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Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Chapter 8 (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Name thé 2 rivers that provide water to tata iron and steel company. (Delhi 2013) Pg-87

2. Which state of india has the largest number of cotton mills. (Delhi 2011) Ans: Tamil Nadu

3. What was the main reason for establishing the first cotton textile mills in mumbai. 

(Delhi 2010) Pg-91

 4. Name the iron and steel planted located in chattisgarh. (All India 2010) 

ANS: Bhilai Steel plant

3 marks questions

5. Explain the role of power and raw material in the location of heavy industrial in india.

(All India 2017,Delhi 2014) Pg-86

6. Explain the role or market and transport  in the location of industries. (Delhi 2013) Pg-86

7. Explain any 3 locational factors which helped in the development of Gujarat industrial region. (All India 2013) Pg-101

8. Explain the significance of iron and steel industry of india giving 3 points. 

(All India 2012) Pg-87

9. Explain why are the iron and steel plants located near the source of raw materials in india. (All India 2012) Pg-86

10. Explain any 3 major objectives of the new industrial policy of india which was announced in 1991. (Delhi 2011) Pg-96

11. Explain any 3 factors which have helped in the development of Hugli industrial region. 

(All India 2008) Pg-100

12. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Mumbai-Pune industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

13. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Banglore-Chennai industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

  5 marks questions

15. Mention any 4 objectives of the new industrial policy, 1991 of india. Describe the role of globalisation in the achiveing these objectives. (All india 2017) Pg-96

16. Explain with examples any 5 geographical factors that affect location at a particular place in india. 

(All india 2011,2017,Delhi 2008) Pg-86

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