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Wednesday, August 10, 2022



  1. How can Indian economy be classified in the basis of:-
  • Ownership
  • Nature of organisation
  • Types of economic activities (primary, secondary & tertiary)
  • Define the term
  • NSSO (national sample survey organization) It is the organization under the ministry of statistics of the government.It surveys the employment and unemployment of the workers.
  • NSO National Statistical Office 
  • MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act or MGNREGA in 2009, is an Indian labour law that aims to guarantee the 'right to work'.
  • TISCO tata iron and steel company limited
  • RIL reliance industries limited

Q. Define the following in detail 

  • Primary sector
  • Secondary sector
  • Tertiary sector/service sector

Q. Define the term GDP. 

Q. Explain the historical change in the proportion of workers in the three sectors of the economy.

Q. Explain the rising importance of tertiary sector in production. (Important question)(max. 5 points)

Q. Name the sector which is the largest employing sector. (Primary sector)

Q. Name the sector which has the largest proportion of incoming GDP. (Tertiary sector) 

Q. What do you understand by the term 

  •  Underemployment
  • Disguised unemployment
  • Casual worker

Q. How can more employment be created in rural areas? (5marks)

Q. Explain the characteristics of the organised sector / Unorganised sector

Q. Who are the vulnerable people who need protection in the Rural areas/ Urban areas

Q. Why is government intervention needed in various sectors?

Q. Why are public services run by the government only ?

The Age Of Industrialisation class X


Pg 81

  1. Explain the "dawn of the century" published by E T Paull music company.
  2.  Explain the two magicians published in 1911. 
  3.  What is pro-Industrialisation?
  4.  "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside, supplying money to peasants and artisans, persuading them to produce for an international market." Discuss.
  5.  Why could not the merchants expand production within towns? (Proto-industrialisation)
  6.  What was the impact of the enclosure movement on the poor peasants and how did it benefit of proto-industrialisation?Pg 82
  7.  Proto-industrialisation was thus a network of commercial exchanges. Discuss.
  8.  London in fact became known as a "Finishing Centre". Discuss.
  9.  A close relationship developed between the town and the Countryside. Discuss.
  10.  How was a clothier controlling hundreds of workers? Discuss.
  11.  Series of inventions in the eighteenth century increased the efficiency of each step of the production process. Discuss.Pg 83
  12.  The pace of industrial change was influenced by four factors. Discuss.Pg 84
  13.  Fill in the blanks:-
  14. i) JAMES WATT improved the steam engines.
  15. ii) MATHEW BOULTON manufactured the new model.
  16.  The typical worker in the mid-nineteenth century was not a machine operator but a traditional craftsperson and labourer. Discuss.
  17.  What were the problems faced by the workers during the industrial age?/ Explain the conditions of the workers. Pg86
  18.  Hand-made products were classified by ARISTOCRATS and BOURGEOISIE.
  19.  What was the impact of spinning Jenny on production? Why did the women begin to attack the new machines?
  20.  Who were the GOMASTHA?
  21.  What were the steps taken by the east India company to extend control over the Indian market?
  22.  What factors in 1840 led to increasing in job opportunities in England? 
  23.  What was the impact of British trade on Indian ports?
  24.  How were the weavers affected by the company policies during the 18th century?
  25.  Cotton weavers thus Faced two problems at the same time. DiscussOr 
  26. What were the two problems faced by the Indian weavers?
  27.  Explain the contribution of:-
  28. i) Dwarkanath Tagore
  29. (ii) Dinshaw Petit
  30. (iii) Jamsetjee nusserwanjee Tata 
  31. (iv) Seth Hukumchand
  32. (v)G.D. Birla
  33.   As the colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function become increasingly limited. Discuss.
  34.  Till the first world war European managing agencies in fact controlled a large sector of Indian industries. Discuss.Or
  35. Name the three big companies that controlled the Indian industries.
  36.  Who was a jobber? Why was his role so important?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Agriculture-4 X Class


  1. How can we say that India is an agricultural country? P-34

  2. What are the factors that influence the methods of cultivation? P-34

  3. Explain primitive subsistence agriculture/slash and burn agriculture P-34

  4. Explain the characters of:- P-35

  • Intensive subsistence farming P-35
    Commercial farming P-35
  • Plantation farming P-35
  1. What are the three cropping seasons in India? Explain each in detail with examples? P-36

  2. Name the three varieties of rice grown in Assam, West Bengal, grown within one agricultural year. P-36

  3. Describe the four main characteristics of rice cultivation in India? P-36


  • Which crop is shown in the above map? 

  • Why is this crop concentrated in the northeastern part of the country?

  1. How can Punjab and Haryana grow rice in areas of less irrigation? P-38

  2. Name the two important wheat-growing zones. P-38

  3. Explain the climatic conditions for the growth of wheat. P-38

  4. Name the three important millets grown in India? Also, name a major state associated with each along with specific soil requirements. P-38

  5. Explain the climatic conditions for the growth of Maize P-38

  6. ------------------are the major source of protein in the vegetarian diet.


  • Which crop is shown in the above map?

  • Why is this crop concentrated in the northwestern part of the country? 

  1. What are the geographical requirements associated with the growth of sugarcane? P-40

  2. What are the four products obtained from sugarcane? P-40

  3. Name the three varieties of coffee grown in India. Where was it initially grown? P-41

  4. What are the four essential fibre crops of India? P-42

  5. Explain sericulture/How silk is produced. P-42

  6. Pie chart-based questions-P-42

  • Which sector is the major consumer of natural rubber?

