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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Land Resources and Agriculture | Chapter 5 |class 12

 Land Resources and Agriculture

Chapter 5 (with page no.)

1 mark questions 

1. What is the contribution of India to the production of rice in the world.  Delhi 2011 21.2%

2. What is the meaning of common resources property’. Delhi 2011 pg-43

3. How is cropping intensity calculated in India. Delhi 2009 pg-44

4. How is productive irrigation able to achieve high productivity in India. All India 2009 pg-45

    3 mark questions

5. Explain the importance of irrigation for agriculture in India. Delhi 2016 pg-55

6. How are the land resources more crucial to the livelihood of the people depending on agriculture ‘ support the statement with any 3 suitable arguments. Delhi 2015,12,10 pg-43

7. Differentiate between protective irrigation and productive irrigation. Delhi 2015 pg-45

8. State any 2 characteristics of each of the 3 distinct cropping seasons of India. Delhi 2014 pg-44

9. Explain 3 features of dryland farming in India. Delhi 2013 pg-45

10. Describe any 3 characteristics of wetland farming in India. Delhi 2013 pg-45

11. Mention any 6 land use categories in India. Delhi 2012 pg-41, 42

12. How is the degradation of cultivable land one of thé serious problems in India. Explain in 3 points. Delhi 2011 pg-58

13. Classify Indian farming into 2 groups on the basis of the main source of moisture for crops. Write 2 features of each. All India 2010 pg-44, 45

14. Explain the 3 types of changes that have affected land use in India. Delhi 2010 pg-41

15. ‘ land degradation caused by human-made processes are more harmful than natural processes in India Analyse the statement with 3 suitable examples. Delhi 2010 pg-

5 mark questions

16. ‘ Erratic monsoon ‘ and ‘indebtedness’ are the major problems of Indian agriculture. Suggest and explain the suggestion to overcome these problems. Delhi 2009 pg-56

17. ‘Low productivity and fragmentation of landholding are the major problems of Indian agriculture’ suggest and explain measures to overcome these problems. Hots,  Delhi 2016 pg-57

18. Explain thé importance of food grains in the Indian agriculture economy. Describe any 3 characteristics of rice cultivation. Hots, Delhi 2016 pg-45

19. Analyse any 5 major problems of Indian agriculture. Hots, all India 2016 pg-56 to 58

20. Explain the term cropping intensity. Describe the 3 cropping season of India. All India 2017 pg- 44

22. How is the small size of landholdings and degradation of cultivable land are the 2 major problems of Indian agriculture. Explain both these problems with examples. Delhi 2009/All India 2015 pg-57 and 58

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