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Thursday, March 31, 2022

She wears two cap's as I find

 She wears two cap's as I find,

And she is wonderful in each,

From the four walls of her house,

She has stepped out in the world.

The curse of Adam was meant for just him,

She has stepped in to bear it herself,

Out of they sweat shall though eat,

She has stepped in to bear the bane.

She works at two frontiers,

Be it home or workplace,

Every place she has proved her worth,

Yet men still call her words.

When our better half has turned out to be the best,

Why shouldn't we appreciate,

Why should we just wait,

I tell you my dear you are great.

In your honour, I can write a million lines,

Yet they won't be appropriate,

She needs three words of appreciation,

For which she really Wait's.

Give her the reward for her work,

She is worthy of all praise,

Let her own work praise her,

Right up in front of the gates.

Note: I dedicate this poem to all women who have borne insult, dishonour, disgrace because of the atrocities of men who should have stood as their protectors.

Pattra Shuwaswat Reginold Really loved the contents of this poem is spot on, The power of women needs special attention. enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for sharing and have a happy weekend

A beautiful poem and tribute Reginold. So heartening to read something appreciative and respectful of women, more so after reading about the statements of the defence lawyer and the accused in the Nirbhaya case. Warm regards.

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