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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Talents, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

What is your talent?
Do you know?
Or it's hidden too deep,
Dig in to find from the heap.

So many talents He has bestowed,
Couldn't you find even one,
Don't Dare ye say ye have none,
He never fails for even once.

Think just once and you will find,
Millions of talents hidden inside,
You'll find them as you use them,
Just one by one, all like a seed at once.

Small as the mustard seed,
You'll find blessings of God in disguise,
Yet when you plant them you'll find,
Talents of God bold and bright.

Let the seed of his word,
Grow in your life,
It will grow into mustered herb,
Talent for the world to see.

Note: I dedicate this poem to my brother Sunil Joseph. Who gave me an opportunity to preach the word of God at his place. This poem was written as a part of the message i shared.

Some people can't see their blessing

Some people can't see their blessing,
And that's their greatest bane,
They live a life full of pain,
As they cannot see His grace.

Maybe God has closed their eyes,
For they open when you are in love,
Love of the lamb can open them,
For he is God, He loves.

He spoke to them in parables,
Only those who were called could understand,
Everybody cannot see reality,
For its hard to understand.

Many ears won't hear,
Even if you are loud and clear,
For many are called,
Yet few are chosen

Spies brought the bad report, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Spies brought the bad report

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

Spies brought the bad report,
There was wailing in the camp,
We are like grasshoppers,
In front of those men.

It displeased the Lord,
Forty years in the wilderness,
Israel had to wander,
Because of its foolishness.

We're they weak with the Lord,
They didn't count,
Him as their strength,
I won't do that blunder.

I am sure of His strength,
He protects me,
As one protects one's eyes,
What more reassurance can I find

Persecution, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Do not fear those who kill the body,
Fear Him who can kill both body and soul,
See how they nailed Him to the Cross,
See how they nailed him to the Cross.

Be faithful unto death,
I'll give you a crown of life,
Do not deny me I am life,
God had given God be glorified.

Be faithful unto death,
I am the resurrection and the life,
They can just kill the body,
I am the resurrection and the life.

Fear not, little flock fear not,
You are the Apple of mine eye,
Fear not, little flock fear not,
You are the Apple of mine eye.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A puppy died ,

A puppy died

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

A puppy died on the road,
A vehicle crushed him at a time,
How lucky was that puppy,
He was freed from life.

Some puppies get lamed,
Vehicles crush them down,
They live in some more days,
To be crushed down again.

Who is luckier the one who died,
Or the one who was lamed,
The death that comes in one go, or
A death that comes as a stalemate.

One more sip I will take,
Once more I'll brave it out,
Till the darkness prevails,
My light shall not go out.

Note: - This poem was written in 2005.
The poet regrets at the life of puppies born on the main road.
Then turns to his own life which too is full of difficulties. Yet a ray of hope is seen in the last paragraph in the last two lines. Lines that change it all.
The scripture proclaims God is the light of my salvation of whom should I be afraid. Yes, dear friends, in time of difficulties, I looked to Him and was not ashamed for He sustained me.

Let I die

Let I die

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Kill that I, if you can,
Or it will kill you, for sure,
Lucifer fell from heaven,
I had played a role.

Women ate the forbidden fruit,
Thinking I shall be wise,
I have destroyed many nations,
You should be a bit wiser.

I the cause of sorrow
I the cause of pain
I the cause of depression
I, should not make you vain.

Kill that I, I tell you.
I know it is the root cause,
If you can refuse I,
You will live as you choose.

The key to success is controlling I,
Try my dear ones this remedy try.
If you need success then let I die
If you need success then let I die.

Note:- The poem talks about how, I could even destroy an angel called Lucifer, who fought with God, and later became satan. It also talks about Eve the woman was deceived by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit in her desire to be wise

If your courage fails at times of need

If your courage fails at times of need 

 a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

If your courage fails at times of need
Your courage is really weak,
Men of faith look not at world,
From Him all direction they seek.

When you look with your eyes,
You see enemy around,
When He opens your eyes,
You see angels surround.

There are more with us,
Then all of them combine,
Fear not, my soul, fear not,
He can even armies blind.

