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Friday, July 10, 2020

My God, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My God

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob

Till the time you were my god,
I had no fears anyway,
Since the day I stray away,
Fear has become the anthem of the day.

It afflicts me in the morning
It afflicts me when I sleep
It’s so oppressive,
That I can’t even weep

He is knocking at the door,
My liberty is oppressing for sure,
How blessed it would have been,
If such liberty I had never known.

Free as you may see me,
Yoked if you can find,
Oh what a pity
This world is blind.

So many thorns now abide,
I wish to be freed again,
Vane is the freedom of the world,
I wish to be his captive once again.

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