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Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

The Age Of Industrialisation , class x

 The Age Of Industrialisation 

Pg 81
  1. Explain about the "dawn of the century" published by E T Paull music company.
  2. Explain about the two magicians published in 1911. 
  3. What is proto-Industrialisation?
  4. "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside, supplying money to peasants and artisans, persuading them to produce for an international market." Discuss.
  5. Why could not the merchants expand production within towns? (Proto-industrialisation)
  6. What was the impact of enclosure movement on the poor peasants and how did it benifit the proto-industrialisation?Pg 82
  7.  Proto-industrialisation was thus a network of comercial exchanges. Discuss.
  8.  London in fact became knows as a "Finishing Centre". Discuss.
  9.  A close relationship developed between the town and the Countryside. Discuss.
  10.  How was a clothier controlling hundreds of workers? Discuss.
  11.  Series of inventions in the eighteenth century increased the efficiency of each step of the production process. Discuss.Pg 83
  12. The pace of industrial change was influenced by four factors. Discuss.Pg 84
  13.  Fill in the blanks:-
    • JAMES WATT improved the steam engines.
    • MATHEW BOULTON manufactured the new model.
  14.  The typical worker in the mid-nineteenth century was not a machine operator but the traditional craftsperson and labourer. Discuss.
  15.  What were the problems faced by the workers during the industrial age?/ Explain about the conditions of the workers. Pg86
  16.  Hand made products were classified by ARISTOCRATS and BOURGEOISIE.
  17. What were the impact of spinning Jenny on production? Why did the women began to attack the new machines?
  18. Who were the GOMASTHA?
  19. What were the steps taken by the east india company to extend control over Indian market?
  20. What factors in 1840 led to increase in job opportunities in England? 
  21. What was the impact of British trade on Indian ports?
  22. How were the weavers affected by the company policies during the 18th century?
  23. Cotton weavers thus Faced two problems at the same time. Discuss
  24. Or 
  25. What were the two problems faced by the Indian weavers?
  26. Q. Explain the contribution of:-
    • (i) Dwarkanath Tagore
    • (ii) Dinshaw Petit
    • (iii) Jamsetjee nusserwanjee Tata 
    • (iv) Seth Hukumchand
    • (v)G.D. Birla
  27. Q.  As the colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function become increasingly limited. Discuss.
  28. Q. Till the first world war European managing agencies in fact controlled a large sector of Indian industries. Discuss.
        1. Or
  29. Name the three big companies who controlled the Indian industries.
  30. Q. Who was a jobber? Why was his role so important?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Age Of Industrialisation class X


Pg 81

  1. Explain the "dawn of the century" published by E T Paull music company.
  2.  Explain the two magicians published in 1911. 
  3.  What is pro-Industrialisation?
  4.  "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside, supplying money to peasants and artisans, persuading them to produce for an international market." Discuss.
  5.  Why could not the merchants expand production within towns? (Proto-industrialisation)
  6.  What was the impact of the enclosure movement on the poor peasants and how did it benefit of proto-industrialisation?Pg 82
  7.  Proto-industrialisation was thus a network of commercial exchanges. Discuss.
  8.  London in fact became known as a "Finishing Centre". Discuss.
  9.  A close relationship developed between the town and the Countryside. Discuss.
  10.  How was a clothier controlling hundreds of workers? Discuss.
  11.  Series of inventions in the eighteenth century increased the efficiency of each step of the production process. Discuss.Pg 83
  12.  The pace of industrial change was influenced by four factors. Discuss.Pg 84
  13.  Fill in the blanks:-
  14. i) JAMES WATT improved the steam engines.
  15. ii) MATHEW BOULTON manufactured the new model.
  16.  The typical worker in the mid-nineteenth century was not a machine operator but a traditional craftsperson and labourer. Discuss.
  17.  What were the problems faced by the workers during the industrial age?/ Explain the conditions of the workers. Pg86
  18.  Hand-made products were classified by ARISTOCRATS and BOURGEOISIE.
  19.  What was the impact of spinning Jenny on production? Why did the women begin to attack the new machines?
  20.  Who were the GOMASTHA?
  21.  What were the steps taken by the east India company to extend control over the Indian market?
  22.  What factors in 1840 led to increasing in job opportunities in England? 
  23.  What was the impact of British trade on Indian ports?
  24.  How were the weavers affected by the company policies during the 18th century?
  25.  Cotton weavers thus Faced two problems at the same time. DiscussOr 
  26. What were the two problems faced by the Indian weavers?
  27.  Explain the contribution of:-
  28. i) Dwarkanath Tagore
  29. (ii) Dinshaw Petit
  30. (iii) Jamsetjee nusserwanjee Tata 
  31. (iv) Seth Hukumchand
  32. (v)G.D. Birla
  33.   As the colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function become increasingly limited. Discuss.
  34.  Till the first world war European managing agencies in fact controlled a large sector of Indian industries. Discuss.Or
  35. Name the three big companies that controlled the Indian industries.
  36.  Who was a jobber? Why was his role so important?

