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Showing posts with label Practical Geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practical Geography. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Practical Work in Geography class 12 Question Bank and related videos




  1. What is data /datum/information? Pg1

  2. What are the two sources of data?P-2-1

  3. What is personal observation? What does personal observation include?P-2

  4. What are the various precautions that should be taken care of while conducting an interview? Pg3

  5. What is the difference between a questionnaire and a schedule? Pg4

  6. What are the basic characteristics of a questionnaire? Pg4

  7. What is a transducer? –pg4

  8. How can the quality of water and soil be judged? –p4

  9. Name the organization responsible for publishing the senses of India. –p5

  10. Name one government publication? –p4

  11. Give five examples of published sources of secondary data. –p5

  12. Name the organization concerned with quasi-governmental records.-p5

  13. What is a statistical table? What two purposes does it serve?-p6

  14. What are the three ways in which data is presented in tabular form? Explain each with an example.-p6

  15. What do you understand by class interval?-p8

  16. What are the factors that influence the grouping of data?-p8

  17. What is a frequency polygon?

  18. What do you understand by the term central tendency? What are the three ways it can be measured?-p13

  19.  What are the different types of modes? P-20-2

  20. What do you understand by the term dispersion? What are the five measures of measuring dispersion?-p22, 23

  21. What is the standard deviation?-p24

  22. What do you understand by the term rank correlation?-p26

  23. What are the three types of degrees of correlation? P-27

  1. Explain two spatial analysis operations in detail? - 2 P 96

  2. What are the three types of matching of geographic data? Explain in detail. -3 

  3. What are the four types of errors that arise during capturing of special data attributes? Explain each in detail? - 4 

  4. What are the two sources of acquiring spatial data input? - 4

  5. What are the four main stages of manual input of data to G.I.S? pg 92 – 4 

  6. What are the five sequences of activities involved in G.I.S. related work? –5 pg9

  7. Make a comparison between raster and vector data. –5 pg88

  8. What are the four uses of raster data/vector data? –4 pg90

  9. What are the four components of G.I.S.? Pg88 –4

  10. What is the three limitations of a map? P-87-3

  11. What are the four advantages of G.I.S.? P-87-4

  12. What do you understand by percentage rate? P-2



Wednesday, November 30, 2022



Q1 Define the following:

  • Cadastral map

  • Cardinal points

  • Cartography

  • Generalisation map

  • Geoid

  • Map

  • Map series

  • Projection map

  • Scale

  • Sketch map

Q2 What are the five essentials of map making? Explain each in detail. 

Q3 Explain about contribution of Ptolemy

Q4 Distinguish between large scale and small scale maps. 

Q5 What are the different types of map on the basis of function. 

Q6 What are the different uses of map? 

Q7 What are the different types of cultural maps? 


Q1 What is a scale? 

Q2 What are the three different types of scales? Explain each in detail. 

Q3 Convert the given statement of scale of 1 inch represents 6 miles into RF. 

Q4 Convert RF 1:453, 440 into statement of scale ( In metric system) 

Q5 Divide an unequal line of 7 CM into 5 equal parts. 


  1. What are contours?Pg.53 (1)

  2. What are Contour Intervals? Pg.53 (1)

  3. What is a cross section? 

  4. What are Hachures? 

  5. What are topographic map

  6. Name the organisation responsible for making topographical maps. s? 

  7. What are the five basic features of Contours? (5)

  8. Identify the following features on the basis of slope or contours.pg.54-59 (1 mark each)

  9. Define the following . Pg 54-59 (1 mark each)

  10. Identify the types of slopes by looking at the contours provided to you and also draw the required landforms. (IMPORTANT) 

  11. Define the following:

  • Gentle slope

  • Steep slope

  • Concave slope

  • Convex slope

  • Conical hill

  • Plateau

  • V shaped valley

  • U shaped valley

  • Gorge

  • Spur

  • Cliff

  • Waterfall and Rapid


Q1 Define the following terms:

  • Absorptance

  • Digital image

  • Digital number

  • Digital image processing

  • EMR

  • FCC

  • Gray scale

  • Sensor

  • Reflectance

  • Spectral Band

Q2 What are the three types of spatial resolutions? Discuss each in detail. 

Q3 What are the five elements of visual interpretation? Explain each element in detail.Pg 100 (5)

Q4.What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Which region is used for remote sensing? pg 87 ( 3)

Q5. Distinguish between Sun-synchronous and Geostationary Satellites. pg.89 (5)

Q6. What do you understand by temporal resolution? pg 92 (1)


Q1 When was the Indian meteorological department established?Where are it's headquarters? 

Ans. 1875

Q2 What do you understand about the term weather? 

Q3 Name the typical instrument in the 1st class observatory and explain their use.

Q4 What is the importance of Stevenson Screen? 

Q5 Name the instrument used to measure temperature. 

(Ans- thermometer.) 

Q6 Name the instrument used for measuring pressure

( Ans- Barometer) 

Q7 Name the instrument used to measure wind direction 

( Ans -Wind vane) 

Q8 Name the instrument used to measure Rain 

( Ans- Rain gauge) 

Q9 Define the following terms:

  • Isobars

  • Isotherms

  • Isohyets

  • Isohels

  • Isonephs

Q10 Identify the map symbols on pg 118 and 119.

Q11 Identify isotherms and isobars on maps shown to you in fig 8.12 and 8.13.

Q4.Name the five instruments that a class 1 observatory inputs. pg 108 (5)

Q5.Explain the importance of the following instruments:-

a.Maximum and minimum thermometers

b.Anemometer and wind vane

c.Dry and Wet bulb thermometer

d.Rain Gauge


Q6. What is the importance of Stevenson screen? Pg.110

Q7. What are the advantages of maximum and minimum thermometer pg 109

Q8.What is a dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometer? What is its utility? pg 110

Q9.What is a barometer? Explain its uses? pg111

 Q10.Explain the working wind vane and rain gauge? Pg 112 and 113 



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