  • Give reasons for the same.

  1. Explain about the comprehensive land development programmes. P-43

  2. What are the challenges for Indian farmers? P-44

Water resource class X

 Chapter 3

Water resource

  • ---------per cent of the total volume of the world’s water is in oceans. P-21

  • Only --------Percent of water is freshwater. . P-21 

  • Nearly------ per cent of this freshwater occurs as ice sheets and glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland and the mountainous regions of the world. . P-21

  • India receives nearly ------ per cent of the global precipitation and ranks 133 in terms of water availability per annum. P-21

  • Distinguish between- surface and groundwater resources? P-21

  • What are the three sources of fresh water? P-25

  • Define the term- Multi-Purpose River Valley Projects. State any five objectives of multipurpose projects. P-26

  • Name any four hydraulic structures of ancient India. P-26

  • What are dams and how do they help us in conserving and managing water? P-26

  • Based on the structure and the materials used, dams are classified as P-26

  • According to the height, dams can be categorised as P-26

  • ----------------- proudly proclaimed the dams as the ‘temples of modern India’. P-26

  • In recent years, multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition for various reasons. Discuss. P-27

  • Multi-purpose projects and large dams have also been the cause of many new social movements. Discuss P-27


  • Write a short note on Narmada Bachao Andolan & Tehri Dam Andolan. P-27

  • The making of dams has an impact on the social landscape. Discuss. P-27

  • What are the problems confronting multipurpose projects? P-29

  • What is rainwater harvesting? Explain water harvesting/management in ancient India by giving four examples. P-29-30

Name a remote village in south India that stands, as an example of rainwater harvesting in India. P-31

Write a short note on the following 2

  • Watershed development.

  • Rain water harvesting.

Resources and development class X

Resources and development

  1. What are resources? Explain the relation between nature, technology and institution? 1+3=4, Page-1

  2. What are the various ways resources can be classified? Page-1

  3. How is the resource a function of human activities? Discuss? Page-1

  4. What are the two types of resources? Give one example of each. Page-1

  5. What are the two types of human resources? Give one example of each Page-1

  6. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?Page-2

  1. Classify resources on the basis of:-

  • Origin  page-2

  • Exhaustibility page-2

  • Ownership page-2

  • Status of development page-2

  1. Explain the following:-

  • Rio de Janeiro Earth summit page-3

  • Agenda 21 page-3

  • Sustainable development page-3

  • Club of Rome page-5

  • Brundtland Commission Report page-5

  • Waste lands page-6

  • Sheet erosion. Page-11

  • Contour ploughing Page-11

  • Strip cropping Page-11

  • Shelter belts Page-11

  1. What are the three problems confronting resource development? page-3

  2. Why do we need balanced resource planning? Give examples to prove your point. page-4

  3. What are the three stages of resource planning? (India) page-4

  4. Explain the factors that influence the development of resources in the colonies. page-4

  5. What do you understand by resource conservation? Explain the Gandhian principle regarding resource conservation. page-4

  1. What are the three main relief features of India? Explain the importance of each feature. page-5

  2. What are the physical/human factors that influence the use of land?page-5

  3. Though the area under the permanent pastures has reduced yet we are able to have a large cattle population. Explain how? page-6

  1. What is the required percentage of forest area in accordance with national forest policy? Why is it essential? page-6

  1. What are wastelands? page-6

  1. Explain the importance of land in the sustenance of humans? page-6

  1. Explain the human activities that lead to land degradation? page-7

  1. Explain the mining/ mineral processing /over-irrigation leads to land degradation? page-7

  1. What are the various ways to solve the problem of land degradation?                                         page-7

  1. What is soil? What is the soil profile? What are the various factors that influence soil formation? page-7,8

  1. What are the various sources of nature that influence soil formation? 

  1. What are the various factors that influence soil classification in India? Page-8

  2. What are the various factors that contributed to the development of various resource types’ of soils in India? Page-8

  1. Name the three important river systems that have contributed to the development of the great northern plains. Page-8

  2. Distinguish between Bangar and khadar soils

  1. Explain the characters of the following soils.

  • Black soils Page-8

  • Alluvial soils Page-8

  • Red and yellow soils Page-10

  • Laterite soil Page-10

  • Arid soil Page-10

  • Forest soil Page-10

  1. What do you understand by soil erosion? What are human/ natural factors that influence soil erosion? What are Bad Lands? Page-11

  1. What is being shown in the figure? How can this activity be controlled? Name an area in India where this activity has influenced land use to a great extent?

  2. How can soil be conserved in mountain areas?

  3. How can soil be conserved?

  4. (Learn all back questions also.)

Distinguish between 2

  • Natural & Human-made resources

  • Renewable & Nonrenewable 

How can soil erosion be controlled in hilly areas

How can soil erosion be controlled in arid areas 2

 Explain the characters of alluvial soil.

Explain the characters of black soil. 2

 What are the several methods of controlling soil erosion?

 What are the factors that influence soil formation? (Name any four) 2

Class XI Geography Question Bank India

Class XI Geography Question Bank India Chapter 1. Answer the following questions .  Why has 82 30 mins east has been chosen as a standard me...