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Monday, September 21, 2020

He my soul relives

 He my soul relives

a poem by R.A. Jacob


How many swords have been,

Thrust in my heart,

I cannot express,

Oh my heart.


Yet I know It does pain,

Each wound leaves its stains,

And I cover it mark,

As one covers shame.


They are the men of words,

Men of empty words,

Who speak of sureties,

Which are always undone.


Where should I begin,

Where should I end,

Oh my dear I simply,

Can't ever understand.


From the day I stood on my feet,

They have robbed me every time,

Wearing different vesture,

Yet hurting every time.


I would have perished,

By their continuous repeat,

But defeat I don't concede,

For He my soul relieves.


In Him I my succor receive,

In Him I find my relief,

What humans cannot comprehend,

That peace in Him I receive


R.A. Jacob

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