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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I burnt my house, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I burnt my house
a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

I burnt my house,
To kill a rat,
When I look back,
I only have regrets.

Was it wise,
Was it otherwise,
A sudden fit of anger,
Can it ever be wise?

Before taking action,
Before taking a step,
Think and pray about it,
Lest ye may later regret.

Can the dead be brought back,
Back to life again,
With all human endeavours,
I consider it would be vain.

Only Jesus can do that wonder,
Only He can bring back to life,
Dry bones will join together,
He alone can bring back life.

R. A. Jacob © 4/4/2018

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