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Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Through you the next generation, 
Shall come to this earth, 
You are the mother of future, 
Never underestimate your worth. 

Hands that rock the cradle, 
Will always rule the earth, 
Teach the future generations, 
To value a woman's worth. 

Teach your son to respect woman, 
Teach your son to respect her a lot, 
Women has the power to emancipate, 
Teach thy child to respect her love. 

You will rock the destiny in your hands, 
You will be the one who decide, 
Teach your son the values, 
Which society should imbibe. 

R. A. Jacob

Thursday, March 31, 2022

She wears two cap's as I find

 She wears two cap's as I find,

And she is wonderful in each,

From the four walls of her house,

She has stepped out in the world.

The curse of Adam was meant for just him,

She has stepped in to bear it herself,

Out of they sweat shall though eat,

She has stepped in to bear the bane.

She works at two frontiers,

Be it home or workplace,

Every place she has proved her worth,

Yet men still call her words.

When our better half has turned out to be the best,

Why shouldn't we appreciate,

Why should we just wait,

I tell you my dear you are great.

In your honour, I can write a million lines,

Yet they won't be appropriate,

She needs three words of appreciation,

For which she really Wait's.

Give her the reward for her work,

She is worthy of all praise,

Let her own work praise her,

Right up in front of the gates.

Note: I dedicate this poem to all women who have borne insult, dishonour, disgrace because of the atrocities of men who should have stood as their protectors.

Pattra Shuwaswat Reginold Really loved the contents of this poem is spot on, The power of women needs special attention. enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for sharing and have a happy weekend

A beautiful poem and tribute Reginold. So heartening to read something appreciative and respectful of women, more so after reading about the statements of the defence lawyer and the accused in the Nirbhaya case. Warm regards.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

She is a woman

 She is a woman,

How much injustice,

Will, you  load on her,

Don't insult her every time.

She is human, 

Don't rob her of her rights,

Remember she is someone's daughter,

Treat her with dignity & pride.

In the name of religion you rape her,

Which religion do you profess,

A rapist has no religion,

It's a fact that you should understand.

At the time of partition, they raped her,

The city is not safe as you find,

Rapists are raping and killing,

The name of religion is maligned.

Why did she walk out after eight,

Moral policeman explains,

So you taught her a lesson,

It's she who has to be blamed.

My daughter, my wife, my sister,

This world has turned out to be a bane,

No one bothers, no one cares,

They blame, & stare at her 

It pains.

Maggie Pollock Hi Reginold A hard-hitting poem that pulls no punches and I agree with all you have written. Our world is becoming a horrendous place when inhuman men carry out such horrifying acts of cruelty. As you also write "Why did she walk out after eight?" Why shouldn't she be allowed to go out after eight? So often we hear the woman being blamed when people say it was her own fault. Utter rubbish. I have just posted a poem about a seventy-two-year-old nun being raped by five men. MEN? No, they are not men. They are inhuman and I hope they will be held accountable. I was utterly disgusted when I heard it on the news. ***** star for a hard-hitting truthful poem and hunners of hugs fae Maggie x Scotland 03/17/2015 7:37 PM

William Willis Hard-hitting words dear Reginold. Women and men should be equal in every walk of life. A powerful poem and I enjoyed its message. Wm. *****

So much of burden ye carry

 So much of burden ye carry,

So much of pain,

Yet ye keep on smiling,

As if everything is so plain.

Woman, you are so worthy,

You make me feel proud,

You carry so many burdens,

Yet still smiles in the crowd.

Shoulders of women,

The world may consider them weak,

Yet I know they aren't,

They are shoulders of meek.

You are builders of family,

You cover all that is wrong,

In appreciation of your goodness,

I write this all.


Yes, dear friend women have played a very important role in society. They are the ones around whom the civilized society revolves. I think they are the gift given to mankind.

They rape the mother, They kill her child

Where is India,

I can't find it,

They rape the mother,

They kill her child.

Women thy pain is eternal,

None can understand your plight,

Your seeds have turned against thee,

Men have turned out to be wild.

Shame on you mankind,

Shame on you every man,

You have shown your reality,

Every now and then.

Maybe we forgot to teach them,

Maybe our morals are low,

Maybe we teach just daughters,

Men just simply go.

I live in the rape capital,

Shame on you mankind,

You slap humanity,

A million times.

William Willis A hard-hitting poem Reginold. Sorry to hear that from your city. Terrible events that must be caught. Respect for others is taught in infancy. You are so right. 

