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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Minted gold and diamonds a poem by R.A. Jacob

 Minted  gold and diamonds,

Plenty of treasures in the word,

Giving succour to the faint heart,

 Whenever they are heard.

Fear not Little flock,

I am on the side,

Nobody can touch thee,

The ball of my eyes.

Did the manna fail in the desert,

Or the windows oil ran dry,

I am the same forever,

If only my son you try.

Do not fear for tomorrow,

I am Lord of it too,

Have faith in me,

That's all that you can do.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sometimes words fall short a poem by R.A. Jacob

Sometimes words fall short,

Sometimes words just fail,

When words lose their potency,

I turned to the one who never fails.

Words have  power indeed,

I wish to express it in one go,

Word will then accuse me,  

Every word has the power you know.

I can't, pour out my heart,

I can't, trust even a page,

I can't give a vent,

I Can't, I can't, even if it is a page.

Do not carry the burden of eternity,

Your shoulders will fail I am sure,

Weep in front of My Saviour,

He understands our heart’s core.

Weep, weep and weep again,

Weep, weep and weep out loud,

He will hear your whisper, 

He will hear you even if you are loud. 

I will keep you in a veil of secrecy, 

No, they will never find out,

They will read, yet veil, 

Yet the veil shall forever abound. 

Come with me, my child, 

Come to the Father's house, 

Hold His hands of comfort,

I tell you He will not flout.

In the shade of the wood, 

The wood of that blessed cross, 

Millions have found relief, 

In the shade of the cross.

He closes a door, 

We feel the depth of pain,

Yet it was closed for our good,

Lest our future is stained.

Trust your father for sure,

Trust He Will not fail, 

He can lift up the valleys,

He can make mountains plain.

Wait oh bleeding soul waits,

Wait on the promises of the Lord,

Pour out thy supplications,

At the footstool of the lord. 

Your father is the maker of heaven and earth,

Your father is a mighty man,

Pour out your supplications,

I am sure He will stretch out his hand.

Do not carry the burden of eternity,

Just hold  his mighty hand,

Weep, weep and weep again,

I tell you He will hold your hand.

He can rewrite your future,

But you just have to leave it in his hands, 

Why should I force my will,

For I know he has a better plan.

No advice to give, 

Yet  a request to make,

When burdens are  too heavy, 

Just leave it at his stake.

Note:-In this poem you will find that the poet discounts the value of words. 

In the second stanza, you will find the poet speaks exactly the opposite of what he expresses in the first stanza. 

The poet is not able to express his thoughts to a page hence is trying to cover everything in a veil, later you will find the poet turns to God and asks his loved one to also turn to the Lord, for the poet knows only God can really help.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

My train is running at its fastest ....5, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My train is running at its fastest ....5

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My train is running at its fastest,
Who can hold the speed of time,
Passengers have now reached college,
Guard is happy besides.

I see myself in a valley So green,
I thank Almighty for His grace,
See the tracks kept changing,
Yet one thing was sure that's His grace.

With me in the valley,
With me every time,
I love your presence,
Each and every time.

So many joys have you added in my heart,
I praise you for great though art,
My relaxation and comfort thou art,
And I know you won't ever part.

Note: The poem talks about passengers ie my children. Guard is my wife

As a hen gathers her children a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

 As a hen gathers her children,

Right under her wings,

He will also surround  me,

From each and every harm.

Arms of Almighty can never fail,

He is victorious every time,

Neither have they failed in the past

Nor will they fail this time.

Some trust in chariots,

Some trust in fate,

I have you as my refuge,

I have essence called faith.

Hold the mouth of deceitful,

Hold the mouth of lies,

Build your wall around me,

Whenever circumstances try.

Note:- This poem draws its inspiration from Psalm 91. I have always seen the deliverance of the Lord. He part's the sea so that I may cross. To me, he is the only reality that can protect me, His child.

