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Monday, May 15, 2023





Civil disobedience 1931 

Quit India movement 1945

Q1) First of all , the war created a new economic and political situation.Explain.(Pg 30)

Q2) What is Satyagraha?What does the idea of Satyagraha emphasized ?

Q3) Mahatma Gandhi successfully organised Satyagraha movement in various places . Explain. 

Q3) What was the Rowlatt Act ?

Q4) Why was the Martial law Imposed by the Indians?

•) ____was started on 6th April . 

•) Champaran -1916.    C

    Kheda -1917.              K

    Ahemdabad -1918.    A

Q5) Explain about Jallianwala bagh incident.What was the govt response to the incident ?

Q6) What was khilafat movement?

Q7) Name the book written by Mahatma Gandhi ji ? What does it explain ?

Q8) How could non-cooperation become a movement?

Q9) How did the movement unfold ? Who participated in it ? How did different social groups conceive of the idea of Non-cooperation? (Pg 33)

Q10) What were the three different strands within the movement?

Q11) "The NCM in the cities gradually slowed down". Justify.

Q12) Write a short note on Baba ram Chandra and Aluri seta ram .

Q13) Explain the relationship between the NCM and peasants.

Q14) "Workers too had their own understanding of Mahatma Gandhi and the notion of swaraj." Explain 

Q14) how did Non-cooperative movement extended to plantations who raised the demand of Swatantra bharat. What does it stand for ? 

Q15) Why NCM called of ?

Q16) Why was swaraj party formed?

Q17) Name the 2 leaders of swaraj party .

Q18) Name the 2 leaders of radical party .

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