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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Let Saul convert to Paul, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Let Saul convert to Paul

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

On the road to Damascus,

Saul encountered Christ,

Looking at His glory

Saul turned out to be blind.

Today also the condition is the same,

Most of us have turned out to be blind,

Blind to the glory of Jesus,

Blind to the goodness of Christ.

In veil is the goodness of God,

Men have turned out to be blind,

Thinking our hands have done it,

Veil has turned us blind.

May the scales of ignorance fall,

May we all receive our eyesight,

Acknowledged that He is creator, or

Till when shall the blind lead the blind.

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