Let Saul convert to Paul, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Let Saul convert to Paul

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

On the road to Damascus,

Saul encountered Christ,

Looking at His glory

Saul turned out to be blind.

Today also the condition is the same,

Most of us have turned out to be blind,

Blind to the glory of Jesus,

Blind to the goodness of Christ.

In veil is the goodness of God,

Men have turned out to be blind,

Thinking our hands have done it,

Veil has turned us blind.

May the scales of ignorance fall,

May we all receive our eyesight,

Acknowledged that He is creator, or

Till when shall the blind lead the blind.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mighty hands

How much hatred can you carry, 
Is it fit for human beings, 
When human favour ceases,
I plead to the Eternal one to intervene. 

When I see it's beyond human resources, 
When I see injustice is at its peak, 
When human wisdom fails to be, 
I interceed the eternal one to intervene

Blood always cries for justice, 
It cries up to the Lord of heaven and earth, 
Blood will seek for justice, 
And I tell you it's cries will be heard. 

God is not blind, nor is His staff weak, 
Justice will always prevail, 
When I fail to understand,
I leave it in His mighty hands. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I think an enemy has attacked us

I think an enemy has attacked us

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I think an enemy has attacked us, 
Yet I will bowdown and pray, 
I submit the helm in your hand, 
The ship is yours always. 

I can't steer the ship I am sure, 
I can't steer the ship all alone, 
When I fail to canoe, all alone, 
I leave the deck to Him for sure. 

He has to take control,
He won't fail for sure,
Neither have you ever failed, 
Nor can thy servant fail. 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Assured once again of his saving grace

Assured once again of his saving grace, 

a poem by R.A.Jacob 

Assured once again of his saving grace, 

I’m ready to face on odds,

I know of His assuming love,

Let's proclaim the love of the Lord

You protect the steps of thy saints,   

You guide’ thy people’s path, 

You correct thy people always,

I praise thee for what you art

You controlled every second,

I am sure of this fact,

Accept this my praise,

For this, thine act

You controlled the speed,

You controlled the shape,

You controlled the action,

For this I praise.

Note: TESTIMONY    I and Sam were sitting at the door of the train my foot just hit the platform, as the train pass on from the station I could have lost my feet he saved me, l love him.

Speed in the last stanza refers to the speed of the train

The shape is about the shape of the platform its height which could hit me

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Give me no assurance

 Give me no assurance

a poem by R.A.Jacob

Give me no assurance,

I am tired of the same,

They are wishful thinking,

They are full of pain.

Don’t be a soothsayer,

Soothing my heart,

Hurting my belly,

Leaving me in tears.

Leave me at his disposal,

He has given,He shall provide,

He provides for the sparrow,

He shall my needs satisfy.

Oh, the bread of heaven


a poem by R.A. Jacob

Oh, the bread of heaven,
Let me feed on thee,
O water of life let me drink.
Too worried I was,
For the perishable food,
Now for the imperishable, I plead
Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty my soul,
Quench my thirst I plead,
Starving my thirsty soul,
They bread of fulfilment I need

Law of cause and effect

Law of cause and effect

a poem by R.A. Jacob

 Law of cause and effect, 

Has a role to play every time, 

Yet I seek for mercy, 

Which in thee I can find.

Crimson red is my sins, 

Clear as snow is thy grace, 

I need thy mercy, 

And I seek thy face.

Not in accordance with my deeds, 

But in accordance with thy grace, 

Give me thy assurance,

That I this Goliath may face.

Goliath challenges loud and clear,

I stand as an Israelite shaken to the core,

Where is David, who on God relies,

Call him, call him, before I die.

Isaiah heard the voice of the lord,

And he said here am I send me,

Now as I hearken to thy voice,

I’ll say here am I send me

Turn me to David, 

Use my dried out bones,

Thy command makes an army rise,

Where the dead bones in the valley doth lie  

Building on solid foundation

 Building on solid foundation

a poem by R.A. Jacob

 It is good it has broken,

It was fragile,

So could not stand,

The heat of the land.

