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Thursday, July 9, 2020

CARPENTER, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

a poem by Reginald Ajay Jacob, India

Everywhere rejected,
By him selected,
I’ll follow the carpenter,
He relives those who grow fainter.

Carpenter, I am good for nothing,
Why do you waste your time?
My business is mending,
Be patient & still, Just follow my will.

I have bought you on Calvary,
I have paid the price,
I know what is worthy,
I know what will suffice.

I turn the mountains to plains,
I lift the valley high,
Wait on me, O bleeding soul,
Until all your tears, I wipe.

I am with you in sorrow,
I am with you in pain,
You are not alone my Son,
Don’t let fear make you vain

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