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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Political science Class - X

Ch : 1 Power Sharing

  1. Explain about the composition of Belgium .
  2. Explain the composition of Sri Lanka.
  3. Explain about the fact of 1956 .
  4. How is Majoritarianism practiced in Sri Lanka ?
  5. What are the 4 ways in which Accommodation is practised in Belgium ?
  6. Brussels was made the headquarters of European union.
  7. What is community government?
  8. What are the two sets of reasons for power sharing?
  9. Why is power sharing desirable?
  10. How is power shared among the different organs of the government?
  11. What do you understand by the system of cheques and balances in Horizontal power sharing?
  12. How is power shared among the different levels of government?
  13. How is power shared among different social groups?
  14. What do you understand by Community government?
  15. Explain the concept of reserved constituencies. 
  16. Describe the ways in which power can be shared between Government and political parties and pressure groups.
  17. Explain the following
  • Political parties
  • Pressure groups
  • Movements

Political Parties

  1. What is a political party?

Ans1) A political party is a group of people who form a group so that they can be elected to power.

  1. Describe any four functions of a political party in a democracy?

  2. What is the importance/role of the political party?

  3. How has multi party system strengthened the democracy in India.explain?

  4. What do you understand about the two part system? Name the country where it is followed?

  5. What is the role of the election commission?

  6. What are the two types of political parties existing in India? Explain each with an example?

  7. How has the coalition government helped in strengthening federalism and democracy in our country?

  8. What steps have been taken to reform political parties?

  9. Suggest any four ways in which political reforms can be made in the Indian political system?

Outcomes of Democracy

  1. How is democracy a better form of government

  2. What are the three characters of democracy?


R- RESPONSIBLE responsive to the needs of the people 

A- ACCOUNTABLE,to the people and to the parliament.

L- LEGITIMATE . A party becomes legitimate when it has won an election.

  1. How can democracy be measured/understood on the basis of expected outcomes?


  •  Regular,free,fair elections and 

  • Open public debates.

  1. How can the nobility of democracy be judged?

  2. What do you understand about the transparency of democracy?


•it should be visible.

•it should be clearly/properly done.

  1. What is the main advantage of democracy over a non democratic country?

  2. What are the various factors on which economic development depends?

  3. What is the approach of democracy towards social diversity? Compare it with the dictatorship?


•democracy tries to accommodate social diversity by power sharing 

•dictatorship usually crushes social diversity.

•majority becomes the ruling party.

•Yet the minority is also given a lot of rights to presence itself. They work together.

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