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Friday, April 1, 2022





1. Which country of the world has the highest road density?         All India 2017

2. Why is Asia the least developed in rail facilities? Explain anyone       All India 2017 

3. Define the term ’transport network’?      Delhi 2015

4. In which country are motorways called ‘autobahns’?       All India 2018


5. Mention the busiest ocean route in the world.       Delhi 2015


Which is the busiest sea route in the world?

6. Name the seaports on each end of the Suez Canal?    Delhi 2014

7. Define the term road density?   Delhi 2014

8. What is the meaning of cyberspace?      All India 2014

9. Name the most important inland waterways of Germany      All India 2014


10. Name the terminal stations of the ‘Australian transcontinental railway?    Delhi 2013, 2009

11. Which highway connects North America to South America?   All India 2012


12. Name the navigational canal that serves as a gateway of commerce for both the continents of Asia and Europe?     Delhi 2011

13. Give the significance of the river S.t Lawrence River as an inland waterway?     Delhi 2011

14. Name the terminal stations of the orient express railways?      All India 2011

15. Name the terminal stations of the Australian transcontinental railway?     Delhi 2009

16. Name the terminal stations of the longest railway route in the world       All India 2009

17. Which is the famous petroleum pipeline of use?         All India 2009



18. Describe any three advantages of water transport in the world?     Delhi 2013

19. Explain any three points of economic significant of ‘trans-Siberian railway’          Delhi 2013

20. What is cyberspace? Describe any 2 advantages of the internet.      Delhi 2013

21. Why is the Rhine the world's most heavily used waterways? Explain any 3 reasons     Delhi 2013

22. Mention the famous oil pipeline of the USA. How are pipelines one of the most convenient modes of transport?      Delhi 2011


23. Classify means of communication on the basis of scale and quality into 2 categories. Explain any 2 characteristics of each category.   HOTS all India 2017

24.’The Suez and the Panama Canal are two vital man-made navigational canals that serve as the gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds’ in the light of the statement, explain the economic significance of the 2 canals.         HOTS; Delhi 2015

25. Trans-Canadian railway line is considered as the economic artery of Canada ‘support the statement with suitable examples      HOTS; ALL INDIA 2016

26.’The rhine waterway is the world's most heavily island waterway ‘. In the light of this statement, examine the significance of the waterway.     HOTS; ALL INDIS 2015

27. Explain the importance of ‘communication services in the world     All India 2016

28. Which means of transport is extensively used for carrying water, petroleum, natural gas, and other liquids? Describe the network of this means of transport in his world      Delhi 2015

29. Describe the journey of the developments of land transport from the days of humans as carriers and the cableways of today    HOTS; DELHI 2015

30. Name the longest trans-continental railway in the world. Describe its 4 features.       Delhi 2015

31. Which shipping canal links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean? Explain its 4 characteristics.

       All India 2015

32. Explain any 5 characteristics of rail transport in Europe         All India 2012

33. Which is the longest transcontinental railway of North America? Describe Its 4 features.

    All India 2015

34. State any 3 characteristics of water transport. Why is traffic far less on the Cape of Good Hope route?     Delhi 2012

35. Which continent has the highest road density? Why do traffic congestions occur on road? Explain any 3 measures to solve the problem of traffic congestion      Delhi 2013

36. Explain the merits and demerits of road transport in the world?       All India 2012

37. Explain the significance of each of the transported communication services available in the world.

    Delhi 2010

38. Name the principal mode of transportation in the world which is used for carrying liquids and gaseous materials only. Mention any 4 characteristics of this mode of transportation.      Delhi Board 2010

39. What is the significance of inland waterways? Explain the three factors responsible for the development of inland waterways in the world.   All India 2010

40. What are highways? Explain the significance of highways with examples from different counties 

   All India 2009

41. What is the importance of roads? Explain three reasons for the existence of good quality roads in developed countries.   All India 2009

42. Write any 6 features of the Suez Canal  Delhi 2009

43. Mention any 6 advantages of oceanic routes.   Delhi 2009

44. Which is the busiest sea route in the world? Describe its 4 characteristics.      Delhi 2008

45. Define the term ’transcontinental railways’. Write 4 characteristics each of trans-Siberian railways and trans-Canadian railways.  Delhi 2008

46. Define the term ‘transport’. Describe any 4 features of the highways of North America.    Delhi 2008.

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