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Friday, August 14, 2020

Foundation lies shattered, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Foundation lies shattered,
The building is bound to collapse,
Yet in fiction the building,
Still, as a castle stands.

See the tottered fences,
See the broken walls,
See the domes have given way,
See the arches are stalled.

You were the builder,
What happened today?
Who has undone your castle?
Who has robbed you today?

You are the creator of the world,
Your handworks in ruins now lay,
O Lord thou knowest my situation,
Oh, lord to thee I cry.

Once again heal the wounded
Forget our folly oh Lord,
Lord thy castle is devastated,
Oh, Lord in repentance I mourn.

Fruitless is the waking of the night watch,
Till the time Lord ye protect
Build the castle once again.
Lord ye have to protect.

Mourning to seek forgiveness,
Mourning as I repent,
Seeking for the life-giving word,
I from my deeds regret.

Note this poem was it in 1998 and the poet is addressing to his life as a fallen castle and seeks lord's intervention in rebuilding it.

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