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Friday, April 1, 2022


  •  Chapter 7  (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Classify minerals on the basis of chemical and physical properties (All India 2017) Pg-72

2. Explain one reason for the importance of petroleum and its product in large quality in India. (All India 2016) Pg-80

3. Name any 2 ferrous minerals other than iron ore. (All India 2011)

                    ANS: Manganese, Nickel

4. Name the place of Maharashtra where an atomic power station is located. 

(All india 2010) ANS: Tarapur

5. Name the river valley where Gondwana coals fields of India are located. 

  • (All india 2008) ANS: Damodar river valley

6. Which are the 2 types of iron ore found in India. (All India 2008) Pg-74

  •  hematite and
  • magnetite

3 mark questions

7. "The promotion of the use of non-conventional sources of energy in India is the need of the hour"-- Support thé statement. (HOTS, Delhi 2016) Pg-80

8. Explain the significance of bioenergy to humankind in India. (All India 2016) Pg-83

9. Explain the 3 main characteristics of minerals resources in India. (Delhi 2014) Pg-73

10. Give 2 advantages of copper. Mention 4 mining areas of copper in India. 

(Delhi 2013) Pg-76

11. Give 2 advantages of manganese. Mention 4 mining areas of manganese in India. (Delhi 2013) Pg-75,77

12. Give 2 advantages of wind energy. Mention 4 states of India having favourable conditions for the development of it. (Delhi 2013) Pg-82,83

  • Pollution-free
  • Inexhaustible
  • Maharashtra
  • Rajasthan
  • Tamilnadu
  • Gujrat

13. Describe the uneven distribution of minerals and energy resources in India by giving 2 suitable examples. (Hots, Delhi 2012) Pg-73,76

  • Chotanagpur plateau
  • Rajasthan Nonmetallic minerals

14. Describe the broad belts of minerals in India. (All India 2012) Pg-73

15. ‘’Conversation of minerals is more important than other resources’, explain by giving 3 arguments. (Hots, All India 2012) Pg-83

16. What is the use of manganese? Describe the statewide distribution of manganese in India. (Delhi 2008) Pg-75,77

*_5 mark questions_*

17. Classify minerals Into two groups on the basis of chemical and physical properties and give one example of minerals of each group. Mention any two features of the three minerals belts of India. (Delhi 2009) Pg-72,73

18. What is the use of manganese? Describe the State-wise distribution of manganese in India. (All India 2009) Pg-75,77


Shreya said...

really helpfull thank u so much

Echita Chopra said...

Thank you sir!!

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