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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Resources and development class X

Resources and development

  1. What are resources? Explain the relation between nature, technology and institution? 1+3=4, Page-1

  2. What are the various ways resources can be classified? Page-1

  3. How is the resource a function of human activities? Discuss? Page-1

  4. What are the two types of resources? Give one example of each. Page-1

  5. What are the two types of human resources? Give one example of each Page-1

  6. What is the

  1. Classify resources on the basis of:-

  • Origin  page-2

  • Exhaustibility page-2

  • Ownership page-2

  • Status of development page-2

  1. Explain the following:-

  • Rio de Janeiro Earth summit page-3

  • Agenda 21 page-3

  • Sustainable development page-3

  • Club of Rome page-5

  • Brundtland Commission Report page-5

  • Waste lands page-6

  • Sheet erosion. Page-11

  • Contour ploughing Page-11

  • Strip cropping Page-11

  • Shelter belts Page-11

  1. What are the three problems confronting resource development? page-3

  2. Why do we need balanced resource planning? Give examples to prove your point. page-4

  3. What are the three stages of resource planning? (India) page-4

  4. Explain the factors that influence the development of resources in the colonies. page-4

  5. What do you understand by resource conservation? Explain the Gandhian principle regarding resource conservation. page-4

  1. What are the three main relief features of India? Explain the importance of each feature. page-5

  2. What are the physical/human factors that influence the use of land?page-5

  3. Though the area under the permanent pastures has reduced yet we are able to have a large cattle population. Explain how? page-6

  1. What is the required percentage of forest area in accordance with national forest policy? Why is it essential? page-6

  1. What are wastelands? page-6

  1. Explain the importance of land in the sustenance of humans? page-6

  1. Explain the human activities that lead to land degradation? page-7

  1. Explain the mining/ mineral processing /over-irrigation leads to land degradation? page-7

  1. What are the various ways to solve the problem of land degradation?                                         page-7

  1. What is soil? What is the soil profile? What are the various factors that influence soil formation? page-7,8

  1. What are the various sources of nature that influence soil formation? 

  1. What are the various factors that influence soil classification in India? Page-8

  2. What are the various factors that contributed to the development of various resource types’ of soils in India? Page-8

  1. Name the three important river systems that have contributed to the development of the great northern plains. Page-8

  2. Distinguish between Bangar and khadar soils

  1. Explain the characters of the following soils.

  • Black soils Page-8

  • Alluvial soils Page-8

  • Red and yellow soils Page-10

  • Laterite soil Page-10

  • Arid soil Page-10

  • Forest soil Page-10

  1. What do you understand by soil erosion? What are human/ natural factors that influence soil erosion? What are Bad Lands? Page-11

  1. What is being shown in the figure? How can this activity be controlled? Name an area in India where this activity has influenced land use to a great extent?

  2. How can soil be conserved in mountain areas?

  3. How can soil be conserved?

  4. (Learn all back questions also.)

Distinguish between 2

  • Natural & Human-made resources

  • Renewable & Nonrenewable 

How can soil erosion be controlled in hilly areas

How can soil erosion be controlled in arid areas 2

 Explain the characters of alluvial soil.

Explain the characters of black soil. 2

 What are the several methods of controlling soil erosion?

 What are the factors that influence soil formation? (Name any four) 2

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