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Monday, April 11, 2022

Population Composition Ch-3 Human Geography XII deleted

                                        chapter 3

1. Why is the age structure considered an important indicator of population composition? give one reason. 2016 pg-18

2. Why is the sex ratio in some European countries recorded favourable to females? give one reason.2015 pg-18

3. Name the country where the sex ratio is most unfavourable to women in the world. 2016 pg-18

4. What is the average sex ratio in the world? 2016 pg-18

5. Give the meaning of age structure. 2013 pg-18

6. How is the sex ratio calculated in different countries of the world? 2013 pg-17

7. Give the meaning of the age-sex structure of the population.2013 pg-18

8. Define the term sex ratio. 2012 pg-17

9. Name the country having the highest sex ratio in the world.  2012,2010 pg-18

10. Country having the lowest sex ratio? 2011, pg-18

11. Which age group of the population indicates the largest working population? 2008 pg-18

12. Divide the population of the world into 2 groups on the basis of residence. how do they differ from each other? explain any 2 points of difference  2011 pg-18

13. What do you understand by occupational structure? name the specific economic activities or occupational categories as identified by United Nations? 2011 pg-19

14. Why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in the world? explain any 3 reasons 2011 pg-19

15. What is the sex ratio? explain the world pattern of the sex ratio with suitable egs. 2015 pg-17, 18

16.  What is the sex ratio? why is the sex ratio unfavourable to women in some countries of the world? explain any 4 reasons. 2010 pg-17

17. Describe rural & urban population composition of the world with examples. 2009 pg-19

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