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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Primary Activities(chapter 5) human geography

primary activities(chapter 5) 

  1. What are economic activities?2015 Pg.31 
  2. Who are called red collar workers?2015 Pg. 
  3. What is truck farming?2014 Pg.40 6
  4. Name the 2 activities on which the early human beings were dependent on the environment for their sustenance.2011,2008. Pg.33 7.
  5. What is nomadic herding?2011 Pg.33 
  6. Name any 2 areas of high latitudes in the world,where gathering economic activities are practised.2010 Pg.32 
  7. Name the country where practically every farmer is a member of cooperative society.2008 Pg.41 10.Explain any 3 features of underground mining methods in different countries of the world.2010 Pg.42 
  8. "Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals in the world." Analyse the statement with examples.2009 Pg.38-39 
  9. Describe the way of life of nomadic herders in the world.2017 Pg.33 
  10. Classify intensive subsistence agriculture into 2 categories practised in the world.How are they different from each other.2017 Pg.36-37 
  11. Diff. B/w nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing , any 5 points of distinction.2016 Pg.33 16.Diff. B/w cooperative farming and collective farming , 5 points.2016 Pg.41 
  12. Define the term commercial livestock rearing.Explain any 4 characteristics.2015 Pg.33 
  13. Define the term mixed farming.Explain any 4 characteristics of mixed farming practised in the world.2014 Pg.38 
  14. Explain any 5 characteristics of extensive commercial grain cultivation practised in the world.2014 Pg.37-38 
  15. Explain any 5 characteristics of dairy farming in the world.2013 Pg.38-39
  16. Describe 5 characteristics of economic activities of hunting and gathering in the world.2012 Pg.31 
  17. Where is intensive subsistence agriculture practised in the world ?
  18. What are its 2 types?Describe 2 points.2012 Pg.36 24.
  19. What is the importance of dairy farming ?
  20. Why is it mainly practised near urban and industrial centres of the world?Explain 2 reasons.2011 Pg.38-39 
  21. What is subsistence agriculture.Mention any 4 points of primitive subsistence agriculture.2011 Pg.34 And pg.36 
  22. "There is low yield per acre but high yield per person in the interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid latitudes in the world".Support this statement with suitable examples.2009 Pg.37-38 
  23. What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture.Describe any 4 characteristics of this type of agriculture in the world.2008 Pg.40

World Human Development important questions

1.Leading a long and healthy life is an important aspect of human development.Give an argument to support this statement. (Hots delhi 2016)pg.25 
2.Define the concept of human development. 2016 Pg.23 
3.Which country has proclaimed gross national happiness as the measure of a country's progress. 2014 Pg.27 
4.Name the country which has the highest rank in human development index. 2014 Pg.27 
5. Which state of india has the highest rank in development index value? 2014 Pg.27 
6.Mention any 2 key areas of measuring human development.2013 Pg.26 
7.Which is the most significant aspect of human development?2012 Pg. 
8.Explain any 3 human values which are required to empower socially and economically disadvantaged people. Hots 2013 pg.25 
9.Development is a qualitative change,which is always value positive. Support this statement with 3 arguments. 2012 Hots pg.22
10 Explain the key areas of human development.2012 Pg.25 
11. Differentiate between growth & development with eg 2012 pg.22 
12. Explain any 3 features of welfare approach of human development.2012 Pg.26 
13.Explain the concept of equity and sustainability as the pillars of human development. 2011 Pg.25 
14. Explain the basic needs approach to human development in the world. 201O pg.26 
15.The size of a territory & per capita income are not directly related to human development.Support this statement with egs. 2017 
16 . What is human development ?Analyse the four pillars of human development 2017 pg.23 And pg.25

Human Development important tables





What is the difference between growth and development?

growth is quantitative and value-neutral

qualitative change which is always value positive

Value-neutral-  It may have a positive or a negative sign

value positive- positive

Question what is ……..

growth without development and

 growth with development.

Development occurs when positive growth takes place

growth without development if facilities like housing, provision of basic services, and other characteristics remain the same, then this growth has not been accompanied by development.

The works of two South Asian economists, 

  1. Mahbub-ul-Haq and 

  2. Amartya Sen are important in this regard.Nobel Laureate Prof Amartya Sen saw an increase in freedom 


  1. access to resources, 

  2. health and 

  3. Education

Key areas in human development.

