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Thursday, July 9, 2020

AUTOPSY REPORT, a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India


a poem by Reginold Ajay Jacob, India

Which bullet killed me?
I am not sure,
Was it bullets?
Or just, a bullet alone.

Did I die of multiple bullets?
Or one just did the job,
Questions unanswered,
As I in silence Just sob and sob.

Perpetuators are silent,
They have done their job,
I in my silence,
Just sob and sob.

What should I write in the autopsy report?
Tell me just one true cause,
For you it is business,
And I just sob and sob.

Bring back to life the dead,
Bring back to life I pray,
You are almighty,
So to you, I pray.

Let not human hand prevail,
I pray thee to help me now,
Nothing can ever be final,
Till the time my lord you allow.
NOTE:- I wrote this poem as I lost my job-seeking the reason for the same I wrote these lines

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