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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Population: Distribution Density Growth and Composition ch1 class12

CHAPTER 1 (With Page Number)

One mark questions 

1. Name the state of india with largest area. All India 2016 ( Rajasthan)
2. Name the union territory of induan having lowest density of population as per 2011 census . DELHI 2016 (P-3)
3. Define the term ‘population distribution’. DELHI 2015 (Book 1 P-8)
4. How is density of population of a region is calculated ? All india 2015 (Book 1 P-9)
5. Who are the ‘ marginal workers in india’?ALL INDIA 2014 (P-11)
6. Mention any 2 causes of the negative growth rate of population in India during (1911-21)DELHI 2013 (P-7)
7. What is the density of population if india according to 2011 census? DELHI 2013 (P-3)
8. According to census which state if india having the highest density of population and also mention its density. DELHI 2009 (P-3)
9. Which age group of population indicates the largest working population?ALL INDIA 2008 (Book 1 P-18)
 3 mark questions

10. What is the main thrust of the national youth policy of govt of india 2003? ALL INDIA 2016 (P-8) (it’s NYP - 2014 now, as given in our book)
11. ‘The decades 1951-81 are referred to as the period of population explosion in india’ explain the statement by giving 3 reasons .ALL INDIA 2014 (P-7)
12. Explain any 6 causes for the stagnation growth of india’s population from 1901 to 1921. ALL INDIA 2014,11 (P-7)
13. Explain the main aspects of the ‘ national youth policy ‘ of government of india launched in 2003.ALL INDIA 2014 (P-8)
14. Which are the two main components of population growth in india? Describe the main feature of each component.DELHI 2009 (P-5)
15. Explain the specific distribution of population density in india. ALL INDIA 2009 (P-3)
16. Which are the 3 groups or indian population acc to economic status ? Explain the main characteristics or each group.DELHI 2008 (P-11)
     5 mark questions 

17. ‘An uneven distribution of population suggests a close relationship between population and physical and socio economic factors’ support the statement with suitable examples. ALL INDIA 2017 (P-3)
18. What is density of population? Describe the spatial variations of population density in india. DELHI 2015 (P-3)
19. What is the source of population data in india? Explain the distribution of population in india .DELHI 2015 (P-1)
20. Define the term ‘ growth of population’z describe the third phase of growth of population in india.ALL INDIA 2015 (P-5 & 7)
21. What is population doubling time? Explain the characteristics of the growth of population in india in phase 1 and phase 2 .ALL INDIA 2015 (P- 5 & 7)
22. Why has population of india been increasing steadily in period of 1931-51? Explain any 3 reasons.Delhi 2014 ( P- 7)
23. Explain with example the occupational structure of india’s population.DELHI 2011 ( P - 11)

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