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Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side,

Hidden in the dark,

How dark must be the darkness,

Of the people  who appear to be dark.

Wash yourself of all malice,

Wash yourself and be clean,

Wash and cleanse yourself,

In the blood of the lamb.

Christ will punish you for sure,

Even David was not spared,

Mills of God will grind you,

You shall not be spared.

I raise my hands to the Lord,

I raise my hands for sure,

Vengeance shall be attributed,

Vengeance and vengeance for sure.

May my prayer grow louder and louder,

May my prayer reach His ears,

May my God arise,

May He wipe all tears.

Every person is a god's  creation,

You have raped, molested and killed,

Vengeance is bound to happen,

Christ is still the king.

Earth is seeking for justice,

Blood is crying to the lord,

Dead are seeking for an answer,

Staring at the face of the lord.

Let lord arise,

Let Him judge the earth,

Plundered are the people for sure,

Justice is the cry of the earth.

R. A. Jacob

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

They thought they had accomplished a poem by R.A. Jacob

They thought they had accomplished, 

A remarkable fleet by killing Christ, 

Blood of Christ had been shed, 

Gates of redemption opened wide. 

Christ preached the message of salvation, 

In the depth of the earth as He died, 

Three days of mighty evangelism, 

And the Sheol lost its captives for sure. 

The blood of the martyrs never fails, 

Seed dies to accomplish His will, 

Hundred fold increase is promised, 

For the seed that dies as He Wills.

Mathematics of Jesus is wonderful, 

Seed dies and brings hundred fold, 

Every seed is precious, 

Not a single seed will be lost. 

A poem by R.A.Jacob

Saturday, December 3, 2022

I know we all are sinners,

 Protection of the Cross

a poem by R.A.Jacob

We all need the protection of the cross, 
The sacrificial sacrifice of Jesus, 
Is Attonment for one and all,. 
Die in His death to live again, 
He is the ransom for all, 
Every knee shall bow and confess, 
That Jesus is the Lord. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The only love that will hold you forever

 The only love that will hold you forever

a poem by R.A. Jacob

The only love that will hold you forever,

The only love that won't ever fail,

Won't ever be provided by human arms,

Nor shall it be charms that fail.

It comes from above, it never fails,

Only a few can find it, with eyes of faith,

The creator of the world is the wisest,

He grants this to those who seek.

The rest of the world just worries,

Regrets and pleads,

Neither do they find it,

Nor will they ever seek.

I raise my mine eyes to the Cross

 I raise my mine eyes to the Cross

a poem by R.A. Jacob

When things go beyond me

When difficulties surround me,

When I lose control,

I raise my mine eyes to the Cross

Moses lifted the snake in the desert,

Those who looked at it were restored,

Perishing people were made whole,

The death just lost it's control.

If things go beyond you,

If difficulties surround you, 

If you you have reached the wall,

Then my dear one to Jesus call.

Walls of failure will perish, 

Walls of dejection shall cease,

The saviour shall hold you,

He shall hear your pleas.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Creator of Heaven and Earth

Creator of heaven and earth

Peace Poem By Reginold Jacob, India

Creator of heaven and earth,

When born on this earth,

Had a lowly manger,

As a place of His birth.

What a wonderful world,

Creator has no  better place,

What a wonderful world,

No place for the Lord of heaven & earth.

Even today Christ is seeking a place,

He doesn't need cathedrals,

Even today Christ is seeking a place,

In our hearts, He needs some worth.

Are you too busy in the affairs of the world,

Are you seeking for things that don't satisfy,

Give some place to Messiah,

And I tell you, you'll be satisfied.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

I kept walking on stones

 I kept walking on stones

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I kept walking on stones,

Stones are always hard,

Stones were everywhere on the way,

I chose the way that was hard.

Some people have to live on stones,

Some people have hearts of stones,

Some people are pelleted with stones,

Some people have turned into stones.

Jesus of Nazareth cried out,

If these people are silenced, 

The very stones will cry out.

I pray to my Jesus aloud.