Glasses always break, 

And that’s their perpetual fate,

Why lament at destiny

I think they are,Made to break.

Houses built on sand,

Have this fate alas,

Its builders’ folly,

If you may ask.

Let me built my house, 

Let me built it once again,

This time on the rock,

Which can withstand all strains.

Foolish man built his house upon the sand,

Let me built where it stands,

Not on human assurance, but on the providence of God,

Not on cursed  foundation, But on the blessings of the lord.

I am a treacherous lover

 I am a treacherous lover,

I love Him when pushed to the wall,

How many a time I hurt him,

If only I could feel that all.

In my sorrow, he is always near,

In my joy, I leave  him behind,

Such love is so difficult to find,

That to my treachery is blind.

Where shall I turn but to thee


Where shall I turn but to thee

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Where shall I turn but to thee, 

Where shall I look but to thee, 

In all years in thy life assurance, I found,

You are my success, my strengths, and crown.  

All the years of thy providence,

Should make me realise,

His grace shall not tarry,

Even if circumstances try.

Thank you for what you have given,

Thank you for all I received,

The future must always be bright,

When you, my lord are beside.

I will rather turn to Him

I will rather turn to Him

a poem by R.A. Jacob

 I will rather turn to Him,

Then to turn to a human face,

What I can receive from him,

No human can ever replace it.

I will ask him and receive, 

He is never too busy to hear,

I am opening the door,

For Him, He Cares. 

Now nothing to bother,

Now nothing to care about,

When he is besides,

Who then can dare?

Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy,

 Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy
That's exactly what I am, 
Worthy worthy worthy,
That's exactly what He is 

Yet He loves me,
I am very proud,
He spots me,
Even in the midst of the crowd.

Keep loving me keep loving me,
I need your love the most,
You are my friend my guardian,
Of this, I am very sure.

Save me my Jesus,
From all my sins,
I need thy love,
The most.


Whatever I desire he grants

 Whatever I desire He granteth

Whatever I desire He grants,

Whatever I ask for I receive,

Does he control my desire or grant my request,

I simply can’t conceive.

Yet I know He intervenes,

Each and every time,

Changing the course of fate,

At the request of mine.

His love for me compelleth Him,

To intervene each and every time, 

Where the sheep goes astray,

The Shepherd has a role to play.

 See what the Lord has done for all those who love him. He changes fate for our faith. Million thanks for his love.

I have put my feet, on the goad

 I have put my feet, on the goad,

Just help me lest I turn away,

I have placed my feet in thy path, and

 I fear lest Satan may try to sway.

Ye helped me to take the first step and 

I need thee all the way

Though the path be rough or smooth

 I want thy hand to stay

With thee, my lord doth peace abound

Ye supplier of all my needs 

Let me know forever that though art near 

My lord for a favour I plead

I have sins to offer him

 I have sins to offer him,

He has love to offer back,

I wonder why He loves me,

I have nothing so good or nice.

He offers me, love,

He offers me joy,

I hold back all,

He, me doth call.

He knows me by my name,

He knows all,

Nothing can be hidden at all,

He is my all in all.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

For my father take's, care of me

 For my father take's, care of me,

I will never cease to be a child,

He is my father, I am his child,

He is my father, I am his child.

Love has neither option,

Nor can it ever refuse,

His love is my fortress,

His love is my refuge.

I love Him, He loves me,

What more do I need,

He fulfils all my desire,

Even before I speak.

I invite you, my loved ones,

I invite you, my friends,

He has plenty in store,

No shortage have I ever know.

Come to my Father, 

He is your Father too,

The one who cares,

The one who is true.

Your Dragger brought me to an end

Whatever you spoke behind my back,  Has surely  been revealed,  Whatever you thought will not be known, Has certainly been revealed . The da...