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Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

I love you, I love you, I love you,

💔💔 I love you, I love you, I love you,

You will never know,

It's my failure that you can't understand,

What an imperfect poet, I can’t reach your hand.

I call it the shadow below the lamp,

With all my talent I can't reach your hand,

You, my love, won't ever understand,

You, my love, won’t ever understand.

Maybe, the whole world learn about our love,

Yet, you may fail to understand,

What an imperfect poet,

I can’t reach your hand.

Man has reached the moon, 

I can’t reach your hand,

Perfection in failure,

You won't understand it.

Yet one day when I cross the river

Maybe you may know, my love, 

What will it profit me,

If now I am unheard.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

ll be faithful to you A poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

ll be faithful to you
A poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

I'll be faithful to you

Till death us do part

I wonder why should we part

You are my sweetheart

Sweeter than sweet beyond compare

You are the hope of my life

World Calls this relation wife

I call it life, life and life

Friday, July 10, 2020

Let me build a wonder of the world for you

Let me build a wonder of the world for you,
Let me build a taj for you,
A king built it for his beloved,
And I am sure I can build it for you.

He build it when he lost his hearts throb,
He build it when he was alone,
And if that is the reason for that building,
I have a stronger reason all the more.

He build it when he lost his life essence,
I'll build it because I lost you,
Their death played the villain,
Here misunderstanding rocked me and you.

There life and death a barrier played,
Here misunderstanding took its place,
The king might have met his love in heaven,
Here I can’t find any way.

Parted by death, in heaven they met,
Yet alas my love, we won’t meet,
For victims of misunderstanding, never rise,
And even at the next age, they can’t meet.

Note: Better is open rebuke than hidden love

Thursday, July 9, 2020

To Me You Are A Dream, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

To Me, You Are A Dream
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

To me, You are a dream
A dream that could never materialize
Yet I saw you with my open eyes
Splendour beauty and perfection redefined.

It's good you remained a dream
A dream that could never materialise
Too much happiness is injurious as I find
Too much happiness is hard to find

Without you I have something's to ponder
Without you, I have something to dream
A dream that remains a dream
Is better than realities that are seen

You'll never know how much I loved you
It's good it's wonderful
Or you would have been proud
And I still would have been a crowd

Why did you make her so beautiful
That's my heart yearns for her till today
Creator Your creations are to Worthy
Memories are here to stay

My love, you are above all crowd, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My love, you are above all crowd
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

If I love, I only love you,
My love, let it be known,
You are my breath, my life,
My dear, my sweet sweet wife.

Ask no question,
Be sure of my love,
Oh my dear, my turtle dove,
Now I name you love,love& love.

The sun may fail to rise,
Stars may meet demise,
Yet my love for you,
Forever shall as abide.

As for the stars and,
I'll bring them down,
Ask for heavens and,
I'll make you proud.

What can I do?

What can I do?
I am at such a stage,
That your image is present,
On each and every page.

I read every word,
My eyes riveted on the page,
But my heart you know,
Is captured and encaged.

I leave my book,
To change my mind,
But your thoughts,
Forever abide.

I close my book and
Ponder for a while,
I try my best,
But your thoughts abide.

Oh dear till when,
This love I can hide,
You know not dear,
My heart’s plight.

It tries its best,
That its love may be known,
But the one in the skull,
Asks it not to expose.

Whenever you are near,
Its my head that prevails,
And whenever you leave
My heart takes its place.

Don’t think that I don’t love you,
I am at such a stage, and
If I don’t get you,
I’ll turn out to be a sage.

Note: I should have written this note as I posted this poem on valentine day yet I didn't as I wanted you to enjoy it. This poem was written during my college days.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I don't know much , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I don't know much,
But I know that I love you,
My feelings for you,
My love is true.

If I love, I only love you,
You are the breath of my life,
My dear, My love,
My sweet, sweet wife.

Ask me no question,
Be sure of my love,
Oh my dear, my turtle dove,
Now I name you love, love& love.

The sun may fail to rise,
Stars may meet demise,
Yet my love for you,
Forever shall as abide.

As for the stars and,
I'll bring them down,
Ask for heavens and,
I'll make you proud.

Muse, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


Has a drunkard ever said,
No to wine,
Don't call him a drunkard,
If he says no to wine.

No, no to you, sweetheart
Even a look is a knock at my heart,
May your countenance forever be bright,
And I will fill colours in my art.

Angel of heaven I tell you,
Walk not thou on this Earth,
Nor can I pen down thy beauty,
Nor can I count thy worth.

Yet you will continue to be my muse,
A fact that I can't ever refuse,
Adding colour to my creation,
Each and every time I choose.

Love should never grow cold, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Love should never grow cold
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Love should never grow cold,
Making its way anyway,
It should always flow like a river,
Should be refreshing always.

The beauty of love is this,
It always lingers,
When near, you take it for granted,
When it's far, it's all the more dear.

Missing you, my sweetheart,
Without you, I am just a part,
A Feeling from my heart,
For my dear sweetheart.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Tell me doctor, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


She'll be, a doctor,

When her college days last,
And I, have a question,
From her to ask.

Tell me, doctor,
Do all heart's, beat alike?
Or is there some difference,
Your stethoscope can find.

Do you hear just lub dub,
Is there something else
You can hear,
Try on me, dear, try on me, dear.

Hear not just lub dub,
Hear your name it repeats,
Your stethoscope won't find it
But your heart shall conceive.


Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...