Access to resources



is measured in terms of purchasing power (in U.S. dollars)

the life expectancy at birth

The adult literacy rate and the gross

enrolment ratio represents access to knowledge.

 are the key areas in human development






means continuity in the availability of opportunities.

Equity refers to making equal access to opportunities available to everybody

means having the power to make choices

here means human labour productivity or productivity in terms of human work. 

What are the Approaches to Human Development

Income Approach

Welfare Approach

Basic Needs Approach

Capability Approach

This is one of the oldest approaches to human development.

this approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development activities.

This approach was initially proposed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Six basic needs i.e.: 

health, education, 


water supply, sanitation, and housing

This approach is associated with Prof. Amartya Sen


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Why tell you are naked, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Why tell you are naked

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

From our hearts of heart, we know
That they are a bunch of lies,
Yet we act, as if, we don't know,
Not distinguishing truth from lies.

Have you, acted ignorantly,
Don't you know, they are lies,
Why tell the naked king
Clothes are missing, don't try.

In the world, some lies are so old,
They have attained the status of truth,
Live, and let others live, is the principle,
Who is bothered, about the truth?

Socrates spoke the truth,
What did he gain in return,
A bowl full of poison,
To the philosopher, was served.

Speak, what the world, wants to know,
Truth, let it go, let it go,
Life or death is a choice
Tell me, what you wanted, to know

Monday, May 15, 2023





Civil disobedience 1931 

Quit India movement 1945

Q1) First of all , the war created a new economic and political situation.Explain.(Pg 30)

Q2) What is Satyagraha?What does the idea of Satyagraha emphasized ?

Q3) Mahatma Gandhi successfully organised Satyagraha movement in various places . Explain. 

Q3) What was the Rowlatt Act ?

Q4) Why was the Martial law Imposed by the Indians?

•) ____was started on 6th April . 

•) Champaran -1916.    C

    Kheda -1917.              K

    Ahemdabad -1918.    A

Q5) Explain about Jallianwala bagh incident.What was the govt response to the incident ?

Q6) What was khilafat movement?

Q7) Name the book written by Mahatma Gandhi ji ? What does it explain ?

Q8) How could non-cooperation become a movement?

Q9) How did the movement unfold ? Who participated in it ? How did different social groups conceive of the idea of Non-cooperation? (Pg 33)

Q10) What were the three different strands within the movement?

Q11) "The NCM in the cities gradually slowed down". Justify.

Q12) Write a short note on Baba ram Chandra and Aluri seta ram .

Q13) Explain the relationship between the NCM and peasants.

Q14) "Workers too had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and the notion of swaraj." Explain 

Q14) how did Non-cooperative movement extended to plantations who raised the demand of Swatantra bharat. What does it stand for ? 

Q15) Why NCM called of ?

Q16) Why was swaraj party formed?

Q17) Name the 2 leaders of swaraj party .

Q18) Name the 2 leaders of radical party .

