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Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

In the garden of Eden


a poem by R.A. Jacob

 In the garden of Eden,

Man ate the forbidden fruits,

Which led to his downfall,

As he God's will refused.

God promised that day,

To the lost mankind,

Reunion to the lost world,

Through His son's sacrifice.

One day of Christmas,

A virgin gave birth to a child,

The son who will suffer,

To save the lost mankind.

Christmas has its fulfilment,

When we learn from the cross,

The message of love,

Which is for one and all.

Let us at this Christmas,

Look at Christ,

Who is ready to forgive,

The lost, disheartened mankind.

Note: My dream this Christmas is, that we may never reject the gift given by God. Christ is the gift of Christmas. A gift that can reunite us with our Father. May we look to Him as he offers salvation to one and all.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Adam in the garden of Eden


a poem by R.A. Jacob

Adam in the garden of Eden ate the forbidden fruit,

Lost in a second the holy commune,

A second Adam to the rescue came,

Carrying all our burdens and our shame.

Born in a manger the king of king,

Breaking the barrier cast by sins,

The promise to eve had now materialized,

Born in manger Jesus Christ.

Prophecy of prophets came to be true,

Word of God now in flesh manifest,

Second Adam to the rescue and redress,

Son of God now in flesh manifest.

Beginning from the garden of Eden,

Manifesting in Christ's birth,

Love of God will reach perfection,

On the place called the skull.

This baby will die for you,

This baby will die for me,

Thank God you died for the world,

Thank God you died for me.

Note:- The poem contains an age-old truth which is the essence of Christmas a gift beyond compare

Gift of christmas, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Gift of Christmas

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

Gift of Christmas,

Cannot be bought at the store,

For the gift is precious,

Too precious to be sold.

Yet you can get it for free,

From the one who hung on the tree,

When you look at the cross,

He is waiting to forgive all.

For birth is the beginning

To the way of the cross,

Christ came to suffer,

Suffer for one and all.

Son of man has played his part,

Will, we harken to his voice,

Will, we look at the gift of salvation,

Or will we simply pass by?

Receive the gift of Christmas,

Receive the love of Christ,

The gift is yours for free,

With faith look at the tree.

Presenting to you the gift called Christ. Wishing you all Merry Christmas. Jacob

I am holding my thoughts

I am holding my thoughts, Lest they cover the page, I am holding every thought, Wonder if I can hold them for long. If I speak to you dear p...