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Friday, June 5, 2020

Are we worthy of the gift, God gave us? a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Are we worthy of the gift, God gave us?
The bone of my bones,flesh of my flesh,
First Adam has failed so miserably,
Second Adam had to come in flesh.

The church is the bride of Christ,
To save her, Christ made the sacrifice,
Where are you, first Adam?
Where, do you have, love of Christ?

Do you, just love yourself,
What about, the flesh of your flesh?
What about, the bone of your bone?
Has your heart bean turned to stone?

From the cradle, she has cared for you,
Her arms have been arms of care,
Where has she failed you? Oh mighty man
Where is your love and care?

You have treated her, as an object of desire,
Harem, you gave, her instead,
Where is your manhood?
Where is your manhood? I plead.

The hands that nursed thee,
The hands that cared,
First adam you have fallen, from grace,
Learn from second Adam If you care.

First Adam stands for human beings.
Second Adam stands Jesus Christ.
Bones of my bones of bones, flesh of my flesh, stands for the women.
Rest is women's plight.

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