Turn a stone into flesh,

Miracle my lord I need,

Hearts have turned out to be stoney,

My Lord, you have to play a part.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Why did you mix religion and politics

 Why did you mix religion and politics

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Why did you mix religion and politics

Didn't Christ tell you for sure,

Render to Caesar what is Caesars,

And to God what is God's.

Yet the people of the world,

Keep mixing  religion & politics for sure,

You see the disaster in making,

Cutting off many more throats.

Wise in their wisdom,

Became foolish for sure,

Mixing the two is deadly,

As deadly as you can explore

Note:- When Christ was asked the question of whether they should pay the taxes. Christ asked them to show the tax money and clarified their doubts. A point that religion and politics are different don't mix the two

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Without him, I am a bunch of lies

 Without him, I am a bunch of lies

Poem By Reginold Jacob

How horrible, how dark, is my life,

I am not worthy at all,

If He had not paid the price,

I am sure I would have gone.

Gone to the depth of the hell,

Burnt in its red hot fire,

Yet He paid the price in full,

A fact that I admire.

My worth is in Christ Jesus,

For He paid for me the price,

Look not for worth in me,

Without Him, I am a bunch of lies.


Westly Shaw Thanks for sharing and so true!

Matthew Bill Reginold, as our challenges are many, many of them are great. With a little bit of help made easy, in the same breath when our eyes are open, they are often multiplied. A nice spiritual thought you have penned and shared. Thanks 

Friday, March 19, 2021

He bled and died for you

Stumbling stone. a rock of offence

a poem by R.A. Jacob

He bled and died for you,

Yet you reject Him in one go,

Calling the scriptures corrupted,

You are deceived by the devil you know.

 Note:- The sacrifice of Jesus has the power to save one and all do not be deceived if someone doubts,

Romans 9:33“Behold, I am laying in Zion ya stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense;zand whoever believes in him will not be aput to shame.”

Monday, September 21, 2020

He my soul relives

 He my soul relives

a poem by R.A. Jacob


How many swords have been,

Thrust in my heart,

I cannot express,

Oh my heart.


Yet I know It does pain,

Each wound leaves its stains,

And I cover it mark,

As one covers shame.


They are the men of words,

Men of empty words,

Who speak of sureties,

Which are always undone.


Where should I begin,

Where should I end,

Oh my dear I simply,

Can't ever understand.


From the day I stood on my feet,

They have robbed me every time,

Wearing different vesture,

Yet hurting every time.


I would have perished,

By their continuous repeat,

But defeat I don't concede,

For He my soul relieves.


In Him I my succor receive,

In Him I find my relief,

What humans cannot comprehend,

That peace in Him I receive


R.A. Jacob

At a point stop and reflect

 At a point stop and reflect,
Is it worth the pain,
Don't sell yourself so easily,
I make this to you, so plain.

You were bought at a price,
Your freedom is worth,
Don't stoop so much,
That you lose your worth.

Look at the love of Jesus,
He paid for you the price,
Don't be sold for pieces,
You have a great price.

He provides for the birds,
His hands shall supply,
Why are you worried,
He hears our cries.

Note: Yes dear friends God is good, He is always taking care of His children, don't fear tomorrow He is Lord of it too.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

I tell you every face has value

 I tell you every face has value

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Go ask a mother,
Why she loves her child,
It's all because it's her child,
It's all because it's her child.  

Love is the supreme gift of God,
Ask Him why He sent His child,
Ask Him why He paid the price,
Simply  because He knew the price.

I tell you every face has value,
He knows the value,
He paid the price,
Forget all that demeans you.
You have value in his eyes.

Seeking value in gold & silver,
Seeking value in stones,
Hearts have turned to stone.

What do you value,
Gold, silver or stones,
What about flesh and bones,
Today everyone values just stones.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

As we look at Christ the king, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

As we look at Christ the king,

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

The day serpents stung, Israelites,
Moses in supplication pleaded for their life,
Look at the brazen snake and be whole,
Those who followed instructions revived.

He helped the leper,
He gave blind their eyes,
The dead were restored,
Restored back to Life.

In Him, no one can meet demise,
Death through Him met demise,
On the way to Calvary,
Death lost its sting.

