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Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020

My total security, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My total security

a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

My total security is not in gold,
Nor is it in my bank,
Neither do my lands hold it,
Yet for sure it's in His hands.

He has got the whole world in his hands,
I too am in his hands,
When He can manage the whole world,
He can manage even me you understand.

Father and the Son share a bond of care,
Why don't you understand,
Nothing can happen to the son,
Father has a Master plan.

Father has led me in His light,
Day after day I see His plan,
Every day in Our Father,
I see his promise doth stand.

Hold on Him He cannot fail,
Hold on him He always prevails,
What more do you need my dear ones,
His love can never fail.

The poem that I shared with you today is my answer to all who rely on financial security. 
For me my security is. On Christ the solid rock I all other ground is shifting sand.
Written by
R.A Jacob

CARPENTER, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Everywhere rejected,
By him selected,
I’ll follow the carpenter,
He relives those who grow fainter.

Carpenter, I am good for nothing,
Why do you waste your time?
My business is mending,
Be patient & still, Just follow my will.

I have bought you on Calvary,
I have paid the price,
I know what is worthy,
I know what will suffice.

I turn the mountains to plains,
I lift the valley high,
Wait on me, O bleeding soul,
Until all your tears, I wipe.

I am with you in sorrow,
I am with you in pain,
You are not alone my Son,
Don’t let fear make you vain

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

He is my bliss, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

He is my bliss
a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Do not forget Him every time,
He observes our every move,
If we forget to thank Him,
All blessing one day we may lose.

How eager we are to receive thanks,
I think God also needs a sign,
Love needs an expression,
Praise and thanks are a perfect sign.

Thank Him for all blessings,
Thank Him for we are alive,
Thank Him for He loves us,
Thank Him for He is life.

Let the world call me,
Whatever they wish,
I will still love Him,
He is my bliss

Sunday, August 18, 2019

He will be by your side

My friend lived 2000 year ago,
His comforter is by my side,
Nor do I look for human support,
Nor do I ever find.

Why trust the frail humans
Each and every time,
Climb my love, the stairs of faith,
Climb the stairs of life.

At the end of the journey,
You'll find yourself alone,
That's the journey called life,
Fear not my soul, fear not, He will be by your side.

Note- Christ has gone to prepare a home for us. He will never forsake us.

R. A. Jacob

Sunday, July 28, 2019

All politics failed in front of Him

All politics failed in front of Him

a poem by R.A. Jacob

All politics failed in front of Him,
He asked them to bring a coin,
Whose image does it bear,
Caesar's they proclaimed.

Render to Caesar, what's Caesar’s
Render to God, what's God's,
World in its ignore, is mixing,
Word,world,and the cross.

As iron and mud can not be mixed,
So, do not, mix the two,
Word, is life eternal,
World, has day too few.

Cross, is the way to eternity,
Cross, is the hope of mankind,
Touch the wood of the cross,
And every thing would be fine.

R. A. Jacob ® December/29/2018

For Christ sake

For Christ sake

a poem by R.A. Jacob

There were three crosses,
Tell me which one will you choose,
Cross of forgiveness, or
Cross that refused.

Tell me which one will you choose,
Christ has accomplished, the task
Will, you choose Him,
Will you refuse Him.

The banquet is ready,
Invitations have been sent,
Do you have time, to accept, invite,
Don't take things for light.

It's your life eternal,
It's your life at stake,
Accept the invite,
For Christ sake.


Only He could have done it, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Only Christ, could have done it,
To exercise, restraint,when he had power, 
Power, to summon, twelve legions,
At a single request to the Father.

That's why, His sweat, got mingled with blood,
For He, could easily refuse,
Not my will, but thine, be done,
The blessed son didst choose.

Thank God, for suffering for me,
Thank God, for dying, on that cross,
Had you, not bridged, the gap,
I know, I would have lost.

Your obedience, to your father,
Bought mankind back,
You paid the price,
You brought us back.

You restored paradise, back to us,
You paid, for us, the price,
If I have something to boast,
It's you, my love, my Christ.

R. A. Jacob © February/17/19

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I am the resurrection and the life

I am the resurrection and the life,
He who believes in me,
Shall never die,
Though mortals all wit's may try.

Though Nero may burn you,
Pouring lark at the stakes,
Be faithful till death,
For Christ's sake,

Though they bomb you, right in the church,
Though they feed you, to hungry lions,
Though they burn you, in your van,
I am with you every now and then.

Daughter of Zion don't weep for me,
But cry for your son's and your child,
For if they do these things to a green tree,
What shall be done to the dry?

The door I have opened for you,
None can ever close,
Blessed are the saints, who died for me
Who for me death didst choose.

R. A. Jacob 
Note:- This poem holds the pain which you all have, as you see what happened today in Shri Lanka. I mean bombing at the three churches. I hope humanity will prevail

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Not so dirty

Not so dirty,

a poem by R.A. Jacob

Not so dirty
That His blood can't Cleanse,
Waiting on His mercies,
To save my fingers and hands.

In the hands of the Lord,
I put my crushed hand,
What medicines can not,
Christ, you can.

Guide the fingers of the doctor
Bless the servant's hand,
Let it be all whole,
Just as the other hand.

God of healing,
Heal my hands
He is not just my finger,
Heal my heart soul and mind.

Note:- This poem was written in all India medical hospital when I was to be operated. In reality it's my prayer in which I seek God's interference to heal me. He really has healed me and I thank him for it . It was written the day I met an accident and my hand got crushed between two buses.

Saturday, August 1, 1992

I have put my feet, on the plough , a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

I have put my feet, on the plough,
Just help me lest I turn away,
I have placed my feet in thy path, and
I fear lest Satan may try to sway.

Ye helped me to take the first step and
I need thee all the way
Though the path be rough or smooth
I want thy hand to stay

With thee, my lord doth peace abound
Ye supplier of all my needs
Let me know forever that though art near
My lord for a favour I plead


Justice is the cry of the earth, a poem by R. A. Jacob

Every man has a dark side, Hidden in the dark, How dark must be the darkness, Of the people  who appear to be dark. Wash yourself of all mal...