The Age Of Industrialisation , class x

 The Age Of Industrialisation 

Pg 81
  1. Explain about the "dawn of the century" published by E T Paull music company.
  2. Explain about the two magicians published in 1911. 
  3. What is proto-Industrialisation?
  4. "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside, supplying money to peasants and artisans, persuading them to produce for an international market." Discuss.
  5. Why could not the merchants expand production within towns? (Proto-industrialisation)
  6. What was the impact of enclosure movement on the poor peasants and how did it benifit the proto-industrialisation?Pg 82
  7.  Proto-industrialisation was thus a network of comercial exchanges. Discuss.
  8.  London in fact became knows as a "Finishing Centre". Discuss.
  9.  A close relationship developed between the town and the Countryside. Discuss.
  10.  How was a clothier controlling hundreds of workers? Discuss.
  11.  Series of inventions in the eighteenth century increased the efficiency of each step of the production process. Discuss.Pg 83
  12. The pace of industrial change was influenced by four factors. Discuss.Pg 84
  13.  Fill in the blanks:-
    • JAMES WATT improved the steam engines.
    • MATHEW BOULTON manufactured the new model.
  14.  The typical worker in the mid-nineteenth century was not a machine operator but the traditional craftsperson and labourer. Discuss.
  15.  What were the problems faced by the workers during the industrial age?/ Explain about the conditions of the workers. Pg86
  16.  Hand made products were classified by ARISTOCRATS and BOURGEOISIE.
  17. What were the impact of spinning Jenny on production? Why did the women began to attack the new machines?
  18. Who were the GOMASTHA?
  19. What were the steps taken by the east india company to extend control over Indian market?
  20. What factors in 1840 led to increase in job opportunities in England? 
  21. What was the impact of British trade on Indian ports?
  22. How were the weavers affected by the company policies during the 18th century?
  23. Cotton weavers thus Faced two problems at the same time. Discuss
  24. Or 
  25. What were the two problems faced by the Indian weavers?
  26. Q. Explain the contribution of:-
    • (i) Dwarkanath Tagore
    • (ii) Dinshaw Petit
    • (iii) Jamsetjee nusserwanjee Tata 
    • (iv) Seth Hukumchand
    • (v)G.D. Birla
  27. Q.  As the colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function become increasingly limited. Discuss.
  28. Q. Till the first world war European managing agencies in fact controlled a large sector of Indian industries. Discuss.
        1. Or
  29. Name the three big companies who controlled the Indian industries.
  30. Q. Who was a jobber? Why was his role so important?

Sunday, May 14, 2023

My prayers for Manipur

I pray for the people of the Northeast, 
I pray for the Manipur that burned, 
I pray for your divine intervention, 
I pray that my prayers be heard. 

Your house of worship have been burned,
Your people are in refugee homes, 
Christ hatred has been shown, 
Burnt are all their homes. 

Politically organised people planned, 
Burning every vehicle, every church, 
Attacked houses with precision and plan,
Killing the people by and by. 

Oh murderers of Manipuri, 
How did it feel? killing your brothers alass, 
Those who can't love their neighbours, 
Can't ever have love for the Lord. 

Interween my Jesus interween, 
Interween my Lord I pray, 
Interween in the movement of time, 
Interween my Lord I pray. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Development Ch:1

Development  Ch:1 

  •  Landless rural labourers
  •  Prosperous farmers from Punjab Farmers who depend only on rain for growing crops
  • A rural woman from a land owning family 
  • Urban unemployed youth 
  • A boy from a rich urban family 
  • A girl from a rich urban family 
  • An adivasi from Narmada valley
  1. What is development?
  2. Different persons can have different developmental goals, Discuss
  3. What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for the other, Discuss
  4.  For development, people look at a mix of goals
  5. Give some examples where factors other than income are important aspects of our lives.
  6. Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. 
  7. What is average income? What is another name of average income?
  8. In World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, What criterion is used in classifying countries. Discuss.
  9. Define -
  10. Infant Mortality Rate (or IMR) indicates the number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year. 
  11. Literacy Rate measures the proportion of literate population in the 7-and-above age group. 
  12. Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
  13. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What are the limitations of this criterion, if any? 
  14. In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development different from the one used by the World Bank? 
  15.  Why do we use averages? Are there any limitations to their use? Illustrate with your own examples related to development. 
  16. Kerala, with lower per capita income has a better human development ranking than Haryana. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and should not be used to compare states. Do you agree? Discuss.
  17.  Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? 
  18. “The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of even one person”. How is this statement relevant to the disscusion of development? Discuss. 
  19. List a few examples of environmental degradation that you may have observed around you. 
  20. What is BMI ? What is  HDI ? What are its 3 perimeters?
  21. What is sustainable development?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

You do all the talking

You do all the talking

a poem by R.A. Jacob

 You do all the talking,

With your beautiful eyes,

I tell you a heartfelt truth,

Don't consider them utter lies.

Your silence speaks louder,

Louder than words,

Louder and clearer,

As it can be heard.



a poem by R.A. Jacob

When you occupied Tibet,

We found an aggressor for sure,

Yet you blind folded us,

Talking of panchsheel,five stones.

You devoured a country,

Called it an autonomous zone,

We protected Dalai Lama,

Granting asylum to a noble soul.

Panchsheel where is it,

Where are those foundation stones,

You have been killing our soldiers,

Claiming our land for sure.

I stand for freedom of Tibet,

I stand for freedom of China,

From the tyrant's hold,

Why should China suffer?

