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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Talents, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

What is your talent?
Do you know?
Or it's hidden too deep,
Dig in to find from the heap.

So many talents He has bestowed,
Couldn't you find even one,
Don't Dare ye say ye have none,
He never fails for even once.

Think just once and you will find,
Millions of talents hidden inside,
You'll find them as you use them,
Just one by one, all like a seed at once.

Small as the mustard seed,
You'll find blessings of God in disguise,
Yet when you plant them you'll find,
Talents of God bold and bright.

Let the seed of his word,
Grow in your life,
It will grow into mustered herb,
Talent for the world to see.

Note: I dedicate this poem to my brother Sunil Joseph. Who gave me an opportunity to preach the word of God at his place. This poem was written as a part of the message i shared.

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