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Thursday, July 9, 2020

To Me You Are A Dream, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

To Me, You Are A Dream
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

To me, You are a dream
A dream that could never materialize
Yet I saw you with my open eyes
Splendour beauty and perfection redefined.

It's good you remained a dream
A dream that could never materialise
Too much happiness is injurious as I find
Too much happiness is hard to find

Without you I have something's to ponder
Without you, I have something to dream
A dream that remains a dream
Is better than realities that are seen

You'll never know how much I loved you
It's good it's wonderful
Or you would have been proud
And I still would have been a crowd

Why did you make her so beautiful
That's my heart yearns for her till today
Creator Your creations are to Worthy
Memories are here to stay

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