At the hands of a dictator for sure,

Mutual respect for each other territorial integrity,

Where did those stones fly?

One day they will fall back on you.

On that you will cry,

Today you are an aggressor,

Today you are filled with pride,

Tomorrow you'll pay the price.

Thorn, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Don't look at the thorns,
It was once just green,
If only its Splender,
You had seen.

Most fertile of land
Now studded with thorns,
No one knows it's misery,
There is no one to mourn.

Call it barren,
Or simply pass by,
If only you could hear,
Its soul as it cries.

Too fertile was this land,
Even a twig could grow,
If only passerby,
It's tragedy you could know.

It's plus points hailed its disaster,
Its goodness brought it falls,
Fertility made a thorn to grow,
A thorn, that covered it all.

I planted a shrub,
Thinking it was a rose,
I have paid for my folly,
I have paid, for what, I chose.

Roots have clamped on fertility,
Shoots have turned out to be thorns,
There is none to Care,
There is none to mourn.

Note:- The poem is about the wrong choices that we sometimes make. A wrong choice that we make can ruin our future. It's life that poem is talking about.
This poem was written on October tenth 1993.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

You are creating a world by your thoughts a poem by R.A. Jacob

You are creating a world by your thoughts

a poem by R.A. Jacob

You are creating a world by your thoughts, 
Your words are giving it its shape,
Your actions are solidifying the same, 
Take care of what ye spake. 

The world that you live in, 
Is not just, concrete and stones, 
It's is a product of your thoughts, 
Thoughts that ye just spoke. 

Build a beautiful world around you, 
Build a world full of faith, 
Build a world full of hope, 
Build a world that, on Him waits. 

Mind your words they are alive, 
Mind your words they have strength, 
Use your tongue for edification, 
Every now and then. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Ch : 1 Power Sharing X

Ch : 1 Power Sharing

  1. Explain about the composition of Belgium .
  2.  Explain the composition of Sri Lanka.
  3. Explain about the fact of 1956 .
  4.  How is Majoritarianism practiced in Sri Lanka ?
  5. What are the 4 ways in which Accommodation is practised in Belgium ?
  6. Brussels was made the headquarters of European union.
  7. What is community government?
  8. What are the two sets of reasons for power sharing?
  9. Why is power sharing desirable?
  10. How is power shared among the different organs of the government?
  11. What do you understand by the system of cheques and balances in Horizontal power sharing?
  12. How is power shared among the different levels of government?
  13. How is power shared among different social groups?
  14.  What do you understand by Community government?
  15.  Explain the concept of reserved constituencies. 
  16. Describe the ways in which power can be shared between Government and political parties and pressure groups.
  17.  Explain the following
  • Political parties
  • Pressure groups
  • Movements

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Justice will never die

Justice will never die

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I can't say nor can I write, 

And I wish I may never be able to write, 

How they must have felt, 

When they were persecuted on every side. 

How can you persecute a person, 

I find it shame full and hard, 

Hatred is shameful to witness, 

Hatred is sin alas! 

Voice of wisdom is often ignored, 

Voice of wisdom often fails, 

Noise of the mob is regulated noise, 

Noise that often prevails. 

Blood of Abel cried for revenge, 

Blood of humans always cries, 

Blood will seek for justice, 

Justice will never die. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I think an enemy has attacked us

I think an enemy has attacked us

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I think an enemy has attacked us, 
Yet I will bowdown and pray, 
I submit the helm in your hand, 
The ship is yours always. 

I can't steer the ship I am sure, 
I can't steer the ship all alone, 
When I fail to canoe, all alone, 
I leave the deck to Him for sure. 

He has to take control,
He won't fail for sure,
Neither have you ever failed, 
Nor can thy servant fail. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Every prison can be broken

Every prison can be broken

a poem by R.A. Jacob

You can only be caged in the prison you create, 

So break the walls anyway, 

Why live as a prisoner, 

Live as a free man I say. 

Every prison can be broken, 

You have to take concrete steps, 

Walls can crumble in a go, 

If you pray and say, Amen. 

Master of heaven and earth

Master of the whole universe, 

Master I seek thy protection, 

Master world fails to understand. 

I will only cling to thy cross, 

I will my succour claim, 

Like the woman who touched thy robe, 

My faith shall always prevail. 

