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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Concrete jungle

O nature thou art great,
I appreciate,
They say you have powers,
To captivate.

I long for thee,
I search for thee,
But bricks and concrete,
Is all that I see?

I peddle for thee,
For miles in vain,
Just city and its sprawl,
Is all that I can see?

I peddle for thee,
I peddle all the more,
And inhale pollution ,
That city has in store.

Yet I cannot know,
Yet I cannot understand,
Where are the trees,
That in past did stand.

Would I not find a tree?
For I long to see,
In this land of concrete,
Where is she?

Note:- This poem talks about reduction of number of trees in the city ie Delhi. I wrote this poem during my college days.

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