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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bread Of Heaven, let me feed on thee

 Bread Of Heaven, let me feed on thee,

Oh water of life, let me drink.

Too worried was I, for perishable food,

Now for imperishable, I plead

Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty my soul,

Quench my thirst I plead,

Starving my thirsty soul,

Thy bread of fulfilment I need.

Fear Him He is Mighty

Fear Him He is Mighty,

Fear Him He is God,

Fear your creator,

He has the breath of all.

Fear should only be ascribed to the Lord,

No other fear you will ever know,


All our hearts doth know.

Fear no man nor men,

He is the Lord of all,

His fear is so protective,

No, you will never fall.

His fear is protective,

His love is romantic,

I need not fear any man,

For my, Lord is at the helm.

He is with you, He is with me,

He is the Lord of all,

No weapon against thee can prosper,

He all weapons shall stall.

Note:-  This poem was written in St Thomas church it is, in reality, my prayer.

Look and be whole

 When He calls, you will have to go,

He is God of Heaven and Earth,

Wait not for His call to come,

Meet Him every day on this Earth.

It will be late if you wait,

Wait not for the final call,

He is ready to forgive,

All those who on Him call.

Call Him He is waiting,

Father Love's His son's,

Call Him He is willing,

Be carried in His love.

Look, at the love of the Savior,

Look, at the cross, He endured,

Look at the love of my Lord,

Look and infirmities will be cured.

He can change your life,

He can bring in peace,

If you are broken and dejected,

Then such, are the one's He seeks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Why art though so kind

 Unworthy my lord unworthy,

Unworthy this whole mankind,

Lord why art thou gracious,

My lord why art thou so kind.

Thy gifts are innumerable,

How can I count,

Just open my eyes,

Lest I may discount.

This poem was written on the 7th of December 1993.

Friday, March 11, 2022


 Can I have some more?

Can I have another dose?

It gives me the strength to endure,

I think it is my cure.

You call it pain I call it wine,

You fear it from distance,

I sleep with it every time

As I wake up it always abides.

My friend since an age,

My loyal servant as I find,

It wakes me up in the middle of the night,

Wears a different mask every time.

Yet it comes to me and I fear it,

Now I fear it no more,

It has worn so many masks,

I discover it the second it strolls

Keep coming keep going,

Keep troubling yourself,

You have lost your luster

With me myself

Jehovah Jhira shall always provide,

No fear of failure,

He is the security of my life,

Keep venturing to meet demise.


Father, I am a sojourner in the land

 Father, I am a sojourner  in the land,

Every year as a nomad I stand,

Led by sheer necessity,

From one to the other land.

I am tired of continuous change,

Yet I do understand,

All through the turmoil,

I am in your hand.

Had I not been in your protection

I would have ceased to be,

Even through unbearable change,

Thy mercy I can see.

I am in the refinery of the Lord,

Heat is burning impurities out,

I will not ask Him to stop this, 

Till all the chaff is out.

I am sure of thy love,

I know my Lord you care,

Why should I ask thee to stall this,

When I know my Lord ye care.

You are the Potter,

I am the clay, 

To thy discretion, I leave myself,

For further refinement, I pray.

He who gave His life for us,

His providence I cannot doubt,

I pray for further refinement,

Till all the trash is out.

Dear friends, I wrote this poem because I have no secure job, so every year I have to change my job. Today I thank God for His protection if you are in a difficult time then believe He is more than sufficient for all your needs, have faith, and you will prevail.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

As for me, I will follow Him

 As for me, I will follow Him,

He, who can hear unspoken words,

He, who can change the destiny,

Whose nature is love just love.

Matthew Bill Reginold, I found this a spiritual ink I give thumbs up!

Don't Know

My heart ye need not worry

Poem By Reginold Jacob

Don't know, how to put the right foot,

Don't know, how to proceed,

Don't know, how to make it happen,

Don't know if things will succeed.

My heart ye need not worry, 

Leave something in His hands,

His hands won't allow His child to fall,

Why don't you understand?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

You can make the mountains move, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

You can make the mountains move

The faith of the women,
Who touched thy robe,
Was strong enough,
To make her whole.

At the faith of Centurion,
The master was proud,
Such faith not even,
In Israel was found.

I shall not doubt his providence,
His sustenance never fails,
I need his many blessings,
As I am on the journey of Faith.

The world is dying of fear,
In Him fear doth die,
Whenever the waves rise too
To the lord of Peter, I cry.

Why did you doubt,
Oh, ye men of little faith,
My providence is forever,
Just have some faith.

You can make the mountains move
Faith has got that power.

Note - Dear friends, I wrote this poem in 1998 the last two lines were written today in 2020. A person who has an insecure job will be able to relish this poem the most. When I wrote this poem, I was passing through a difficult time. When I lacked job security. Today I can thank God for all His protection and a secure job.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Doorway to heaven, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Doorway to heaven
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

In your busy schedule,
When you hear that I am gone,
Close your eyes for a minute,
Let bygone be bygones.

Forgive me for all my shortcomings,
Remember that I am gone,
Forget all that I failed in,
Let all bygone be bygones.

I am going to a place,
Prepared by my Lord,
Fear, not my dear, fear not,
He is the Lord of all.

Death is the doorway to Heaven,
It's the beginning, not the end,
He is the Lord of eternity,
Oh, my soul understand.

Note: This poem shares with you my thoughts about life eternal that we are all about to receive from Him who loves us.

