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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Migration : Type Causes and Consequences ch2 deleted

 Chapter 2 (With Page Number)

1 mark questions 

1. Why do people’s migrate in large number from rural to urban areas in india? 

All india 2015 (P - 19)

2. Name the ‘ urban agglomeration’ having thé highest share if immigrant population.  All india 2014 (P- 18)

3. Name the process of migration from the plain areas to pastures on mountains during summer and again mountain pastures to main areas during winters . All india 2010 (Book 1 P-33)

4. Which stream of migration id dominated by male migrants in india?

    Delhi 2008 (P-17)

3 mark questions 

5. Explain the causes of migration of unskilled migrants from rural to urban areas in india and their sufferings . All india 2015 (P- 19 & 20)

6. Explain the main reason for the migration of males and females separately in india. All india 2014 (P-20)

7. Explain any 3 push factors which compel the people to migrate from one are to another area in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

8. Why do people migrate? State the four streams of migration in india. All india 2012 (P-17&19)

9. Describe in brief the consequences of migration in india. Delh 2009 (P-20)

  5 mark questions 

10. How is migration a response to the uneven distribution of opportunities over a space? Explain thé economic consequences of migration in india. All india 2017 (P-20)

11. Explain with examples any 3 environmental consequences of migration of people in india. Delhi 2016 (P-21)

12. Examine the economic and social consequences of migration in india . All india 2016 (P-20)

13. Define the term migration. Explain any 2 economic and 2 demographic consequences of migration in india. All india 2015 (P-20)

14. Define the term migration. Explain the social and environment consequences of migration in india. Delhi 2014 (P-20)

15. Explain any 5 push factors that cause migration in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

16. What is migration?  Explain any 4 factors responsible for the migration of people in india. Delhi 2010 (P-19)

17. What is migration? What are the 4 streams of migration in india? Write main features of each. All india 2008 (P-17)

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