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Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2024

Truth won't ever die

Christ will be crucified,

Gandhi will have to die,

Bullets have name of their victims,

Good people will ultimately die.

Criminal won't ever let the righteous live,

They will burn Graham stains,

They will crucify the followers of Christ,

Yet the truth won't ever die.

Though kill them bury them,

Yet the truth will be out,

Truth can never be buried,

The truth won't ever die.

You can silence the voice of justice,

Yet the truth shall remain,

Death can only kill humans,

Their ideology can never die.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Act blind

Are you blind, 
Can't you see,
If you can see,
Act blind.

The fool is ruling,
I tell you act blind,
Injustice is the anthem,
Act blind.

Close your eyes,
Close your eyes to reality,
The trend is clear,
Act blind 

If you want to live,
Act blind,
Act blind,
Act blind.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Why tell you are naked, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Why tell you are naked

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

From our hearts of heart, we know
That they are a bunch of lies,
Yet we act, as if, we don't know,
Not distinguishing truth from lies.

Have you, acted ignorantly,
Don't you know, they are lies,
Why tell the naked king
Clothes are missing, don't try.

In the world, some lies are so old,
They have attained the status of truth,
Live, and let others live, is the principle,
Who is bothered, about the truth?

Socrates spoke the truth,
What did he gain in return,
A bowl full of poison,
To the philosopher, was served.

Speak, what the world, wants to know,
Truth, let it go, let it go,
Life or death is a choice
Tell me, what you wanted, to know

Friday, March 19, 2021

Be wise my child, be wise


Be wise my child, be wise,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Be wise my child, be wise,

Truth should not be loud,

Nor should it be spoken,

Nor should it be out.

Note:- When governments become oppressive wisdom takes a back seat. 

The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.Psalm 12:8

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Truth has essence of pain, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Truth has essence of pain
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Keep the truth with you,
All things should not be known,
Truth is killing I tell you,
Not a trace should be shown.

There are so many facts,
We know aren't right,
Yet we hold our peace,
For such are the ways of wise.

It is wise to overlook,
It is wise to ignore,
Some facts need to be hidden,
Right in the hearts' core.

Wise keep their hearts guarded,
Lips never utter the core,
All hide the facts for sure,
In the hearts' core.

With time you will realize,
All are doing the same,
Opening lips is dangerous,
For it can bring a lot of shame.

Some truths are to be hidden,
Some truths are to be ignored,
Some truths are to be forgotten,
Some truths are not to be known.

Man is born free,
Yet everywhere he is in chains,
Hide the facts, I tell you,
Truth has the essence of pain.

A puppy died ,

A puppy died

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

A puppy died on the road,
A vehicle crushed him at a time,
How lucky was that puppy,
He was freed from life.

Some puppies get lamed,
Vehicles crush them down,
They live in some more days,
To be crushed down again.

Who is luckier the one who died,
Or the one who was lamed,
The death that comes in one go, or
A death that comes as a stalemate.

One more sip I will take,
Once more I'll brave it out,
Till the darkness prevails,
My light shall not go out.

Note: - This poem was written in 2005.
The poet regrets at the life of puppies born on the main road.
Then turns to his own life which too is full of difficulties. Yet a ray of hope is seen in the last paragraph in the last two lines. Lines that change it all.
The scripture proclaims God is the light of my salvation of whom should I be afraid. Yes, dear friends, in time of difficulties, I looked to Him and was not ashamed for He sustained me.

Marijuana Cannabis, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Marijuana Cannabis
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I want a freedom fighter,
To fight within this land,
There are a number of perverted,
Who in prison should land?

They are selling our future,
Selling our children weed,
No, they have no wisdom,
To them, money is their Creed.

In the garden I see,
Youngsters smoking weed,
Maybe I see too much,
Much more than I need.

Have you seen someone,
Smoking a joint,
Did you ignore it,
I tell that's the point.

We need a great fighter,
To save my motherland,
Our children will turn out to be druggy
Why don't you understand?

Save them they our future,
Don't make money your God,
One day we will have to answer,
In front of the throne of the Lord.

One day you will understand, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

One day you will understand
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Some came, for the living water,
Some came, to find out faults,
One came, for thirty pieces,
All received from Him their wants.

What are you seeking,
Exactly that you will find,
Blind sought from Him eyesight,
Exactly that didst they find.

What are you seeking from Him,
Exactly that you will find,
Seek not for worldly riches,
Or to the spiritual you'll be blind.

Some are seeking for certificates,
Some are seeking land,
All that is transient,
One day you will understand.

Reginald Ajay Jacob

Dust to dust, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Dust to dust
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Today your highness,
Tomorrow dust to dust.
How frail are human beings,
Whom should the humans trust?

Whatever be your position,
Remember, dust to dust,
Dust should not boast, I tell you,
For tomorrow, its dust to dust.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


Truth hits like a bullet,
It cuts sharper than  sword,
Speak with restrain,
Or they will pick up sword's.

What a beautiful world it is,
Truth has to be quiet,
Yet light shines in the darkness,
And darkness cannot overcome the light.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

My money cant buy a poem by R.A.Jacob


a poem by R.A. Jacob

The world in my pocket 
You know not,dear see
Ponds,dollar and shillings 
In this wallet first see.

See here in my wallet, 
The world and its stores, 
See now I have share, 
In world and its core. 

If world has talents, 
I have dollars to buy, 
If world has foods, 
My money suffices. 

But one thing, oh world, 
I can not buy, 
Salvation and life 
My money can't buy. 

My gold, my silver, 
In whom I have trust, 
Shall be seen by the Lord, 
Just as rust.

Saturday, February 20, 1993

Men are lighter than feather, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Men are lighter than feather

Men are lighter than feather,
Favour shifts swifter than sand,
Alas  their unpredictability,
Is faster than the clock and its hands.

Today they are just praises,
Tomorrow they'll hit thee hard,
Today you consider them well wishers,
Tomorrow shall clear that dark.

Today they are just roses,
Tomorrow will turn out to be thorns,
Today you are proud of them,
Tomorrow you'll regret and mourn.

I am holding my thoughts

I am holding my thoughts, Lest they cover the page, I am holding every thought, Wonder if I can hold them for long. If I speak to you dear p...