Find your refuge in him
In him your succour find,
He is your refuge
He is your guide.

Poet:- Reginald Ajay Jacob © May 22nd 1918

Talebearers, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Talebearers will tell the tale,
Whether you like it or not,
Tales have fabricated lies,
Whether you distinguish it or not.

Who spreads the glad tidings,
We usually spread lies,
Who cares for good news,
Lies have wings they fly.

Wright brothers invented the plane,
Planes now fly, very fast,
In this world of missile technology,
I think lies cover distance vast.

Faster than the speed of lightning,
They will hit my heart,
In such Hours of distress,
I cling to the lord.

Note: - The poem talks about the fact of how people hide facts but share lies. Glad tidings and good news refer to Christ and His redemptive grace.

R. A. Jacob © July 23rd 2018

When the hands of the lord are around you, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When the hands of the lord are around you
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

When the hands of the Lord,
Are around you,
When His love surrounds you,
Then non can ever confound you.

It's all because of His grace,
We can everyday face,
He washes all our infirmities,
And leaves no trace.

I bear the brunt every time,
Though the sky's fall on me,
Yet I am alive you see,
Thanking for His grace you see.

Sky's are heavy if they fall,
For they carry the weight of thoughts,
Weight to heavy, for human,
I just pin them to the cross.

I find love woven in scolding,
I find care in every word,
Thank God for such a person,
Thank God for all your care.

R.A.Jacob© August/15/18

Seek your rewards from the king of kings, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Seek your rewards from the king of kings
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Seek not glory from human hands,
Seek your rewards from the king.
He is the king, the creator
He will certainly give.

Who can pay you better? tell me,
Will pauper pay better or the king.
So leave the matter to the king,
He has the power to give.

He can weigh you in gold,
He is the king of kings,
He will reward your efforts,
He has all the bliss.
He maketh the barren women,
To be joyful mother indeed,
He raiseth the poor from the dunghill
To let them sit next to the king's

Look not for human favours,
Their praises are in vain,
Sunday they will cry out Hosanna,
Friday crucify Him, will be their claim.


Take me back to time (challenge 103), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Take me back to time (challenge 103)
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Take me back to the time,
No, never, nigh,
I have reached the land of comfort,
I can't look back, no nigh.

I have crossed the valley,
The valley of the shadow of death,
I can't look back,
At the time, you know.

He held, my hands, at that time,
When I was about to slip,
He held me, in His arms,
When fear had dried my lips.

I can't look back,
Yet if I look back, I will find,
The hands that now surround me,
Where always, near me, by my side.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My voice (thanks you for hearing my voice), a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My voice(thank you for hearing my voice)

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Thank you, for hearing my voice,
Thank you, for all your love,
Thank you, for all your blessings,
Thank you, for you are love.

My voice is never heard,
Even if I shout out loud,
Yet you always respond to me,
Even if I am in the crowd.

What a strange world it is,
Where people pretend to be deaf,
Literally trying to cut short,
To fulfil their sinister plans.

God of heavens army, intervene,
Step in, from my side,
Neither do they consult you,
Nor should you be by their side.

Joyful mother of a child, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Joyful mother of a child
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

“For there are many great deeds
Done in the small struggles of life.”
When you look back you realize,
Life is stranger than fiction you find.

How He takes the dust of the earth,
Add to it such worth,
That world bows down in adoration,
For all that He has done.

He makes beauty grow on the ground,
Flower cover the face of the earth,
He grants His grace and renews us,
Or else what is our worth.

He maketh the barren women,
To be a joyful mother of a child,
He addeth worth to the lowly,
He has added worth to my life.

R. A. Jacob

Promotion cometh neither from east nor west, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Promotion cometh neither from east nor west
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Don't think I am writing humour,
I tell you it's a serious sure,
If I had place value,
Everyone would have liked this for sure.

Place a lamp at the doorpost,
It will give a lot of light,
Place a lamp at the footstool,
Light won't ever be bright.

Yet this is also very true,
Diamonds hail from the coal mine,
Once found and polished,
It's always a part of the crown.

