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Monday, April 11, 2022

Human Geography Nature and Scope Ch-1


                  The video above is for revision only you will get an explanation as I teach you in the class. Don't get confused                               

1. Which are the three core points of the human geography given by Ellen semple?         (Delhi 2009)  page 2                                      1 mark

2."The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated." Justifying the statement.           (Delhi 2016) page 2                         3mark


"Nature and humans are inseparable elements". justify the statement with examples.              (Delhi 2017) page2

3." The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop the technology." support this statement with examples. Page 2                   (All India 2015)   3mark           


4. How is knowledge of nature important to developing technology? explain with egs.       (Delhi 2010)Page 2

5. What is the subject matter of the study of geography? Explain any 3 facts.  (Delhi 2015) page 2 definition

6. Explain with egs how nature gets humanised.   (Delhi 2014) page 2

7. "There is mutual interaction between the elements of physical geography and human geography." supports the statement with.        (Delhi 2014)

8. Explain the concept of 'possibilism' with 3 suitable examples. Page 3

9. define "human geography" in your own words. mention any 4 fields of human geography.      (all India 2013)Page 6 

10. Define 'human geography and give 4 examples of elements of material culture created by humans, using the resources provided by nature. Page 2

11. Explain the concept of 'determinism' with suitable examples.    (Delhi 2011,09)pg-2

12. Explain the concept of neo determinism with suitable examples.pg-4


What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography? describe the concept with examples. (All India 2008)Pg-4

13. How does technology loosen the shackles of examples. on humans? explain with examples. (All India 2010)pg-2

14. State 6 approaches of human geography? (2008)Pg-5

15. State 6 different fields of human geography. (2008) pg-7

16. State any six subfields of social geography. (2008) pg-7

17. Six subfields of economic geography? (2008) pg-7


18." The knowledge and understanding of the laws are extremely valuable to humankind" Explain the values that can help us the gifts of nature in a sustainable manner. (2016)pg-2

19. Explain how technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. (Delhi 2012) pg-2

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