Master your servant never fails, 

Master your grace is supreme, 

I will only look to thee,

Rest is just not to be seen. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

I will still praise Him my defence

I will still praise Him my defence,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

I will still praise Him my defence

I will still rely on His strength,

I will rest in my saviour's arm,

I will not take any offence.

I am, blessed by my Lord,

I am, happy in His arms,

I am, not going to give up,

I am sure of His defence.

Yes, I do not fear,

Yes,  to Him I am dear,

 I am the one, for me, He died

Yes, on Him I can  rely.


Either we are not the children of God

Either we are not the children of God, 

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Either we are not the children of God

Or we don't believe in Christ, 

If riches is our criteria, 

Where is the love of Christ? 

Stop calling yourself Christians, 

If status is just supreme,

Christ will say, I don't know you, 

When we reach the throne of Christ.

Vain is your religion,

I am telling you for sure, 

If status is your criteria, 

Religion is vain for sure. 

We are all the children of one father, 

He sent His son to save mankind, 

If still you believe in high and low, 

You are not the followers of Christ. 

Your grace is so abundant

Your grace is so abundant

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Your grace is so abundant, 

As if manna on the land, 

Grace after grace, grace, after grace, 

The magnitude of your love I can't understand. 

Let your love be my pillar of strength, 

Let me always rely on your grace, 

May my father never leave my hand, 

Let me see His grace in every act. 

Let my eyes remain open 

To see your intervention every time, 

Let me not fail to thank you, 

Each and every time. 

My words may fall short, 

I may be hiding the true magnitude of thy grace, 

Accept this free will offering, of love, 

A simple act for magnificent grace. Amen. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS INDIA Chapter 4 (with page no.)

 Chapter 4  (with page no.)

1 mark questions 

1. How is the level of urbanisation measured in india. Delhi 2015 pg-35

2. What 2 factors mostly helped in development of ancient towns in india? Delhi 2015 pg-34

3. Give any 2 examples of ancient towns of india. Delhi 2014 pg-34

4. Give any examples or ancient historical towns in bihar. All india 2014 pg-34

5. Give any 2 examples of mining towns in india. Delhi 2013 pg-36

6. Give any meaning of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2013 pg-33

7. Name any 2 metropolitan cities of andhra pradesh. Delhi 2012 pg-35

8. Give the meaning of human settlement pg-32

9. Name thé metropolitan city of Karnataka state as per 2001 census. Delhi 2011 pg-37

10. Which class of cities has the highest percentage of urban population in india? Delhi 2010 pg-36

11. Which class of cities has the largest number of towns and cities in india? All india 2010 pg-36

12. Name the largest metropolitan city of uttar pradesh. Write its population according to census 2001. Delhi 2009 pg-37

13. Name the largest metropolitan city of madhya pradhesh. What was its population according to censes 2001. All india 2009 pg-37

14. What is the meaning of rural settlement . All india 2008 pg-32

   3 mark questions 

15. Many of the modern towns in india were developed during the period of British. Explain in brief. Delhi 2016 pg-34

16. Differentiate between ‘hamleted’ and ‘dispersal’ rural settlement of india. Delhi 2016 pg-33

17. What makes rural settlement different from urban settlement in india. Explain. Delhi 2015 pg-32

18. Explain any 3 physical factor responsible for different types of rural settlement in india. Delhi 2015 pg-33

19. What are metropolitan cities and mega cities? Give 2 examples of each of metropolitan cities and mega cities from india. Delhi 2015 pg-35, 36

20. Explain any 3 characteristics of clustered rural settlement of india. Delhi 2015 pg-33

21. Explain any 3 features if semi clustered rural settlements of india. All india 2015 pg-33

22. Give the meaning of ‘dispersed settlement’. Explain any two reasons for the development of such settlement in india. Delhi 2014 pg-33

23. What are ancient towns. ? Give four examples if ancient towns of india. Delhi 2012 pg-34

24. Explain the evolution of town in India in 3 points. All india 2012 pg-34

25. Explain any 4 factors that determine the type of rural settlements in india . Delhi 2011 pg-33

26. Name any 3 factors that determine the clustered or compact rural settlement in india. All india 2011 pg-33

27. Distinguished between clustered and dispersed rural settlement of india by stating 3 points of distinctions of each . All india 2008 pg-33

Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Chapter 8 (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Name thé 2 rivers that provide water to tata iron and steel company. (Delhi 2013) Pg-87

2. Which state of india has the largest number of cotton mills. (Delhi 2011) Ans: Tamil Nadu

3. What was the main reason for establishing the first cotton textile mills in mumbai. 

(Delhi 2010) Pg-91

 4. Name the iron and steel planted located in chattisgarh. (All India 2010) 

ANS: Bhilai Steel plant

3 marks questions

5. Explain the role of power and raw material in the location of heavy industrial in india.

(All India 2017,Delhi 2014) Pg-86

6. Explain the role or market and transport  in the location of industries. (Delhi 2013) Pg-86

7. Explain any 3 locational factors which helped in the development of Gujarat industrial region. (All India 2013) Pg-101

8. Explain the significance of iron and steel industry of india giving 3 points. 

(All India 2012) Pg-87

9. Explain why are the iron and steel plants located near the source of raw materials in india. (All India 2012) Pg-86

10. Explain any 3 major objectives of the new industrial policy of india which was announced in 1991. (Delhi 2011) Pg-96

11. Explain any 3 factors which have helped in the development of Hugli industrial region. 

(All India 2008) Pg-100

12. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Mumbai-Pune industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

13. Explain any 3 factors responsible for the development of Banglore-Chennai industrial region. (All India 2008) Pg-100

  5 marks questions

15. Mention any 4 objectives of the new industrial policy, 1991 of india. Describe the role of globalisation in the achiveing these objectives. (All india 2017) Pg-96

16. Explain with examples any 5 geographical factors that affect location at a particular place in india. 

(All india 2011,2017,Delhi 2008) Pg-86

Migration : Type Causes and Consequences ch2 deleted

 Chapter 2 (With Page Number)

1 mark questions 

1. Why do people’s migrate in large number from rural to urban areas in india? 

All india 2015 (P - 19)

2. Name the ‘ urban agglomeration’ having thé highest share if immigrant population.  All india 2014 (P- 18)

3. Name the process of migration from the plain areas to pastures on mountains during summer and again mountain pastures to main areas during winters . All india 2010 (Book 1 P-33)

4. Which stream of migration id dominated by male migrants in india?

    Delhi 2008 (P-17)

3 mark questions 

5. Explain the causes of migration of unskilled migrants from rural to urban areas in india and their sufferings . All india 2015 (P- 19 & 20)

6. Explain the main reason for the migration of males and females separately in india. All india 2014 (P-20)

7. Explain any 3 push factors which compel the people to migrate from one are to another area in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

8. Why do people migrate? State the four streams of migration in india. All india 2012 (P-17&19)

9. Describe in brief the consequences of migration in india. Delh 2009 (P-20)

  5 mark questions 

10. How is migration a response to the uneven distribution of opportunities over a space? Explain thé economic consequences of migration in india. All india 2017 (P-20)

11. Explain with examples any 3 environmental consequences of migration of people in india. Delhi 2016 (P-21)

12. Examine the economic and social consequences of migration in india . All india 2016 (P-20)

13. Define the term migration. Explain any 2 economic and 2 demographic consequences of migration in india. All india 2015 (P-20)

14. Define the term migration. Explain the social and environment consequences of migration in india. Delhi 2014 (P-20)

15. Explain any 5 push factors that cause migration in india. Delhi 2013 (P-19)

16. What is migration?  Explain any 4 factors responsible for the migration of people in india. Delhi 2010 (P-19)

17. What is migration? What are the 4 streams of migration in india? Write main features of each. All india 2008 (P-17)

Population: Distribution Density Growth and Composition ch1 class12

CHAPTER 1 (With Page Number)

One mark questions 

1. Name the state of india with largest area. All India 2016 ( Rajasthan)
2. Name the union territory of induan having lowest density of population as per 2011 census . DELHI 2016 (P-3)
3. Define the term ‘population distribution’. DELHI 2015 (Book 1 P-8)
4. How is density of population of a region is calculated ? All india 2015 (Book 1 P-9)
5. Who are the ‘ marginal workers in india’?ALL INDIA 2014 (P-11)
6. Mention any 2 causes of the negative growth rate of population in India during (1911-21)DELHI 2013 (P-7)
7. What is the density of population if india according to 2011 census? DELHI 2013 (P-3)
8. According to census which state if india having the highest density of population and also mention its density. DELHI 2009 (P-3)
9. Which age group of population indicates the largest working population?ALL INDIA 2008 (Book 1 P-18)
 3 mark questions