Waiting on the lord, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Waiting on the lord, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, 

In search of water
I struggled for years
Mirage is all that I found,
Still, the hope abounds.

I wonder one day,
When water is in front,
I may reject it,
Thinking it is just muck.

I strive, I search, I continue,
He, my strength renews,
No matter if the water is fiction,
He still has the power to renew.

Young lions do hunger
The mighty do fail
Those who wait on his providence
I am sure can never fail.

I wrote this poem on 7th March 2007.

Trial , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

The test has begun,
Fear has been let loose,
I have the option to choose,
And I all fear to refuse.

I am in his arms,
Being carried by my lord,
Why need I fear?
Of all those Swords.

Faith till the last breath,
That’s my desire,
Seeking his blessings,
In the furnace of fire.

Why did you doubt,
The master replied,
He stretched forth his hands,
Hearing Peters cry.

I have decided,
To rest in thy arms,
No matter even if
The world raises alarm.

I am sure of thy power,
Thine arms can’t fail,
Circumstances I am sure,
Can’t ever prevail.

I am his child,
He is my lord,
My faith shouldn’t wonder,
Even if it be a sword.

I wrote this poem as I passed through hard times. I was without a job at that time.

See what the Lord has done, a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

See what the Lord has done
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Whatever I desire he granted,
Whatever I ask for I receive,
Does he control my desire or grant my request,
I simply can’t conceive.

Yet I know He interveneth,
Each and every time,
Changing the course of fate,
At the request of mine.

His love for me compelleth him,
To intervene each and every time,
Where the sheep goes strays,
The shepherd has a role to play.

See what the Lord has done for all those who love him. He changes fate for our faith. Million thanks for his love.

My God, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My God

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

Till the time you were my god,
I had no fears anyway,
Since the day I stray away,
Fear has become the anthem of the day.

It afflicts me in the morning
It afflicts me when I sleep
It’s so oppressive,
That I can’t even weep

He is knocking at the door,
My liberty is oppressing for sure,
How blessed it would have been,
If such liberty I had never known.

Free as you may see me,
Yoked if you can find,
Oh what a pity
This world is blind.

So many thorns now abide,
I wish to be freed again,
Vane is the freedom of the world,
I wish to be his captive once again.

Our God Reigns, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Our God Reigns
a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Lord, I have followed the world for an age,
And its despair where I stand,
I am fed up of failure I am fed up of pain,
Oh lord just hold my hands

Conforming to the standard of the world,
I lost my Saviors' path,
But now my lord I am ready,
I am ready with all my heart

LORD take this broken heart of mine,
And use it as you wish,
Renew this broken spirit,
And fill me with thy bliss.

Just pour in thy spirit, just change my heart,
And things won’t ever be the same,
What was tread by Satan, with all his might?
There, Christ, my lord shall reign.

I am sure my lord, as ye come in,
This darkness shall turn in light,
All disorder and confusion,
Shall have its permanent flight.

Then shall the will of the saviour,
Be accomplished in my life,
And the world shall have a proof,
Of goodness, perfection, and light.

Trust Him, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Trust Him

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Look at the birds of the air,
They neither sow nor reap,
Yet Our Heavenly Father,
A record of each doth keep.

When He cares for the birds of the air,
Which have such a little worth?
Why art though so disquieted,
My heart, in thy, Savior trust.

When He cares for the flowers of the garden,
That has a life of just a day,
Why art though so disheartened,
Just trust in the Savior today.

He who brought the wall of Jericho down,
He who parted the Great Red sea,
Won't He protect my dear one,
Just wait on the Lord and see.

Adultery, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Who has not committed adultery?
Tell me one person whom you know,
Thank God you bowed down,
To save the woman who was to be stoned.

Saving her you saved me too,
My God your love is true,
That's why I bow down to you,
Your love for me is true.

Sin in thought, sin indeed,
Both cry guilty indeed,
Only his blood can suffice,
To thee, I lift up my eye.

Let the world live in its righteousness,
Yet I am a sinner indeed,
To my lord for mercy plead,
To my lord for mercy plead.

Our sins stand between us and God, yet He loves us, He is ready to forgive us, the big question, is this, are you ready to accept that you have sinned

Lord this world is thirsty, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Lord this world is thirsty, 

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Lord, this world is thirsty,
Everybody wants to be seen,
In order to fulfil this desire,
They have built up castles of dreams.

They are living, now in fantasies,
And this truth they always hide,
Though deep inside their conscious,
This fact as an epitome abides.

They are thirsty of love,
Recognition is their need,
And in order to gain it
See on fantasies, they feed.

They walk in doubt,
And pose satisfied,
Yet deep inside,
Their spirits doth cry

In order to satisfy,
Our weary hearts,
They run after pleasures.
That in seconds dishearten.

Distressed, disheartened, in the gloom they sway,
Yet they wear the mask of lies,
Which if someone tries to expose,
There is a lot of hue and cry.

To cover up, their anguish,
To cover up their shame,
They walk out sophisticated,
High above the plain.

Forgive them, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Forgive them

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I heard the cry of Jesus,
Crying out from the Cross
Father forgive them,
For they know not,
What they do.

The message is still true,
The world today know not,
His cry to the father is a message,
A message for you
A message that's true.

Forgive them my saviour cried,
I to join the same retore
Forgive and be whole,
Forgive and be restored.
Forgive them, forgive them.

Forgive them, vengeance belongs to God,
Forgive them from your heart's core,
,It will be marrow to thy bone,
It will be a succour to thy soul,
Forgive them and be whole,

Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...