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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Your parting shadow looms so large

 Your parting shadow looms so large,

No light on it can prevail,

Ye shattered my sentiments in pieces,

Ye have darkened all my domain.

I brought choice flowers to adore thee,

Ye choose to crush the same,

I employed all my talents to adore thee,

Ye consider it to be a shame.

I Lament the fact I adored thee,

I lament I gave you my heart,

Sweet were the smiles deception,

Hard thy heart sweetheart.

A sweet poison, sweet venom,

Ye paralyzed all my life,

Ye ate away my happiness,

Penalizing me for life.

We're those sweet smiles deception,

Maybe that is your style,

I fell prey to thy  bullets,

That is a part of thy smile.

Maybe to you, it was a frolic,

A fact to boost, another  prey,

Yet thy wounded remains wounded,

Even unto this day.

William Willis Hi there Reginold, seems like a bit of sorcery going on here and not for the betterment of yourself. I wince at "I brought choice flowers to adore thee, Ye choose to crush the same, I employed all my talents to adore thee, Ye consider it to be a shame." Strong put down dear sir. I will forever pray for a better day for you and hopefully, she will see the love and not resentment in your eyes.

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