Prosperity cometh neither from the east,
Nor does it come from the west,
Whomsoever He wills, He grants,
The world considers it the best

Holy spirit how do you do it , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Holy spirit how do you do it
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Holy Spirit, how do you do it?
You choose the brokenhearted,
Whom the world refuse,
Broken and shattered you use.

I can't understand your working,
I don't understand your plans,
Rejected by Him are selected,
Who can understand His plans?

How do you grant peace?
To a broken heart,
Peter could walk on water,
How great my lord thou art.

I can only marvel,
The fact that thou art great,
How do you strengthen the faint heart,
How do you build up the faint?

My God is the God of broken,
My God is the God of the poor,
My God is the God born in a manger,
My God is the one who cares.

Bones lay shattered, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Bones lay shattered
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Bones lay shattered,
Yet I am sure,
Of all the blessings,
He has in store.

They will harken to your command,
The dead shall come back to life,
Waiting on your providence,
Seeking for the breath of life.

I am facing goliath,
I need the, to guide
When thou art near
I have the courage to fight.

Winning the battle
In the name of the lord,
Waiting on his Providence,
To be My, sword.

Note in this poem the poet is in a difficult situation and in such a situation he still has faith in God's providence.

Written on seventh of May 1989

Monday, July 6, 2020

Rejoice in Him, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Rejoice in Him
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Why regret over spilt milk,
God is always in control,
He must have got a better plan,
Leave your pain oh my soul.

He has a better plan,
Hold on just do not feel sad,
He will fill you with joy,
Oh my soul, in Him be glad.

He who loves his brother
More than me is not worthy of me,
Rejoice my soul in Him,
In Him is salvation you see.

Note:- If your faith fails in the time of trouble how weak is your faith

Saturday, July 4, 2020

TANGLED ARE THE CHORDS OF LIFE, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

If it was a pain I could mention,
Most of the cords have got tangled,
Tangled the web of life.

Though I know,
That the sky shall be clear,
Yet in the darkness, I abound,
Rays of hope aren’t found.

Cloudy is the weather,
Dark is the sky,
Lulled by the situation,
Un decided I lie.

If it was a wound superficial,
I would have applied a balm,
I know not where I am wounded,
Where should the remedy be applied?

I am far from the front,
Yet I have heard the cry,
Which has my essence,
In its fullness doth try.

The pain of a bullet,
One-shot and you are gone,
The pain of the living,
Mourn and just mourn.

My castle has turned to ashes,
Yet it stands intact,
Hold the moment of wind,
Least it meets its end.

From ashes build castle again,
Revive the dead back to life,
Even dry bones harken your command,
Bring back the dead to life.

Note this poem was written en19 89 when I pass through a difficult time.

Wait and see the deliverance of the lord, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Wait and see the deliverance of the lord
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Wait and see the deliverance of the  lord,

He parted the sea that they may cross,

All those persecutors who chase them,

In the waters were lost.

God of Jacob, I adore thee,

Forever thou art the same,

Delivering the people from distress,

Saving me from being in vain.

The providence of the widow,

lasted all through the famine,

In dilapidated  states of affairs 

You have the power to revive 

My providence has never filled me,

My provider always prevails,

Leading me through the valley,

Leading me through the plain.

He blessed and food multiply

Twelve baskets of loaves remained

Such are His many blessings,

My lord just blesses all my 


  • Note this poem was written when I had an insecure job that means I only had a temporary job. The poem shows the faith of poet in the midst of trying situations.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

There is a way to carry your riches, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

There is a way to carry your riches

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Maybe the hands, that asked you for help,
Were the hands of the lord you see,
Even if you are sure they were not,
yet that's the criteria you see.

On the day of judgement,
He will divide the sheep and goat,
He will welcome sheep home,
Telling them welcome home.

They will ask him,
When did we take care of you,
He will say when you did it
For the least, you did it for me

There is a way to carry your gold with you
Right In the next world,
What you invest in the poor,
Will be with you in heavens above

Store, not your money,
Where moth destroys,
Store, not your money,
Where thieves steel.

Exchange your currency,
In heavenly rewards,
I tell you to add to your worth.
You'll be rewarded afterwards

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...