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Friday, April 23, 2021

When the doctors of this world

When the doctors of this world,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

When the doctors of this world

Fail in their struggle to save a life,

When hospital beds fall short,

When the world is falling short of life.

I leave my love in your hands,

Physician heal her completely,

Earth has fallen short to help,

I pass the buck to the divine. 

Holder of the world, giver of life, 

My approach is limited to thee, 

No more human help can I find, 

Only you can guarantee life. 

Note:- This poem was written when due to covid  (my wife's) oxygen level reached 85. We prayed and her oxygen levels reached 94 and she was saved. Christ intervened and a miracle was accomplished. Thanking God for saving my family. 

Westly Shaw Like the title of this well-written poem.

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