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Q1 Explain the first print.

Q2 Explain the contribution of Frederic Sorrieu in his print of the dream of worldwide democratic republics.

Q3 What do you understand by 

  • Absolutist empire
  • Utopian vision
  • Allegory (pg 23)

Q4 What is a nation according to Ernst Renan?

Q5 When did the French revolution take place? 1979

Q6 What do you understand by the concept of la patre/la citoyen/the estate general?

Q7 The cover of the German almanack designed by the journalist Andreas rebmann in 1798 had being used for a specific purpose. Elaborate. (3marks)

Q8 The French revolution introduced various measures and practices that could create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. Discuss(5 Marks)

Q9 What was the declared mission of the French revolutionaries?

Q10 What do you understand about the JACOBINE clubs?

Q11 What do you understand by the Napoleonic code or civil code organised in 1804? (3marks) 

Q12 In the areas conquered the reactions of the local populations to French rule were mixed. Discuss (5 Marks)

Q13 The Habsburg Empire that ruled over Austria-Hungary, for example, was a patchwork of many different regions and people. Discuss. (5 Marks) pg8

Q14 Explain the Aristocracy.

Q15 Socially and politically a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent. Discuss (5 Marks /pg 8)

Q16 Explain about the new middle class. Pg 9

Q17 What did liberal nationalism stand for? Pg9

Q18 In the French revolution equality before the law did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage. Discuss (Pg 9/ 5 marker)

Q19 What is meant by Zollverein? When was it created? What was the main aim of the Zollverein?

Q20 Following the defeat of the Napolean in 1815, European governments were driven by a spirit of conservatism. Enumerate the features of Conservative Regimes set up in Europe after 1815.(5 Marks/pg10)

Q21 A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future. Discuss (5 Marks pg 11)

Q22 Conservative regimes in 1815 were autocratic. Discuss. Or

 Discuss the characteristics of the conservative regimes. 

Q23 What is the topic of discussion in the club of thinkers and anonymous caricature?

Q24 During the year 1814 the fear of repression drove many liberal-nationalists undergrounds. Discuss.(pg 12)

Q25 Explain the contribution of Guiseppe Mazzini. Pg 12

Q26 Metternich described GUISEPPE MAZZINI as the most dangerous enemy of our social order. 

Q27 Explain the first upheaval

Q28 Explain about the Greek war of independence.

Q29 Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and poetry, stories and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings. Discuss (of 13/5marks)

Q30 Explain the contribution of

  • Johann Gottfried Herder.(14)
  • Karol kurspin(15)
  • Grimm brothers(15)
  • Otto von Bismarck 19 
  • Giuseppe Mazzini.  20
  • Chief minister Cavour.  21
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi. 22

Q31 ‘ Language played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments’ Support the statement with the help of a suitable example.

Q32 Describe the cause of the Silesian weaver's uprising. 

Q33 Who were Junkers? (Pg 19)

Q34 Describe the caricature of Otto von Bismarck in the German parliament.

Q35 In Britain the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long drawn-out process. Discuss (5 Marks/ pg 22)

Q36 The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was the area called the Balkans. Discuss (pg 26/ 5 Marks)

Q37 How was the Balkan region responsible for the first world war?

Q38 Nationalism aligned with imperialism led Europe to disaster in 1914. (Pg 27)

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...