Blessing from the blood, of the Lamb, did spring,
Crushing the power of death and sin,
Corona too shall perish,
As we look at Christ the king.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Wear the wedding clothes of the Lamb, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Wear the wedding clothes of the Lamb

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Wear wedding clothes,
Provided by the Lamb,
You need to attend the feast,
No other options are present, just heed.

When the man walked out of the garden,
Garden of Eden I mean,
God provided him clothes,
Even for the wedding feast, you need.

These clothes are clothes of righteousness,
Created by the lamb who died,
You need to wear it for forgiveness,
No other way to heaven, can one try.

It covers our sins, you know,
It covers us from god's wrath,
Fire awaits the unprepared,
Wear the wedding clothes of the Lamb.

Note,:- The poem talks about, how man
came out of heaven, wearing leather clothes, provided by God. Clothes made of animal skin. The clothes for going back to heaven are made by His sacrifice, ie the sacrifice of Christ Himself on the cross. We all need to be covered by His grace for then only we can reach the wedding feast.ie heaven

I can associate with Him, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I can associate with Him

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Couldn't earn any social capital,
Except for some forsaken hearts,
I think It is sufficient for me,
I don't know about that art.

My God was also rejected,
Rejected by the Pharisees,
I can associate with Him,
As rejection I see.

Thank God for the stable,
Thank God for that cross,
I can associate with you,
In my loneliness, I find my God.

I can associate with you,
You were poor on this Earth,
The world never knew your worth.
I too have that in dearth.

King of Kings came to the earth,
Wearing swathing bands,
In His humility, I see the love,
The love of my Lord my God.

Friday, July 10, 2020

To Thee, I Lift Mine Eyes, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

To Thee, I Lift Mine Eyes

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

To thee, I lift my eyes,
Master of heaven and earth,
You are more than sufficient,
To the I lift my eyes.

I love to talk to thee,
For you carry my burdens for me,
I wonder what would have happened,
Had I not known thee.

Hear my Savior on thee I rely,
To thee, I lift my eyes.

Lord this world is thirsty, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Lord this world is thirsty, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Lord, this world is thirsty,
Everybody wants to be seen,
In order to fulfil this desire,
They have built up castles of dreams.

They are living, now in fantasies,
And this truth they always hide,
Though deep inside their conscious,
This fact as an epitome abides.

They are thirsty of love,
Recognition is their need,
And in order to gain it
See on fantasies, they feed.

They walk in doubt,
And pose satisfied,
Yet deep inside,
Their spirits doth cry

In order to satisfy,
Our weary hearts,
They run after pleasures.
That in seconds dishearten.

Distressed, disheartened, in the gloom they sway,
Yet they wear the mask of lies,
Which if someone tries to expose,
There is a lot of hue and cry.

To cover up, their anguish,
To cover up their shame,
They walk out sophisticated,
High above the plain.

You are my refuge, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

You are my refuge, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

You are my refuge, You are my guide,
Without you, I have nothing besides,
My trust is in the lord of the armies,
That's my sure defence.

Every time I trust humans,
I fail with the thud alas,
Yet I keep on committing a blunder,
To meet the same alas.

It takes me time to learn,
And I unlearn the lessons fast,
Some places should be given to Creator,
Or you'll always meet Disaster alas.

You are supreme I appreciate you,
On thee my Saviour I wait,
I know you always prevail,
And in you, I never fail.

Trustworthy, truthful, lover of men,
In your appreciation I say amen,
For your love is supreme,
Every now and then.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Reinforce the walls of this castle, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Reinforce the walls of this castle

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Reinforce the walls of this castle,
Thou hast sealed it each and every time,
The force is attacking the centre
Striking at the very nest.

Nature has no factor to play,
Nor is there any other power,
I am fighting my mortal nature,
I need immortal to guard.

I am sure He can move the mountains,
Yet alas, I have the option to choose,
Oh, what a free will,
I wish I may refuse.

If it were to sea he could part,
If it was the tempest He could part,
Here it is my heart,
I too have to play a part.

When it's thee, I am strong,
When it comes to me I am weak,
At this hour of decision
My Lord, thy command I seek

Not my will Lord, but thine,
Everything shall be so fine,
If I am left to free will,
I am sure I am bound to pine

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...