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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

In the garden of Eden


a poem by R.A. Jacob

 In the garden of Eden,

Man ate the forbidden fruits,

Which led to his downfall,

As he God's will refused.

God promised that day,

To the lost mankind,

Reunion to the lost world,

Through His son's sacrifice.

One day of Christmas,

A virgin gave birth to a child,

The son who will suffer,

To save the lost mankind.

Christmas has its fulfilment,

When we learn from the cross,

The message of love,

Which is for one and all.

Let us at this Christmas,

Look at Christ,

Who is ready to forgive,

The lost, disheartened mankind.

Note: My dream this Christmas is, that we may never reject the gift given by God. Christ is the gift of Christmas. A gift that can reunite us with our Father. May we look to Him as he offers salvation to one and all.

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