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Tuesday, December 7, 1993

Defeat I wear you, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Oh Defeat I wear you

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Oh, Defeat I wear you,
As the earth wears the sky,
I am in thy web,
Though in anguish I cry.

In the world of success,
I am an Unborn child,
I have lost the battle,
Before I could fight.

My strength faileth,
At the time of need,
Before the advent of disaster,
I am on my knees.

I have not seen weakling,
Like me before,
Who has failure and failure,
On all his shores.

Note:- this poem was written by me on the 7th of December 1993. I am very happy now by His grace.

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