Nishu Mathur Very sad and disturbing, Reginold. Warm regards India 06/11/2017 12:35 PM

Christine Shaw So terribly sad to hear of the continuing plight of women, not just in India but all over the world. How can you change the doctrine for many years? It will take both men and women to change attitudes, but I put the blame firmly on the male species while accepting that mothers have their part to play as well. Thought-provoking and hard-hitting. All good wishes 

Edwin Jepson Powerful, Sad, and upsetting Reginold , All Best Wishes to You,

Monday, September 21, 2020

Women should raise her voice

A woman should raise her voice,
When justice to even one is denied,
Hands that rock the cradle,
Should not be justice denied.

Family the cradle of virtue,
Is made by you my dear,
Why shouldn't you stand for the truth,
Why should you live in fear?

Stand up speak out,
Speak and it shall be heard,
Speak for the world needs a voice,
Or you will be led as a herd.

Forget the boundaries of me and mine,
Rise up the world is thine,
When you stand up for principles,
Then this world would be fine.

Note: This poem is about how women can bring the much-needed change that society needs. It may be difficult for her today to change the world in one go, yet as she rocks the cradle she can bring the much-needed change.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A cherished memory I would like to share, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

A cherished memory I would like to share

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

A cherished memory,
I would share with you,
And that memory I tell you,
Is too hard to find.

For we remember just hurts,
To love, I think, we are blind,
That's why we are blind,
That's why we are blind.

Surely you shall die,
Told the Lord Most High,
And We think we are all alive,
Look we are blind, truly blind.

Oh, the fruit of Hades,
Why were you there on this earth,
You robbed us of humanity,
You brought on Earth the curse.

You ate the fruit yourself,
And gave the rest to man,
Yet your presence is beautiful,
It's like heaven every now and then.

The man was driven from heaven,
Yet heaven walked next to man,
She made His Life so beautiful,
It was as if heaven came to earth.

Remember she is your heaven,
Remember she is your life,
Helpmate was given by the Lord,
You can simply call her l life.

Note:- The poem is written in response to the tile challenge. The poet looks for pleasant memories and finds that they are in dearth. Regrets the fact and blames it on the eve. Who ate the fruit and also gave it to man. For he considers that it is because of the fruit, we ate in heaven, that our mind only records, just bad things. Yet then the poet considers that it is women who have made life as good as heaven itself for men. Truly they deserve our praise

Friday, July 10, 2020

Gift called love, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Gift called love

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

No man is untouched by her grace,
Her face has the power to inspire,
Look at her your beloved,
Look at her your wife,

She is the breath of life,
Makes it beautiful and alive,
It's sure they deserve respect,
Not a word can one suspect.

From the cradle, she cared for us,
Without her even heaven's were alone,
Our helper, our life-breath,
Our partner, her love, always suffice.

Love has found its personification,
Love has touched your life,
We are blessed to have them,
I call it life, life and life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Taken from near my heart, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Taken from near my heart
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Who is the sculpture,
Of of this beautiful, work of art,
Looking at your beauty,
I say how great thou art.

No sculpture can craft,
Such work of art,
Stolen from Adam,
Yet still his part.

Now I know why,
You knock at my heart,
You were my rib,
Taken from near my heart

Tears, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

How many struggles,
You hold, in your arms, and
They say women are weak,
I think, only, inexperience can speak.

The burdens, a woman carries,
Are many, beyond compare,
Only she can handle them,
None other can ever dare.

Fight your battle, on your knees,
He will step in from your side,
The walls of Jericho fell,
So will it be this time?

I can't help you,
I can't wipe your tears,
He is might, almighty,
To Him, you are very dear.

Your tears can wash off, strongholds
If you, lift up, your hands, in prayer,
I tell your father is mighty,
He cares for your every tear.

Note:- I wrote this poem looking at the tears in a girl's eyes. She wanted to hide them from her mother. As she realized that I saw it she acted as if something had fallen in her eyes

Friday, June 5, 2020

Are we worthy of the gift, God gave us? a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Are we worthy of the gift, God gave us?
The bone of my bones,flesh of my flesh,
First Adam has failed so miserably,
Second Adam had to come in flesh.

The church is the bride of Christ,
To save her, Christ made the sacrifice,
Where are you, first Adam?
Where, do you have, love of Christ?

Do you, just love yourself,
What about, the flesh of your flesh?
What about, the bone of your bone?
Has your heart bean turned to stone?

From the cradle, she has cared for you,
Her arms have been arms of care,
Where has she failed you? Oh mighty man
Where is your love and care?

You have treated her, as an object of desire,
Harem, you gave, her instead,
Where is your manhood?
Where is your manhood? I plead.

The hands that nursed thee,
The hands that cared,
First adam you have fallen, from grace,
Learn from second Adam If you care.

First Adam stands for human beings.
Second Adam stands Jesus Christ.
Bones of my bones of bones, flesh of my flesh, stands for the women.
Rest is women's plight.

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...