind" Explain the values that can help us the gifts of nature in a sustainable manner. (2016)pg-2

19. Explain how technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. (Delhi 2012) pg-2

Friday, April 1, 2022

SECONDARY ACTIVITIES ch 6 human geography



Board questions


1. Define the term technopolis.      (Delhi 2016)

2. Mention any 2 problems of the Ruhr industrial region. (ALL INDIA 2016)

3. How has the 'NEW RUHR' landscape emerged? (HOTS, ALL INDIA 2016)

4. What is a household industry? (2011)

5. Name any 2 sub-sectors of the cotton textile industry in the world. (Delhi 2009)

6. What is the importance of secondary activities in the world? 2009

7. Classify industries into 2 groups on the basis of metallic minerals. All India 2008


8. What are the traditional large-scale industrial regions? Give any 2 characteristics of them.2014

9. Describe any 3 characteristics of household industries. (Delhi 2014)

10. Give the meaning of the high-tech industry. State any 2 characteristics of this industry.2013

11. Explain any 3 characteristics of modern large-scale manufacturing in the world.2013, 2008

12. How do secondary activities add value to natural resources? Explain with 3 egs.2012

13. Explain the process of mechanization in the modern large-scale manufacturing industry in 3 points.2012

14. Explain any 3 characteristics of 'footloose industry'.2012

15. How are technological innovations an important aspect of modern manufacturing industries? Explain any 3 aspects in this regard. HOTS, 2011

16. Explain the concept of 'high technology industry' with egs.2011

17. Classify Industries of the world on the basis of ownership into 3 groups. State the main features of each group.2010, 2008

18. Distinguish between small-scale and large-scale industries by stating three points of each.2009


19. Explain 5 factors that influence the industrial location in the world.2015, 2010

20. Define the term manufacturing. Explain any 4 factors of small-scale manufacturing.2014

21. Define manufacturing. Classify manufacturing industries on the basis of size into 3 categories and explain the important characteristics of each type. in 2013

22. Explain the role of power and raw material in the location of heavy industries in India.2013, HOTS

23.  Describe any 5 factors influencing Industrial location in the World.2010



Chapter 7 


1mark questions.

1. Give the meaning of the digital divide.2014 

2. Define the term ‘quaternary activities’.2014, 2009

3. Define the term ‘tertiary activities’.2013

4. Give any 2 examples of tertiary activities.2012

5. Give the meaning of retail trading services.2013, 2011

6. Give any 2 examples of quaternary activities.2012, 2013


8. Define the term ‘tourism’2012

3mark questions

9. Explain any 3 characteristics of quaternary activities.2011

10. Explain any 3 characteristics of 

Periodical markets of rural areas in the world.2010

11. What are the 2 factors affecting tourism in the world? 2010

12.’Outsourcing has resulted in opening up a large number of job opportunities in several countries. Analyse the statement with 3 suitable examples.2009

13. How does the climate of a region attract tourists? Explain with examples from different regions of the world.2009

14. Compare the features of rural and urban marketing centres of the world in three points.2008 

5mark questions

15. What is tourism? Analyse any 4 tourist attractions in the world.2016

16. What is medical tourism? Explain the scope of medical services for overseas patients in India.2015

17.’Services are a very important aspect of the economic development of a country’. Analyse the statement by explaining the 5 components of a service sector.2011





1. Which country of the world has the highest road density?         All India 2017

2. Why is Asia the least developed in rail facilities? Explain anyone       All India 2017 

3. Define the term ’transport network’?      Delhi 2015

4. In which country are motorways called ‘autobahns’?       All India 2018


5. Mention the busiest ocean route in the world.       Delhi 2015


Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

6. Name the seaports on each end of the Suez Canal?    Delhi 2014

7. Define the term road density?   Delhi 2014

8. What is the meaning of cyberspace?      All India 2014

9. Name the most important inland waterways of Germany      All India 2014


10. Name the terminal stations of the ‘Australian transcontinental railway?    Delhi 2013, 2009

11. Which highway connects North America to South America?   All India 2012


12. Name the navigational canal that serves as a gateway of commerce for both the continents of Asia and Europe?     Delhi 2011

13. Give the significance of the river S.t Lawrence River as an inland waterway?     Delhi 2011

14. Name the terminal stations of the orient express railways?      All India 2011

15. Name the terminal stations of the Australian transcontinental railway?     Delhi 2009

16. Name the terminal stations of the longest railway route in the world       All India 2009

17. Which is the famous petroleum pipeline of use?         All India 2009



18. Describe any three advantages of water transport in the world?     Delhi 2013

19. Explain any three points of economic significant of ‘trans-Siberian railway’          Delhi 2013

20. What is cyberspace? Describe any 2 advantages of the internet.      Delhi 2013

21. Why is the Rhine the world's most heavily used waterways? Explain any 3 reasons     Delhi 2013

22. Mention the famous oil pipeline of the USA. How are pipelines one of the most convenient modes of transport?      Delhi 2011


23. Classify means of communication on the basis of scale and quality into 2 categories. Explain any 2 characteristics of each category.   HOTS all India 2017

24.’The Suez and the Panama Canal are two vital man-made navigational canals that serve as the gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds’ in the light of the statement, explain the economic significance of the 2 canals.         HOTS; Delhi 2015

25. Trans-Canadian railway line is considered as the economic artery of Canada ‘support the statement with suitable examples      HOTS; ALL INDIA 2016

26.’The rhine waterway is the world's most heavily island waterway ‘. In the light of this statement, examine the significance of the waterway.     HOTS; ALL INDIS 2015

27. Explain the importance of ‘communication services in the world     All India 2016

28. Which means of transport is extensively used for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas, and other liquids? Describe the network of this means of transport in his world      Delhi 2015

29. Describe the journey of the developments of land transport from the days of humans as carriers and the cableways of today    HOTS; DELHI 2015

30. Name the longest trans-continental railway in the world. Describe its 4 features.       Delhi 2015

31. Which shipping canal links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean? Explain its 4 characteristics.

       All India 2015

32. Explain any 5 characteristics of rail transport in Europe         All India 2012

33. Which is the longest transcontinental railway of North America? Describe Its 4 features.

    All India 2015

34. State any 3 characteristics of water transport. Why is traffic far less on the Cape of Good Hope route?     Delhi 2012

35. Which continent has the highest road density? Why do traffic congestions occur on road? Explain any 3 measures to solve the problem of traffic congestion      Delhi 2013

36. Explain the merits and demerits of road transport in the world?       All India 2012

37. Explain the significance of each of the transported communication services available in the world.

    Delhi 2010

38. Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquids and gaseous materials only. Mention any 4 characteristics of this mode of transportation.      Delhi Board 2010

39. What is the significance of inland waterways? Explain the three factors responsible for the development of inland waterways in the world.   All India 2010

40. What are highways? Explain the significance of highways with examples from different counties 

   All India 2009

41. What is the importance of roads? Explain three reasons for the existence of good quality roads in developed countries.   All India 2009

42. Write any 6 features of the Suez Canal  Delhi 2009

43. Mention any 6 advantages of oceanic routes.   Delhi 2009

44. Which is the busiest sea route in the world? Describe its 4 characteristics.      Delhi 2008

45. Define the term ’transcontinental railways’. Write 4 characteristics each of trans-Siberian railways and trans-Canadian railways.  Delhi 2008

46. Define the term ‘transport’. Describe any 4 features of the highways of North America.    Delhi 2008.

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...