10. What is the main thrust of the national youth policy of govt of india 2003? ALL INDIA 2016 (P-8) (it’s NYP - 2014 now, as given in our book)
11. ‘The decades 1951-81 are referred to as the period of population explosion in india’ explain the statement by giving 3 reasons .ALL INDIA 2014 (P-7)
12. Explain any 6 causes for the stagnation growth of india’s population from 1901 to 1921. ALL INDIA 2014,11 (P-7)
13. Explain the main aspects of the ‘ national youth policy ‘ of government of india launched in 2003.ALL INDIA 2014 (P-8)
14. Which are the two main components of population growth in india? Describe the main feature of each component.DELHI 2009 (P-5)
15. Explain the specific distribution of population density in india. ALL INDIA 2009 (P-3)
16. Which are the 3 groups or indian population acc to economic status ? Explain the main characteristics or each group.DELHI 2008 (P-11)
     5 mark questions 

17. ‘An uneven distribution of population suggests a close relationship between population and physical and socio economic factors’ support the statement with suitable examples. ALL INDIA 2017 (P-3)
18. What is density of population? Describe the spatial variations of population density in india. DELHI 2015 (P-3)
19. What is the source of population data in india? Explain the distribution of population in india .DELHI 2015 (P-1)
20. Define the term ‘ growth of population’z describe the third phase of growth of population in india.ALL INDIA 2015 (P-5 & 7)
21. What is population doubling time? Explain the characteristics of the growth of population in india in phase 1 and phase 2 .ALL INDIA 2015 (P- 5 & 7)
22. Why has population of india been increasing steadily in period of 1931-51? Explain any 3 reasons.Delhi 2014 ( P- 7)
23. Explain with example the occupational structure of india’s population.DELHI 2011 ( P - 11)

Water Resource Ch6 India People and Economy Q XII

 Chapter 6 (with page no.)

One mark questions

1. Mention any 2 sources of water pollution in india. (Delhi 2015) Pg-66

2. Define the watershed management. (All india 2014 ) Pg-67

3. Which is the main sources of waterborne disease in india. (All india 2014,09) Pg-65/66

4. Name any 2 natural sources of water pollution. (Delhi 2012) Pg-65/66

5. Which river basin of india has the highest percentage of replenishable utilisation of groundwater resources. (Delhi 2010) ANS: GANGA

6. Which sector uses most of the surface and groundwater in india. (Delhi 2010) 

ANS: Agriculture

7. Mention any 2 cumulative activities responsible for water pollution in india. 

(Delhi 2009) Pg-66

8. What is the main reason of degradation of the quality of water in india. (Delhi 2008) Pg-65

9. Which are the 2 polluted stretches of river ganga in UP? (All india 2008) Pg-66

  3 marks questions

10. How has rain water harvesting helped in the development of certain areas in india? Explain with examples . (All india 2016) Pg-67,69

11. What is conversation of water resources necessary. Explain any 3 reasons . 

(Delhi 2015) Pg-65 

12. How do industries pollute india’s water bodies? Explain with examples. 

(Delhi 2015) Pg-66

13. Analyse thé economic and social values of rain water harvesting . 

(Hots, delhi 2014) Pg-67

15. Examine any 3 causes for the deterioration of quality of water in india. 

(Delhi 2013) Pg-65

16. Explain watershed management. What is its aim? (Delhi 2012) Pg-67

17. Describe any 3 key features of india’s national water policy, 2002. 

(All india 2012) Pg-70

18.Describe any three major problems related to water in India. (Delhi 2011) Pg-65

19.Why is demand of water for irrigation increasing day by day in India? Explain any three reasons. (HOTS,Delhi 2011) Pg-64

5 mark questions

20. Explain any 3 factors responsible for depletion of water resources. Examine legislative measures for controlling water pollution in india. (Delhi 2013) Pg-65,66

Saturday, December 3, 2022

I know we all are sinners,

 Protection of the Cross

a poem by R.A.Jacob

We all need the protection of the cross, 
The sacrificial sacrifice of Jesus, 
Is Attonment for one and all,. 
Die in His death to live again, 
He is the ransom for all, 
Every knee shall bow and confess, 
That Jesus is the Lord. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022



Q1 Define the following:

  • Cadastral map

  • Cardinal points

  • Cartography

  • Generalisation map

  • Geoid

  • Map

  • Map series

  • Projection map

  • Scale

  • Sketch map

Q2 What are the five essentials of map making? Explain each in detail. 

