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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Primary Activities(chapter 5) human geography

primary activities(chapter 5) 

  1. What are economic activities?2015 Pg.31 
  2. Who are called red collar workers?2015 Pg. 
  3. What is truck farming?2014 Pg.40 6
  4. Name the 2 activities on which the early human beings were dependent on the environment for their sustenance.2011,2008. Pg.33 7.
  5. What is nomadic herding?2011 Pg.33 
  6. Name any 2 areas of high latitudes in the world,where gathering economic activities are practised.2010 Pg.32 
  7. Name the country where practically every farmer is a member of cooperative society.2008 Pg.41 10.Explain any 3 features of underground mining methods in different countries of the world.2010 Pg.42 
  8. "Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals in the world." Analyse the statement with examples.2009 Pg.38-39 
  9. Describe the way of life of nomadic herders in the world.2017 Pg.33 
  10. Classify intensive subsistence agriculture into 2 categories practised in the world.How are they different from each other.2017 Pg.36-37 
  11. Diff. B/w nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing , any 5 points of distinction.2016 Pg.33 16.Diff. B/w cooperative farming and collective farming , 5 points.2016 Pg.41 
  12. Define the term commercial livestock rearing.Explain any 4 characteristics.2015 Pg.33 
  13. Define the term mixed farming.Explain any 4 characteristics of mixed farming practised in the world.2014 Pg.38 
  14. Explain any 5 characteristics of extensive commercial grain cultivation practised in the world.2014 Pg.37-38 
  15. Explain any 5 characteristics of dairy farming in the world.2013 Pg.38-39
  16. Describe 5 characteristics of economic activities of hunting and gathering in the world.2012 Pg.31 
  17. Where is intensive subsistence agriculture practised in the world ?
  18. What are its 2 types?Describe 2 points.2012 Pg.36 24.
  19. What is the importance of dairy farming ?
  20. Why is it mainly practised near urban and industrial centres of the world?Explain 2 reasons.2011 Pg.38-39 
  21. What is subsistence agriculture.Mention any 4 points of primitive subsistence agriculture.2011 Pg.34 And pg.36 
  22. "There is low yield per acre but high yield per person in the interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid latitudes in the world".Support this statement with suitable examples.2009 Pg.37-38 
  23. What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture.Describe any 4 characteristics of this type of agriculture in the world.2008 Pg.40

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