Q3 Explain about contribution of Ptolemy

Q4 Distinguish between large scale and small scale maps. 

Q5 What are the different types of map on the basis of function. 

Q6 What are the different uses of map? 

Q7 What are the different types of cultural maps? 


Q1 What is a scale? 

Q2 What are the three different types of scales? Explain each in detail. 

Q3 Convert the given statement of scale of 1 inch represents 6 miles into RF. 

Q4 Convert RF 1:453, 440 into statement of scale ( In metric system) 

Q5 Divide an unequal line of 7 CM into 5 equal parts. 


  1. What are contours?Pg.53 (1)

  2. What are Contour Intervals? Pg.53 (1)

  3. What is a cross section? 

  4. What are Hachures? 

  5. What are topographic map

  6. Name the organisation responsible for making topographical maps. s? 

  7. What are the five basic features of Contours? (5)

  8. Identify the following features on the basis of slope or contours.pg.54-59 (1 mark each)

  9. Define the following . Pg 54-59 (1 mark each)

  10. Identify the types of slopes by looking at the contours provided to you and also draw the required landforms. (IMPORTANT) 

  11. Define the following:

  • Gentle slope

  • Steep slope

  • Concave slope

  • Convex slope

  • Conical hill

  • Plateau

  • V shaped valley

  • U shaped valley

  • Gorge

  • Spur

  • Cliff

  • Waterfall and Rapid


Q1 Define the following terms:

  • Absorptance

  • Digital image

  • Digital number

  • Digital image processing

  • EMR

  • FCC

  • Gray scale

  • Sensor

  • Reflectance

  • Spectral Band

Q2 What are the three types of spatial resolutions? Discuss each in detail. 

Q3 What are the five elements of visual interpretation? Explain each element in detail.Pg 100 (5)

Q4.What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Which region is used for remote sensing? pg 87 ( 3)

Q5. Distinguish between Sun-synchronous and Geostationary Satellites. pg.89 (5)

Q6. What do you understand by temporal resolution? pg 92 (1)


Q1 When was the Indian meteorological department established?Where are it's headquarters? 

Ans. 1875

Q2 What do you understand about the term weather? 

Q3 Name the typical instrument in the 1st class observatory and explain their use.

Q4 What is the importance of Stevenson Screen? 

Q5 Name the instrument used to measure temperature. 

(Ans- thermometer.) 

Q6 Name the instrument used for measuring pressure

( Ans- Barometer) 

Q7 Name the instrument used to measure wind direction 

( Ans -Wind vane) 

Q8 Name the instrument used to measure Rain 

( Ans- Rain gauge) 

Q9 Define the following terms:

  • Isobars

  • Isotherms

  • Isohyets

  • Isohels

  • Isonephs

Q10 Identify the map symbols on pg 118 and 119.

Q11 Identify isotherms and isobars on maps shown to you in fig 8.12 and 8.13.

Q4.Name the five instruments that a class 1 observatory inputs. pg 108 (5)

Q5.Explain the importance of the following instruments:-

a.Maximum and minimum thermometers

b.Anemometer and wind vane

c.Dry and Wet bulb thermometer

d.Rain Gauge


Q6. What is the importance of Stevenson screen? Pg.110

Q7. What are the advantages of maximum and minimum thermometer pg 109

Q8.What is a dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometer? What is its utility? pg 110

Q9.What is a barometer? Explain its uses? pg111

 Q10.Explain the working wind vane and rain gauge? Pg 112 and 113 



Class XI Geography Question Bank India

Class XI Geography Question Bank India Chapter 1. Answer the following questions .  Why has 82 30 mins east has been chosen as a standard me...